City of Avondale Quote
Title: Homeless Encampment Biohazard Removal, Disposal & Structure Demolition
Deadline: 9/23/2021 3:00 PM (UTC-07:00) Arizona
Status: Awarded
Quote Number: NFS 22-013
Documents as of 8/31/2021 |
RFQ NFS 22-013 Homeless Encampment Biohazard Removal Disposal and Structure Demolition Services.pdf |
Addition 1
Posted: 9/10/2021
Type of Addition: Addendum No. 1 and Q&A
- Document RFQ NFS 22-013 Homeless Encampment Clean Up (with Amendment No.1) shall supersede the version posted on 08/31/2021.
- For item 4, Site Clean‐up Equipment. The equipment needed will vary depending on the size of the encampment, so can you explain which equipment rate we should enter in the price? Answer: Please submit an equipment list with hourly rates. Exhibit A and B have been amended accordingly, please use the attached document for your submittal)
- For
item 7, Non‐Biohazard
Material Disposal. Is this for non-hazardous trash and debris only, and
should it also include transportation costs as well as Disposal? Answer: vendor
needs to submit all‐inclusive prices to
cover all expenses required to complete this task
- For
item 8 Demolition of Structure, if this item is going to be billed on Time
and materials basis, are we supposed to enter TBD (to be determined) for
the price? If not please explain what should be entered in the price
column. Answer: Yes, please enter TBD
- Please
confirm for the Total, we should total prices entered for items 1-8?(so
the Total will be for a quantity of 1 each for items 1 to 8) Answer: the total
will be for quantity of 1 each for items 1-3 and 4-7
- When hazardous waste is encountered, (fuels, propane, e-waste, etc) will we just quote the Transportation and disposal of these wastes in the estimated quotation for specific work order? Answer: Anything not specifically included should be spread out amongst the various items. If this is burdensome or would cause an overall larger amount to be quoted, vendor should submit a question asking for specific items to be called out
Addition 2
Posted: 9/13/2021
Type of Addition: Pre-Bid Meeting
09/14/2021 2:00 p.m. (Previously scheduled 09/13/2021 1:00 P.M.)
Non-mandatory pre-bid
meeting via Zoom
Meeting ID: 856 8758 1364
Passcode: 304538 One tap mobile
+17207072699,,85687581364# US (Denver)
+12532158782,,85687581364# US (Tacoma)
Dial by your location
+1 720 707 2699 US (Denver)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 856 8758 1364
Find your local number:
Addition 3
Posted: 10/7/2021
Type of Addition: In Review
Addition 4
Posted: 10/12/2021
Type of Addition: Award Notice
Overview: Notice is hereby given that the City of Avondale has made a single award to Bio-One Glendale.
Posted: 9/10/2021
Type of Addition: Addendum No. 1 and Q&A
- Document RFQ NFS 22-013 Homeless Encampment Clean Up (with Amendment No.1) shall supersede the version posted on 08/31/2021.
- For item 4, Site Clean‐up Equipment. The equipment needed will vary depending on the size of the encampment, so can you explain which equipment rate we should enter in the price? Answer: Please submit an equipment list with hourly rates. Exhibit A and B have been amended accordingly, please use the attached document for your submittal)
- For
item 7, Non‐Biohazard
Material Disposal. Is this for non-hazardous trash and debris only, and
should it also include transportation costs as well as Disposal? Answer: vendor
needs to submit all‐inclusive prices to
cover all expenses required to complete this task
- For
item 8 Demolition of Structure, if this item is going to be billed on Time
and materials basis, are we supposed to enter TBD (to be determined) for
the price? If not please explain what should be entered in the price
column. Answer: Yes, please enter TBD
- Please
confirm for the Total, we should total prices entered for items 1-8?(so
the Total will be for a quantity of 1 each for items 1 to 8) Answer: the total
will be for quantity of 1 each for items 1-3 and 4-7
- When hazardous waste is encountered, (fuels, propane, e-waste, etc) will we just quote the Transportation and disposal of these wastes in the estimated quotation for specific work order? Answer: Anything not specifically included should be spread out amongst the various items. If this is burdensome or would cause an overall larger amount to be quoted, vendor should submit a question asking for specific items to be called out
Posted: 9/13/2021
Type of Addition: Pre-Bid Meeting
09/14/2021 2:00 p.m. (Previously scheduled 09/13/2021 1:00 P.M.)
Non-mandatory pre-bid
meeting via Zoom
Meeting ID: 856 8758 1364
Passcode: 304538 One tap mobile
+17207072699,,85687581364# US (Denver)
+12532158782,,85687581364# US (Tacoma)
Dial by your location
+1 720 707 2699 US (Denver)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 856 8758 1364
Find your local number:
Posted: 10/7/2021
Type of Addition: In Review
Posted: 10/12/2021
Type of Addition: Award Notice
Overview: Notice is hereby given that the City of Avondale has made a single award to Bio-One Glendale.