City of Carlsbad Sealed Solicitation

Title: Cherry Lane Sewer Project

Deadline: 10/1/2020 2:00 PM   (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)

Status: Awarded

Solicitation Number: 2020-17


Project Description:  This project consists of the construction of approximately 4,350 linear feet of new gravity sewer line, including manholes along W. Cherry Lane from N. Canal Street to Callaway Drive. This project also includes the construction of approximately 895 linear feet of new sewer force main, including isolation valves, and appurtenances.

The Bidding Documents may be examined at the following locations:


    Construction Reporter, 4901 McLeod Rd. NE Suite 200A, Albuquerque, NM  87109                            (505) 243-9793

    Dodge Data & Analytics at:                                                                                    (800) 393-6343
Souder, Miller & Associates, 5454 Venice Ave. NE, Suite D, Albuquerque, NM  87113                         (505) 299-0942


Copies of the Bidding Documents in electronic media format may be obtained at the website of the ENGINEER, Souder, Miller & Associates, at, at no cost. Bidding Documents may also be accessed from the City of Carlsbad bid advertisement online portal. Bidders are responsible for monitoring the website referenced above for notifications of changes and addenda related to this project.

 Resident Contractor and Resident Veteran Contractor Preferences shall apply to this Project per Section 13-1-21 NMSA 1978 (as amended).

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 9/15/2020 3:00 PM

Pre-Bid Meeting Details: A MANDATORY PRE-BID MEETING will be held at Cherry Lane Park (Project Site) on September 15th, 2020 at 3:00 p.m.


Documents as of 9/3/2020
Bid2020-17 cherry lane sewer.pdf
Addition 1

Posted: 10/2/2020

Type of Addition: In Review

Overview: Bids have been opened and are currently under review by the project engineer for compliance and accuracy. Once vetted, the project will be submitted to the Carlsbad City Council award. A bid tabulation from yesterday's bid opening has been provided.


Addition 2

Posted: 10/28/2020

Type of Addition: Award Information

Overview: This bid award was approved by the Carlsbad City Council on 10/27/20. The bid was awarded to Constructor's Inc in the amount of $1,371,690

Amount: $1,371,690.00

Posted: 10/2/2020

Type of Addition: In Review

Overview: Bids have been opened and are currently under review by the project engineer for compliance and accuracy. Once vetted, the project will be submitted to the Carlsbad City Council award. A bid tabulation from yesterday's bid opening has been provided.


Posted: 10/28/2020

Type of Addition: Award Information

Overview: This bid award was approved by the Carlsbad City Council on 10/27/20. The bid was awarded to Constructor's Inc in the amount of $1,371,690

Amount: $1,371,690.00