Sahuarita Unified School District #30 Sealed Solicitation

Title: RFP 2018-2 Auditor Services

Deadline: 4/24/2018 2:00 PM   (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)

Status: Deadline Expired

Solicitation Number: RFP 2018-2


In accordance with the School District Procurement Rules prescribed by the Arizona State Board of Education pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes §15‑213, competitive sealed proposals for the following services will be received by Sahuarita Unified School District No. 30, at the address specified above until the time and date cited.

1.   Annual financial audit of financial transactions and accounts subject to the Single Audit Act for year(s) ending June 30, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and completion of Uniform System of Financial Records (USFR) Compliance Questionnaire.

2.      Assist the District in preparing a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) and submitting annual applications for achievement awards in financial reporting to Association of School Business Officials International (ASBOI) and Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA).

3.   Assist the District in routine advice (e.g., technical questions, training, best practice guides and tools, and implementation of audit recommendations) as requested by the District.  Hourly rate by position must be submitted.


Sahuarita Unified School District No. 30 consists of approximately:

           6,128       students - Preschool through Twelfth Grades          

              781       employees

                 9       schools

M&O Budget                                  $  41,692,941   

Capital Outlay Budget                     $    2,716,349        

Debt Service Budget                        $    7,151,722        


Proposals received by the correct time and date will be opened, and the name of each audit firm will be publicly read. Proposals must be in the actual possession of the District on or prior to the exact time and date indicated above. Late proposals will not be considered unless the proposal:

    1.     Is received before contract award at the location designated for receipt of proposals in the Request for Proposals, and

    2.     Would have been received on time but for the action or inaction of District personnel.

Proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope to the above address with the Request for Proposals number and the audit firm’s name and address clearly indicated on the envelope. All proposals must be completed in ink or typed and one original plus four copies must be submitted. Additional instructions for preparing a proposal are provided in the Request for Proposals.  Audit firms are strongly encouraged to carefully read the entire Request for Proposals.

Pre-Bid Meeting Details: No pre-bid meeting for this RFP.


Documents as of 3/30/2018
RFP 2018-2 Auditor Services.pdf