Etowah Sealed Solicitation
Title: 2-Bay Metal Structure For Storage of Fire Apparatus
Deadline: 5/26/2017 4:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Status: Deadline Expired
Description: BID SPECIFICATIONS PROJECT: 2-Bay Metal Structure For Storage of Fire Apparatus LOCATION: Robinson Street. Former Helicopter Hangar and Landing Area The City of Etowah, TN is currently soliciting bids for the purchase and installation of a metal building for use as equipment bays by the Etowah Fire Department. The scope of the project is as follows: 1) This is a “turn-key” project, meaning that the building and site must be finished and ready for use upon completion by the contractor. 2) The building will be 30’x50’, approximately 20’ in height and feature two, 16 foot tall doors as well as a minimum of two other exits for the entry/egress of Fire personnel. 3) The building will be installed adjacent to the existing structure that once served as a helicopter hangar. The contractor will arrange for site preparation. 4) The contractor will provide specifications and separate cost estimates for the minimum required thickness concrete slab foundation and base, as well as the generally recommended thickness concrete slab foundation and base as two options in the estimate. The concrete foundation must be sufficient to support the weight of current and future fire apparatus without failure under normal circumstances. 5) The contractor will arrange for all electrical, mechanical and plumbing work. 6) The contractor will purchase and install an exhaust extraction system that services the new equipment bays as well as the existing bay, which is the former helicopter hangar on site. 7) The contractor will be responsible for finishing the site by backfilling, grading, seeding, laying straw, etc. 8) The contractor will prepare and install a new driveway to the new equipment bay. This new driveway must connect to the existing driveway at grade. Submit two options: 1) The new driveway only connects to existing pavement; 2) The new driveway connects to existing pavement and Robinson Street. All site and building plans and supporting documentation will be submitted to the Etowah Department of Community Development for review and approval. For review of this project and to obtain a bid package, there will be a walk-thru on Tuesday, May 16, 2017 from 2 pm until 3 pm. Please contact Chris Ingram at 423-333-1096 to schedule the walk-thru. Sealed Bids should be submitted to Etowah City Hall (723 Ohio Avenue, Etowah TN 37331) no later than the close of Business on Friday, May 26, 2017. All Bids must contain the following information: A. The itemized cost of the project including. o Each aspect of the project listed separately. o Proposed products to be used in addition to product specifications. B. Proof of Required Insurance o Commercial General Liability – $1,000,000.00 o Worker’s Compensation – statutory limit C. Copy of valid Business License and Full Contact information. D. Time Frame to complete each phase of the project. E. Anticipated Start date. For any further questions contact city Manager Tina Tuggle at 423-263-2202 or email, or Fire Chief Mike Moore (423) 333-1038 or email,