City of Alamogordo Sealed Solicitation
Title: On Call Well and Pump Services
Deadline: 5/11/2021 3:00 PM (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
Status: Awarded
Solicitation Number: RFP 2021-03
Description: The City of Alamogordo requires on-call well & pump services, primarily in support of its existing water wells, monitoring wells, and various pumps throughout the system. On-call well & pump services within the scope of this Description may also be utilized for other needs, as determined by the City. The limits of work will be primarily within the corporate limits of the Otero County, but may extend outside said limits from time to time.
Documents as of 4/7/2021 |
RFP 2021-003 On-Call Well and PUMP Services.pdf |
Addition 1
Posted: 1/25/2022
Type of Addition: RFP 2021-03 On-CAll Well and Pump Services
Overview: RFP 2021-03 was awarded to Statewide Drilling at City Commission Meeting of June 8th 2021.
Posted: 1/25/2022
Type of Addition: RFP 2021-03 On-CAll Well and Pump Services
Overview: RFP 2021-03 was awarded to Statewide Drilling at City Commission Meeting of June 8th 2021.