City of Aztec Sealed Solicitation

Title: 2018-646 Aztec Business Incubator Building Improvements

Deadline: 2/5/2018 3:00 PM   (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)

Status: Cancelled

Solicitation Number: Bid 2018-646 Aztec Business Incubator Building Imp

Description: The Purchasing Office with the City of Aztec, New Mexico will receive sealed bids for Aztec Business Incubator Building Improvements, 119 S Church, Aztec, NM, until Wednesday, January 31, 2018, 3:00 PM local time, 201 W Chaco, Aztec NM 87410. Bids will be publically opened and read aloud in the Commission Room on Wednesday, January 31, 2018, 3:15 PM local time. Bids should be addressed to: City of Aztec Attn: Purchasing Office 201 West Chaco Aztec, New Mexico 87410 A non-mandatory pre-bid conference will be held on Thursday, January 18, 2018, 1:30 PM at the Aztec Business Incubator, 119 S Church Ave, Aztec, New Mexico.

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 1/18/2018 1:30 PM

Pre-Bid Meeting Details: Non Mandatory pre-bid will be held at the Aztec Business Incubator, 119 S Church, Aztec NM 87410


Documents as of 1/15/2018
Bid 2018-646 Aztec Business Incubator Building Improvements.pdf
Bid Plans.pdf
Addition 1

Posted: 1/29/2018

Type of Addition: Addendum #1

Overview: Bid date extended to Monday, February 5, 2018, 3:00 PM Additions and changes to notes and plans; city specification for digital lock on exterior door.

Deadline: 2/5/2018 3:00 PM

Solicitation #: Bid 2018-646 Aztec Business Incubator Building Imp


Addition 2

Posted: 1/29/2018

Type of Addition: Pre-Bid Minutes

Overview: Pre-bid meeting minutes with attendance list

Solicitation #: Bid 2018-646 Aztec Business Incubator Building Imp


Addition 3

Posted: 2/9/2018

Type of Addition: Cancellation Information

Overview: No Bids Received;

Posted: 1/29/2018

Type of Addition: Addendum #1

Overview: Bid date extended to Monday, February 5, 2018, 3:00 PM Additions and changes to notes and plans; city specification for digital lock on exterior door.

Deadline: 2/5/2018 3:00 PM

Solicitation #: Bid 2018-646 Aztec Business Incubator Building Imp


Posted: 1/29/2018

Type of Addition: Pre-Bid Minutes

Overview: Pre-bid meeting minutes with attendance list

Solicitation #: Bid 2018-646 Aztec Business Incubator Building Imp


Posted: 2/9/2018

Type of Addition: Cancellation Information

Overview: No Bids Received;