Clayton County Water Authority Sealed Solicitation

Title: Annual Contract for Generator Maintenance

Deadline: 1/13/2015 2:00 PM   (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Status: Deadline Expired

Solicitation Number: 2014-GS12

Description: The Clayton County Water Authority (CCWA) intends to contract for the annual services of an experienced Contractor to complete generator maintenance services for the period from March 1, 2015 to February 28, 2016. Bids shall be delivered or mailed to the Clayton County Water Authority (CCWA) located at 1600 Battle Creek Road, Morrow, GA 30260 in a sealed envelope on or before Tuesday, January 13, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. (local time). The envelope shall be marked “Sealed Bid” and carry the bid title, date, and time of bid opening (refer to the General Instructions to Bidders). Any and all bids received after this date and time will be considered unresponsive. A Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting will be held at 1600 Battle Creek Road, Morrow, GA 30260 on Tuesday, December 16, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. (local time). A contract will be awarded to the lowest responsive responsible bidder whose bid conforms to the Request for Bids specifications, and will be the most advantageous to the Clayton County Water Authority (CCWA). The initial term of this contract will be for twelve (12) months. The contract may be extended for a second and third year by mutual written consent by both parties with no changes in the terms, conditions or bid prices.

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 12/16/2014 2:00 PM

Pre-Bid Meeting Details: A Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting will be held at 1600 Battle Creek Road, Morrow, GA 30260 on Tuesday, December 16, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. (local time).


Documents as of 12/5/2014
Annual Contract for Generator Maintenance - RFB.pdf
Addition 1

Posted: 1/5/2015

Type of Addition: Addendum


Addition 2

Posted: 1/8/2015

Type of Addition: Addendum


Posted: 1/5/2015

Type of Addition: Addendum


Posted: 1/8/2015

Type of Addition: Addendum
