City of Avondale Sealed Solicitation
Title: Employee Group--Medical, Dental, Vision, and Life Insurance Benefits
Deadline: 12/17/2020 5:00 PM (UTC-07:00) Arizona
Status: Awarded
Solicitation Number: RFP HR 21-024
Description: The City of Avondale is issuing this Request For Proposals seeking proposals (“Proposals”) from qualified, licensed firms (“Vendors”) interested in providing professional services consisting of medical claims administration, medical management, medical network, stop loss, Pharmacy Benefit Management “PBM” services, Flexible Spending Account “FSA” administration, Health Savings Account “HSA” administration, COBRA provider, self-funded Dental administration and fully insured proposals for Vision, Life Insurance (Basic & Supplemental), AD&D, and EAP Services (the “Services”).
Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 11/17/2020 9:00 AM
Pre-Bid Meeting Details: Please sign up if you plan to attend the pre-bid meeting.Pre-Submittal Conference will be held by Zoom meeting teleconference as follows: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 948 2125 2449 Passcode: 940851 One tap mobile +13462487799,,94821252449# US (Houston) +16699009128,,94821252449# US (San Jose) Dial by your location +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C) Meeting ID: 948 2125 2449 Find your local number:
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Addition 1
Posted: 11/6/2020
Type of Addition: Exhibit B Worksheets 1 through 16
Overview: Exhibit B. Worksheets are attached in an editable Excel spreadsheet format. Once completed Offerors shall return in pdf format as part of their Proposal response.
Exhibit D. Administrative Fee Proposal Workbook(s) are attached in an editable Excel spreadsheet format. Once completed, Offerors shall return in a separate pdf document attached to their Proposal Response.
Deadline: 12/3/2020 5:00 PM
Pre-Bid Meeting Details: Pre-submittal Conference will be held via Zoom teleconference as follows:Join Zoom Meeting ID: 948 2125 2449Passcode: 940851One tap mobile+13462487799,,94821252449# US (Houston)+16699009128,,94821252449# US (San Jose)Dial by your location +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C) Meeting ID: 948 2125 2449 Find your local number:
Solicitation #: RFP HR 21-024
Addition 2
Posted: 11/17/2020
Type of Addition: Addendum 1to RFP HR 21-024
Overview: The Addendum 1 modifies the Exhibit D. Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement, paragraph 6. and modifies the Exhibit E. attachments to add and incorporate Attachment 6. Claims Repricing Report.
Deadline: 12/3/2020 5:00 PM
Pre-Bid Meeting Details: Please sign in to Zoom Meeting Video Conference.
Solicitation #: RFP HR 21-024
Addition 3
Posted: 11/17/2020
Type of Addition: RFP Checklist and How to submit a Proposal On line.
Deadline: 12/3/2020 5:00 PM
Solicitation #: RFP HR 21-024
Addition 4
Posted: 11/19/2020
Type of Addition: Addendum 2 Announcement--Addendum 2 is pending
Overview: Addendum 2 to the RFP is pending, Addendum 2 will revise the Questions due date and the Submittal due date.
Addition 5
Posted: 11/20/2020
Type of Addition: Addendum 2
Overview: Addendum 2 Revises the Last Day for Inquiries Date and the Proposal Date.
Deadline: 12/17/2020 5:00 PM
Solicitation #: RFP HR 21-024
Addition 6
Posted: 11/25/2020
Type of Addition: Addendum 3
Overview: Addendum 3 replaces the Exhibit E. information and list of attachments in its entirety. Vendors with an NDA on file will receive the revised and added Attachment documents.
Deadline: 12/17/2020 5:00 PM
Solicitation #: RFP HR 21-024
Addition 7
Posted: 12/3/2020
Type of Addition: Questions and Answers Document
Overview: Attached is a compilation of all questions received and City's responses.
Solicitation #: RFP HR 21-024
Addition 8
Posted: 12/3/2020
Type of Addition: Dental Plan Certificate
Overview: Attached is the Dental Plan Certificate as requested.
Addition 9
Posted: 12/18/2020
Type of Addition: RFP HR 21-024 Employee Group Medical, Dental, Vision, and Life Insurance Benefits
Overview: The City has received a total of 17 Proposal submittals for the RFP HR 21-024 Employee Group Medical, Dental, Vision, and Life Insurance Benefits as required by 5:00 pm local AZ Time, December 17, 2020. Attached is the receipt log.
Addition 10
Posted: 12/18/2020
Type of Addition: In Review
Addition 11
Posted: 12/18/2020
Type of Addition: In Review
Addition 12
Posted: 12/18/2020
Type of Addition: In Review
Addition 13
Posted: 1/15/2021
Type of Addition: Status Update 01/15/2021
Overview: Technical Evaluation Meetings are scheduled for January 19, 20, and 21st. We anticipate the Short list and interview details to be issued by January 21st. Interviewing firms will be contacted directly by the Procurement Office. Interviews are slated for the week of January 26th. Thank you for your interest in the City of Avondale.
Addition 14
Posted: 1/22/2021
Type of Addition: Short List Announcement--1st Wave of Interviews
Overview: The 1st Wave of RFP Interviews is scheduled for Tuesday, January 26th. Attached is the Short Listed firms to participate in the interview process.
Addition 15
Posted: 3/5/2021
Type of Addition: Notice of Intent to Award Announcement
Overview: The attached Notice of Intent to Award announces the intent of the City to enter into agreement with multiple vendors to each address the various service categories as listed.
Addition 16
Posted: 3/5/2021
Type of Addition: Award Information
Overview: See attached Notice of Intent to award Announcement.
Question 1
Posted: 11/9/2020
Question: • Does the City have any wellness, communication funds? If so, what are they? • Are pre or post 65 retirees covered? • What is the pooling level used to underwrite this group (assumed pooling level)? • Can carriers propose their standard implementation and service performance guarantees? • Please provide benefit and fee information on the current EAP • The RFP references a repricing and disruption, as well as geo reports being required. Please confirm when those files will be posted and what criteria to use for geos.
Response: Yes, $8,000. No. Current ISL is 240K, but please provide the options requested in the RFP Pricing Workbook. Yes. The EAP $1.58 PEPM (Per Employee Per Month) provided through Support Linc. (Remaining response still pending.)
Question 2
Posted: 11/10/2020
Question: two questions, will you provide a census and claims for vision?
Response: Yes, this information is forthcoming with the completion of your Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement. (Items sent 11/19/2020)
Question 3
Posted: 11/10/2020
Response: Noting that there was no question received for Question 3.
Question 4
Posted: 11/10/2020
Question: I would just like to confirm that the City of Avondale will be accepting bids for individual services, such as an HSA (only) Administrator. If this is so, would we only be required to fill out Line 11 within the Admin Fee Proposal Pricing Worksheet?
Response: Yes, that is correct. All other sections of the proposal response still apply as listed in Section A. A-E (which includes the Exhibit B. Worksheets) and then you would complete Admin Fee Pricing Worksheet as applicable.
Question 5
Posted: 11/11/2020
Question: Pharmacy: 1) Is a pharmacy claim file being provided for pricing and rebate offer purposes? 2) The RFP requests the broadest network to be quoted, but seems that the current network excludes CVS from the network. Should quote both our broad and narrow network (excludes Walgreens)? 3) RFP requests a broad formulary but it appears that the current formulary is exclusionary with Navitus. Can we quote an exclusionary formulary to match? 4) for the HDHP HSA plan how are IRS defined preventive drugs covered? 5) Currently 90-day at retail is covered for the PPO and HDHP but not the EPO plan - can we quote it for the EPO plan also? 6) Would the City be open to a Maintenance Choice option that allows members to get 90 day supplies at any CVS / Target location at their Mail Order Copays and the City gets the more aggressive Mail Order discounts? Dental: 1) Does the dental plan currently have posterior composites covered? 2) The dental benefit summary says “buy up plan option” - does the City have another dental plan as well? If so can we get that summary please? 3) Can we get the current/renewal dental admin fee? HSA/FSA: 1) If FSA participants are not on the census that is being sent can we get the total number of participants in each FSA product please? 2) Can we get the current HSA and FSA fees? Thank you.
Response: The Pharmacy Claims file has been revised and provides all allowable information.
Question 6
Posted: 11/12/2020
Question: How many lives doe this RFP encompass? How large is the group? When is the effective date of this plan?
Response: Scope of Work, II Background Information A.2. the City of Avondale has approximately 600 employees and 1,370 members enrolled. City anticipates hiring 20-40 employees a year over the next few years. Effective date is July 1, 2021.
Question 7
Posted: 11/13/2020
Question: Once the Confidentiality Agreement is signed/submitted, how and when will Exhibit E, Attachments 2-5 and all other confidential information associated with the solicitation be provided.
Response: Each vendor will receive the specified documents through a separate link and One Drive files.
Question 8
Posted: 11/16/2020
Question: We are requesting an extension to the due date given the City has not yet released the needed attachments in Exhibit E in order for carriers to being their pricing and other response activities. Will the City extend the deadline to December 11th, 2020? Thank you.
Response: Addendum 2 has been issued to revise the solicitation schedule.
Question 9
Posted: 11/16/2020
Question: Administrative Fee Proposal Workbook: 1) Tab 1 Med/Admin Stop Loss Row 19: The request is for Electronic File Feeds, however there is no mention to how many vendors, file type or frequency of the feeds. Can you please provide some additional clarification please? 2) Tab 1 Med/Admin Stop Loss Row 23: The request for Hourly Fees, can you provide more clarity on what type of fees you are referring to please? Thank you.
Response: This is twofold. 1. The City is looking to confirm that they can receive eligibility feeds from the Avondale system enrollment system. 2. The City will want monthly or quarterly claim feeds to our Health Plan Intelligence data warehouse so we can do further analysis, etc. (Also, the goal is for either an ASO Carrier or TPA to respond with a solution that checks all the needed boxes with the assumption they would be sending files to the appropriate partners.) This is referring to Case Management and whether there is an Hourly or PEPM rate.
Question 10
Posted: 11/16/2020
Question: Section 12. Preparation/Submission of Proposal (pages 3-4) 1. The Proposal shall be a maximum of 10 pages to address the Proposal criteria: Please confirm what is included in the proposal criteria. Please confirm if any of the following are included in the requested 10 page limit: a. Our financial documents? b. Our responses to Exhibits A-F? c. Our responses to the Scope of Work? d. GeoAccess Reports/Disruption/Repricing documents if provided 2. The minimum allowable font for the Proposal is 11 pt, Arial or Times New Roman: Would it be acceptable to provide our documents in our standard Calibri 12 pt font? 3. Request for original ink signature: Please confirm that a non-officer individual with the authority to bind a contract is sufficient to electronically sign all applicable signature documents required for this RFP submission. 4. One PDF Copy: Please confirm if the PDF requirement applies to proposal being uploaded to the portal. If so, please confirm if each document submitted should be converted into PDF (including the excel workbooks) or if we can provide one PDF zip file that contains all documents. Thank you
Response: The following sections are included in the 10 pages. A. General Information, (1) Cover letter is limited to 1-page, (but does not count toward the 10 page limit ) B. Experience and Qualifications (1), D. Claims Administration, Identify key personnel, and E. Implementation Project Schedule. The Excel worksheets at a minimum shall be submitted in PDF format and contain appropriate headers and or page numbers. (It is NOT REQUIRED, but optional for Offeror to also submit their work in Excel format as this would assist us in compiling information during the evaluation.)
Question 11
Posted: 11/17/2020
Question: 1) Per Question 6 submitted on the portal, we too are wondering if we could receive clarification of which documents DO count toward the 10 page minimum. In your answer to question 6, you said the cover letter DOES count, but in the RFP instructions it says it does NOT. Could you please provide a list clearly stating which documents count toward the 10 page minimum? Is it just our responses to the excel workbook information? 2) Per Question 6 submitted on the portal, we too are wondering if we need to submit our final response in one large combined PDF or if a zip file with multiple PDF documents enclosed will suffice? As for the documents references at “submitted as an appendix” or “submitted separately as an appendix” – do you want these in a separate zip file from the rest of the RFP response? Or just placed into a section called appendix? Assuming these do NOT count toward the 10 page minimum? 3) Per Question 6 submitted on the portal, we too are wondering if electronic signatures will suffice. Because City of Avondale is NOT requesting hard copies, an original signature won’t truly be original once scanned. Do we need to obtain ink signatures and scan in OR are electronic signatures acceptable? 4) On page 7, Section A 1.10 we are told we must have a completed Vendor Registration Packet on file with the City Finance and Budget Department. Is this the same as registering for the vendor site? Or is there something else we need to complete? 5) The RFP mentions wanting 3 references and then 2 termed client references. But in the excel book where we are supposed to list them they only show spaces for 3 current client references, nothing about termed. Do we need to provide termed client references or no?
Response: 1) Response to item 6. has been revised/clarified. 2) Multiple pdf attachments are acceptable. Specifically the Pricing Workbook(s) should be a separate pdf file. It is more important to clearly identify in the pdf file name or in the header of the document which section of the RFP is being address or label the appendix. (Within Vendor Registry there's flexibility on how documents are attached and responsiveness is based more so on completeness vs. the order the documents are attached.) 3) Electronic signatures or scanned signature will suffice. 4) As mentioned in the pre-submittal conference you are not required to be a registered vendor in our accounting database. Nor are you required to be registered through the AZ Corporation Commission--at the time of proposal. You are required to be registered (free registration) with Vendor Registry to enable you to attach a proposal packet. 5) Yes, respond to all questions. The spreadsheets were left in a modifiable status for this purpose.
Question 12
Posted: 11/17/2020
Question: What are your current HSA and FSA fees? Can you share information on average balances in the HSA accounts broken down by cash and invested amounts? Are you satisfied with participation in these plans?
Response: HSA Fees: $2.50 Per Participant Per Month “PPM” FSA Fees: $3.75 PPPM Approximately 255 employees in Health Savings. Balance broken down 65 employees in 0-$500, 27 employees 501-$1,000, 56 Employees $1001-$2,500, 48 $2501-$5,000, and 52 Employees with >$5,000. Participation in the Health Savings Plan is satisfactory. .
Question 13
Posted: 11/17/2020
Question: 1. Is Exhibit D Administrative Pricing Workbooks 1 Through 8 referenced in the RFP the same document as Administrative Fee Proposal Pricing Workbook provided on the website? If not, please provide this document. 2. As this is being submitted electronically, please confirm the request for original signatures on the documents is not a requirement or provide information on where this proposal is to be mailed. 3. Please confirm if all rates and fees should be quoted net of commissions.
Response: Yes, the Administrative Pricing Workbooks 1 through 8 are synonymous with the Fee Proposal Pricing Workbook. A scanned or electronic signature will suffice. Yes, all rates and fees shall be quoted net of commissions.
Question 14
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Once the Confidentiality Agreement has been submitted when can we expect to receive the documents associated with submitting the Agreement? We submitted via email as there appeared to be nowhere on the site to submit the signed Agreement document.
Response: This is correct. The NDA should be submitted to or and I will respond. We are aware that a portion of the documents have been encrypted and may have had password securities on them. This was resolved and the revised document was issued 11/25/2020.
Question 15
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Currently you have a majority of your services carved out to multiple vendors, we will putting together a bundled approach. What is the likely hood you will be carving out these two specific services, Stop loss and Pharmacy? If pharmacy is carved out of our proposal it changes the pricing of our medical proposal, stop loss does not have the same direct impact.
Response: Confirming receipt of your question. I will have the response to you as soon as I can confirm the information.
Question 16
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Does the 10 page limit exclude the 2 excel workbooks “Administrative Fee Proposal Pricing Workbook” and “Exhibit B Worksheets 1 thru 16 (Proposal Requirements) Nov 5 rev”?
Response: No, the Excel workbooks and Worksheets are not included in the page count. Please be sure to read answers to questions 10 and 11 below.
Question 17
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Will any addenda count toward the 10 page limit?
Response: The City's Addendum 1 will not count toward the page count.
Question 18
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Does a redlined copy of the professional services agreement section of the RFP document count toward the 10 page limit?
Response: No, that would not count toward the page count. Submit this as a separate appendix. A redline document does NOT replace the need to complete the REQUIRED worksheets or pricing workbooks
Question 19
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Will you accept electronic signatures instead of an original signature on the proposal documents?
Response: Yes, electronic signatures will suffice.
Question 20
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Fee Proposal Pricing Excel work book – The RFP asks to have this document signed, but there is not a signature spot. Is a signature required and if so, where should we sign?
Response: Please provide Fee Proposal work books in a separate PDF document and ensure that they are labeled with your firm's name. (It is optional if you would like to also provide them in Excel format.) A signature is not required-pdf will suffice in this instance.
Question 21
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Vendor Licensing and Registration – Item B mentions having a completed "vendor registration packet" on file with the City Finance and Budget department, and that you would provide licensure information in the proposal. However we did not see any further instructions around this. How do we complete this registration packet? Can you please provide instructions, or confirm if this requirement is not necessary at the proposal stage.
Response: It is not necessary to complete this at this time. (Please see response to question 11 item 4. below)
Question 22
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Will you accept a copy of our standard W-9 we keep on file that is already signed electronically?
Response: Yes, this is sufficient.
Question 23
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Should our final response be 1 single PDF file, or will a zip file of the documents be sufficient?
Response: It may be one Zip file, however the Fee Proposal Pricing Workbooks MUST be a separate pdf document. (To clarify: The reason being is that since the review will consider pricing as a separate part of the evaluation the onus and administrative burden is on the multiple Offerors vs. the Procurement Administrator to keep this organized/manageable.)
Question 24
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Will the City of Avondale allow the medical carrier to retain a percentage of provider discounts achieved on in-network fee-for-service medical claims in exchange for a lowered ASO fixed costs?
Response: No.
Question 25
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Please provide the current ASO fee for Medical and Dental coverage
Response: ASO Dental $3.62 Medical ASO fee $15.07
Question 26
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Please provide what current clinical or disease management programs are included with the Trust today.
Response: The disease management programs are Livongo and Omada.
Question 27
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Please provide the current Individual Stop Loss level and contract type with the Trust.
Response: $240,000 Claims Paid contract type.
Question 28
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Are any claimants currently lasered under the Individual Stop Loss contract with the Trust? If yes, what is the corresponding diagnosis and laser value?
Response: Yes, $400,000 laser for ongoing breast cancer.
Question 29
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Please provide the current Individual Stop Loss Fee with the Trust.
Response: Specific Fee $11.08 Single, Family $38.35
Question 30
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Please provide the current Aggregate Stop Loss fee with the Trust.
Response: $1.43 Single, Family $1.43
Question 31
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Please provide the current Aggregate Stop Loss corridor and contract type with the Trust.
Response: 125% Claims Paid contract type.
Question 32
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Please provide the current Aggregate Stop Loss Attachment Factors by plan.
Response: These are not by plan, they are singe or family depending on coverage tier $628.27 single, and $1,455.30 family.
Question 33
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Please provide member counts by month or at a minimum, please provide the most recent Average Contract Size (ACS) which is the members divided by the employee counts.
Response: Exhibit E. Attachment 4.0 provides the Medical Enrollment by Plan & Tier.
Question 34
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Please provide a paid large claims in excess of $25,000 report for a “rolling 12” time period of October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2020. Please include diagnosis and total dollar amount of the claim for each claimant.
Response: Exhibit E. Attachment 3.1 provides this information and Exhibit E. Attachment 3.2 provides information for the July 2020 through Sept. 2020 timeframe.
Question 35
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Please also provide a paid large claims in excess of $25,000 report for the prior “rolling 12” time period of October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019.
Response: Exhibit E. Attachment 3.0 provides this information.
Question 36
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Please provide Pharmacy utilization data. The fields needed on the report are the following: • Line-by-Line claim Information by Drug dispensed for a 12 month period (i.e. Calendar Year or Rolling 12) • Date of Service/Fill Date • National Drug Code (NDC) = 11 digit number • NABP (Pharmacy) Number • Quantity Dispensed • Days’ Supply • Metric Quantity • Retail/Mail Indicator • Brand/Generic Indicator
Response: This report was sent to the vendors who have completed an NDA with us, momentarily. The revised Pharmacy claims file has been revised and is referenced as Attachment 4.2 RX CLAIMS JULY 2019 TO SEPTEMBER 30, 2020 in Exhibit E. via the Addendum 3 issued 11/25/2020.
Question 37
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Is there a file size limit for uploading to the procurement site?
Response: The file size is limited to 20MBs per file. There is no limit to the number of the number of files that each vendor may attach. (Please see the attachment titled "How to respond to an online bid" for additional details.)
Question 38
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: What is the R&C percentile?
Response: 80.
Question 39
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Can we please be provided a copy of the actual Basic life and AD&D policy certificates.
Response: The Basic Life and AD&D Policy Certificates have been added to Exhibit E. via the Addendum 3 issued 11/25/2020.
Question 40
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Can you please confirm the commissions you would like quoted on this line.
Response: Net of commissions.
Question 41
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Section 1.2. C - Preparation/Submission of Proposal (pages 3-4) 1. The questionnaire requires an additional attachment for responses that don’t fit in the excel workbook. Will this attachment be counted as part of the 10 page limit? 2. Will the requested biographies and org chart be counted towards the 10 page limit? Thank you.
Response: The items required within the questionnaire/ Excel worksheets will not be counted in the page count. The biographies should be placed as a separate appendix and not counted toward the page count. The Org. Chart is counted toward the page count.
Question 42
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Do the large claim reports included in Exhibit E include pharmacy claims? Thank you.
Response: The Claims Repricing file and a separate Rx file were revised and issued 11/25/2020.
Question 43
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: 1. Please confirm that an electronic signature will be allowed in place of an ink signature.
Response: We have already responded to this question. Yes, digital signature or scanned signature is acceptable.
Question 44
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Please confirm that we will be allowed to submit the medical, dental, pharmacy and GeoAccess reports; network disruption analyses/provider matches; medical claims repricing; and pharmacy formulary disruption after the submission of our final proposal, as these require additional time to complete.
Response: The Addendum 2 revised the Proposal Due date to December 17, 2020, which is an additional 14 days and provide ample time to submit a complete proposal response..
Question 45
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Please confirm whether additional sample reports, brochures, etc. that are requested in the RFP or provided by the vendor are excluded from the 10-page limit.
Response: Correct, those items should be attached in a separate appendix to avoid being counted in the 10 page limit.
Question 46
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Please confirm whether cancer parity for pharmacy should be included or excluded.
Response: Please price with cancer parity excluded.
Question 47
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Please confirm whether to include or exclude the Excluded Drug list for pharmacy.
Response: Please provide the Included and Excluded. For Excluded, provide a disruption report based on the Rx claim file provided.
Question 48
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Please confirm whether to include or exclude the HDHP Prevention List for pharmacy.
Response: The HDHP Prevention List for pharmacy shall be included.
Question 49
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: As vendors have still not received the repricing file please confirm that the City will accept the completed repricing analysis after the bid due date, as these exercises can take up to 10 business days to complete. Thank you.
Response: Addendum 2 revised the due dates. The revised reports have been sent to vendors with an NDA on file with Avondale for this RFP.
Question 50
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Are there specific parameters for the Geo? What are the parameters? Are there 12 - 24 months vision claims available? Are there commissions for the vision, what amount.
Response: The Claims file was issued. Regarding the GEO criteria – 2 providers in 10 miles for PCP, 2 providers in 15 miles for Specialist, and 1 provider in 20 miles for Hospital. Please prepare a disruption analysis based on the Claims file. No commissions. (Additionally, the City does not contribute to vision premiums.)
Question 51
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: In the minimum requirements, it states the offer shall complete a SAS 70 annually and provide results. As our individual clients and BCBSAZ conduct audits yearly, we do not have a SAS 70 done. Is this absolutely required?
Response: An SAS 70 or equivalent audit will be acceptable.
Question 52
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Please clarify the signed Fee Proposal (A-2, item 6) is separate than Exhibit D – Administrative Fee Proposal.
Response: It is not separate from Exhibit D – Administrative Fee Proposal and does not require signature. (The Administrative Fee Proposal worksheets must at a minimum be provided in pdf format.)
Question 53
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Please clarify where offerors may find the Vendor Registration Packet that is to be on file with the City Finance and Budget Office (A-5, item 1.10)
Response: We have already responded to this question. (Please see response to question 11 item 4. below)
Question 54
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Will items attached as a separate appendices as referenced on page A-7, section 2.2 Proposal Format, count towards the 10-page page limit?
Response: No.
Question 55
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Will the requested GEO access reports and implementation plan count towards the 10 page limit?
Response: No, they will not count toward the page count.
Question 56
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Please identify the desired access standards to be used for the dental geo access report requested.
Response: The access standards are (2) providers within 10 miles.
Question 57
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Please identify the desired access standards to be used for the vision geo access report requested.
Response: The access standards are (2) providers within 10 miles.
Question 58
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Please identify where offerors should include the reference information for their two terminated clients? Exhibit B – Sheet 3, Experience and Account Management, includes space for a total of three references.
Response: The Excel spreadsheets may be edited to accommodate for this information.
Question 59
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: If an offeror should propose a self-funded vision option, where does the City want that information included?
Response: This option may be discussed in the Proposal response Section Claims Administration- Project Approach, however the Worksheets and the Pricing Workbooks should also be completed as applicable.
Question 60
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Please provide the Certificate of Coverage for the current dental plan.
Response: We will have a response on this as soon as possible. The Certificate of Coverage has been added as an Additional attachment.
Question 61
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Please provide the current dental ASO fees.
Response: The current dental ASO fees are $3.62.
Question 62
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Please provide the access standards to be used in the GeoAccess Reports for vision
Response: The access standards are (2) providers within 10 miles.
Question 63
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Exhibit B, Worksheet 1, question 10. – Please provide the required “Offer and Acceptance Form” as it was not included in the original RFP.
Response: Please see the Vendor Form included on page A-11.
Question 64
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Exhibit B, Worksheet 1, question 26. – Please clarify where you would prefer proposers to include the requested “Sample Contract” attachment within the proposal submission
Response: Include sample agreements as a separate appendix.
Question 65
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Please clarify whether proposers are to include a redlined copy of the Professional Service Agreement
Response: Proposers are to include a sample of their contract format as a separate appendix. If you are choosing to include the City's sample agreement with redline this may also be submitted as a separate appendix.
Question 66
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Please clarify where you would prefer signed Addenda to be included within the proposal submission
Response: The Addenda should be attached as Exhibit F. to the Proposal.
Question 67
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: RFP Instructions Checklist – Please clarify where the completed checklist should be included in our proposal submission
Response: This is provided only as a helpful tool and is not required to be submitted with the proposal offer.
Question 68
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Please clarify where proposers are to include a copy of their complete financial proposal
Response: The Exhibit C Administrative Fee Proposal Pricing Workbooks are to be completed and submitted as a separate PDF attachment.
Question 69
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Given the delay in access to critical data files (AZMT Claims Repricing by Divs [002], AZMT Bill Census [Revised 11/10/2020], medical and pharmacy provider disruption analysis, & formulary disruption) for the City of Avondale RFP, we respectfully request a revised timeline to submit deliverables tied to these files. The revised timeline requested would be 7 business days after the release of the files.
Response: The Addendum 2 revises the timeline due dates.
Question 70
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Please provide the estimated release date for the following files: • AZMT Claims Repricing by Divs [002] • AZMT Bill Census [Revised 11/10/2020] • Medical and pharmacy provider disruption files • Formulary disruption files
Response: Please note that Addendum 2 has been issued and extends the Questions due date as well as the RFP submittal due date. This information was provided in the Revised Census Report via the Addendum 3 attachments. Confidential files were emailed 11/25 to each firm with an NDA on file.
Question 71
Posted: 11/20/2020
Question: The census file sent 11/19/2020 is missing DOB, gender and zip codes and cannot be used by underwriting. Can we get a revised census that adds these 3 data fields please? Thank you.
Response: Census file was updated and reissued along with Addendum 3.
Question 72
Posted: 11/20/2020
Question: We received the census after questions were due. In order to obtain stop loss quotes the census needs to include age/DOB, gender and zip code. Is it possible to receive with those fields?
Response: I will confirm and reply to the group as soon as I receive information. Please note that Addendum 2 has been issued and extends the Questions due date as well as the RFP submittal due date. This information was provided in the Revised Census Report via the Addendum 3 attachments. Confidential files were emailed 11/25 to each firm with an NDA on file.
Question 73
Posted: 11/20/2020
Question: • Could you confirm that tab 4. Medical Claims Administration is in fact applicable to Vision proposals? If yes, this tab alone has over 260 questions – and is counted toward the 10 page maximum requirement. This tab alone could easily exceed 10 pages when printed to PDF. Could the page maximum requirement be removed OR increased? --- if we are correct, tabs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 15 and 16 are applicable to vision and encompass over 450 questions. I do not think a 10 page maximum is possible.
Response: This question has been answered multiple times. PLEASE NOTE: The Worksheets as well as the Fee Proposal Pricing Workbook pages are NOT included in the page count. The completed documents at a MINIMUM MUST be submitted in PDF and formatted "print ready". (This is to protect the integrity of the information.)
Question 74
Posted: 11/20/2020
Question: Can you please provide a census that contains all of the following information? Employee home zip code, Employee gender, Employee DOB, Enrollment Tier for each employee (EE or EF) and the plan each employee is enrolled in.
Response: The Census file was revised per the Addendum 3 Attachments issued 11/25/2020.
Question 75
Posted: 11/20/2020
Question: In the City of Avondale Rx Claims_07.01.19 to 09.30.20 v.2 file, please clarify that the AWP price column should be interpreted as the Total Cost Allowed for the claim.
Response: Correct.
Question 76
Posted: 11/25/2020
Question: On the Rx Claim File 07.01.19 to 09.30.20 v.2 please advise what “S” and “P” indicate in column K. Thank you.
Response: S” is for Specialty and “P” is for Preventive. A revised RX file is forthcoming via the OneDrive file link to vendors that have an NDA on file.
Question 77
Posted: 11/25/2020
Question: With regards to Attachment 4.2 Rx Claims, please clarify what the “P” value in the tier column means.
Response: “P” is for Preventive
Question 78
Posted: 11/25/2020
Question: With regards to Attachment 4.2 Rx Claims, please clarify that the AWP price column should be interpreted as the Total Cost Allowed for the claim.
Response: Correct.
Question 79
Posted: 11/30/2020
Question: For the Geoacess reports, would 2 in a 10-mile radius for General Dentists work? Also, would 1 in a 15-mile radius for Specialists be acceptable?
Response: Yes, Geo access 2 providers in 10-miles is acceptable for General Dentists. Yes, 1 provider in 15 miles for Specialist is acceptable.
Question 80
Posted: 11/30/2020
Question: Can you provide the current EAP PEPM cost?
Response: $1.58 PEPM
Question 81
Posted: 11/30/2020
Question: The dental benefits summary does not state whether the Out-of-Network claims are paid according to Usual, Reasonable, and Customary (UCR), or if they are paid based on the Maximum Allowable Charge (MAC) / Fee Schedule. If UCR, can you provide the percentile?
Response: Treatment is based on the lesser of the billed charges or Dentist Table of Allowance.
Question 82
Posted: 11/30/2020
Question: Our Excluded Drug List is comprised of medications with one or more principal ingredients that are already available in greater/lesser strengths and/or combinations, and medications that only modify the dosage form (i.e., tablet, capsule, liquid, suspension, extended release, tamper resistant) for a medication that is already available in a common dosage form. These medications are typically high-cost medications, which offer no clinical benefit over other lower cost alternatives. The City has indicated they want the most 'open' formulary possible. Please specify whether to include or exclude coverage for these typically excluded medications.
Response: The City does not have a list of excluded drugs, only a formulary.
Question 83
Posted: 11/30/2020
Question: Please confirm the P reflects both ACA and HSA Prevention. If so, how do the items that are “preventive” but not part of ACA apply to the non-HDHP plans (i.e., are these antidiabetics and other medications $0 on the PPO and EPO as well?)? Is there any other pharmacy benefit information that can be provided on this?
Response: The “P” reflects both ACA and HSA Prevention.
Question 84
Posted: 11/30/2020
Question: Please provide the criteria for the medical GeoAccess.
Response: The Claims file was issued. Regarding the GEO criteria – 2 providers in 10 miles for PCP, 2 providers in 15 miles for Specialist, and 1 provider in 20 miles for Hospital. Please prepare a disruption analysis based on the Claims file.
Question 85
Posted: 11/30/2020
Question: Please provide the medical disruption files.
Response: Please use the claims repricing file included as the Exhibit E. Attachments.
Question 86
Posted: 11/30/2020
Question: Please provide the pharmacy disruption files.
Response: Please prepare a disruption analysis based on the Claims file.
Question 87
Posted: 11/30/2020
Question: Please provide the census file with the criteria for the pharmacy GeoAccess.
Response: The Claims file was issued. Regarding the GEO criteria – 2 providers in 10 miles for PCP, 2 providers in 15 miles for Specialist, and 1 provider in 20 miles for Hospital. Please prepare a disruption analysis based on the Claims file.
Question 88
Posted: 11/30/2020
Question: Please provide a pharmacy claims file at the member level.
Response: The revised Rx file includes member ID information.
Posted: 11/6/2020
Type of Addition: Exhibit B Worksheets 1 through 16
Overview: Exhibit B. Worksheets are attached in an editable Excel spreadsheet format. Once completed Offerors shall return in pdf format as part of their Proposal response.
Exhibit D. Administrative Fee Proposal Workbook(s) are attached in an editable Excel spreadsheet format. Once completed, Offerors shall return in a separate pdf document attached to their Proposal Response.
Deadline: 12/3/2020 5:00 PM
Pre-Bid Meeting Details: Pre-submittal Conference will be held via Zoom teleconference as follows:Join Zoom Meeting ID: 948 2125 2449Passcode: 940851One tap mobile+13462487799,,94821252449# US (Houston)+16699009128,,94821252449# US (San Jose)Dial by your location +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C) Meeting ID: 948 2125 2449 Find your local number:
Solicitation #: RFP HR 21-024
Posted: 11/17/2020
Type of Addition: Addendum 1to RFP HR 21-024
Overview: The Addendum 1 modifies the Exhibit D. Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement, paragraph 6. and modifies the Exhibit E. attachments to add and incorporate Attachment 6. Claims Repricing Report.
Deadline: 12/3/2020 5:00 PM
Pre-Bid Meeting Details: Please sign in to Zoom Meeting Video Conference.
Solicitation #: RFP HR 21-024
Posted: 11/17/2020
Type of Addition: RFP Checklist and How to submit a Proposal On line.
Deadline: 12/3/2020 5:00 PM
Solicitation #: RFP HR 21-024
Posted: 11/19/2020
Type of Addition: Addendum 2 Announcement--Addendum 2 is pending
Overview: Addendum 2 to the RFP is pending, Addendum 2 will revise the Questions due date and the Submittal due date.
Posted: 11/20/2020
Type of Addition: Addendum 2
Overview: Addendum 2 Revises the Last Day for Inquiries Date and the Proposal Date.
Deadline: 12/17/2020 5:00 PM
Solicitation #: RFP HR 21-024
Posted: 11/25/2020
Type of Addition: Addendum 3
Overview: Addendum 3 replaces the Exhibit E. information and list of attachments in its entirety. Vendors with an NDA on file will receive the revised and added Attachment documents.
Deadline: 12/17/2020 5:00 PM
Solicitation #: RFP HR 21-024
Posted: 12/3/2020
Type of Addition: Questions and Answers Document
Overview: Attached is a compilation of all questions received and City's responses.
Solicitation #: RFP HR 21-024
Posted: 12/3/2020
Type of Addition: Dental Plan Certificate
Overview: Attached is the Dental Plan Certificate as requested.
Posted: 12/18/2020
Type of Addition: RFP HR 21-024 Employee Group Medical, Dental, Vision, and Life Insurance Benefits
Overview: The City has received a total of 17 Proposal submittals for the RFP HR 21-024 Employee Group Medical, Dental, Vision, and Life Insurance Benefits as required by 5:00 pm local AZ Time, December 17, 2020. Attached is the receipt log.
Posted: 12/18/2020
Type of Addition: In Review
Posted: 12/18/2020
Type of Addition: In Review
Posted: 12/18/2020
Type of Addition: In Review
Posted: 1/15/2021
Type of Addition: Status Update 01/15/2021
Overview: Technical Evaluation Meetings are scheduled for January 19, 20, and 21st. We anticipate the Short list and interview details to be issued by January 21st. Interviewing firms will be contacted directly by the Procurement Office. Interviews are slated for the week of January 26th. Thank you for your interest in the City of Avondale.
Posted: 1/22/2021
Type of Addition: Short List Announcement--1st Wave of Interviews
Overview: The 1st Wave of RFP Interviews is scheduled for Tuesday, January 26th. Attached is the Short Listed firms to participate in the interview process.
Posted: 3/5/2021
Type of Addition: Notice of Intent to Award Announcement
Overview: The attached Notice of Intent to Award announces the intent of the City to enter into agreement with multiple vendors to each address the various service categories as listed.
Posted: 3/5/2021
Type of Addition: Award Information
Overview: See attached Notice of Intent to award Announcement.
Posted: 11/9/2020
Question: • Does the City have any wellness, communication funds? If so, what are they? • Are pre or post 65 retirees covered? • What is the pooling level used to underwrite this group (assumed pooling level)? • Can carriers propose their standard implementation and service performance guarantees? • Please provide benefit and fee information on the current EAP • The RFP references a repricing and disruption, as well as geo reports being required. Please confirm when those files will be posted and what criteria to use for geos.
Response: Yes, $8,000. No. Current ISL is 240K, but please provide the options requested in the RFP Pricing Workbook. Yes. The EAP $1.58 PEPM (Per Employee Per Month) provided through Support Linc. (Remaining response still pending.)
Posted: 11/10/2020
Question: two questions, will you provide a census and claims for vision?
Response: Yes, this information is forthcoming with the completion of your Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement. (Items sent 11/19/2020)
Posted: 11/10/2020
Response: Noting that there was no question received for Question 3.
Posted: 11/10/2020
Question: I would just like to confirm that the City of Avondale will be accepting bids for individual services, such as an HSA (only) Administrator. If this is so, would we only be required to fill out Line 11 within the Admin Fee Proposal Pricing Worksheet?
Response: Yes, that is correct. All other sections of the proposal response still apply as listed in Section A. A-E (which includes the Exhibit B. Worksheets) and then you would complete Admin Fee Pricing Worksheet as applicable.
Posted: 11/11/2020
Question: Pharmacy: 1) Is a pharmacy claim file being provided for pricing and rebate offer purposes? 2) The RFP requests the broadest network to be quoted, but seems that the current network excludes CVS from the network. Should quote both our broad and narrow network (excludes Walgreens)? 3) RFP requests a broad formulary but it appears that the current formulary is exclusionary with Navitus. Can we quote an exclusionary formulary to match? 4) for the HDHP HSA plan how are IRS defined preventive drugs covered? 5) Currently 90-day at retail is covered for the PPO and HDHP but not the EPO plan - can we quote it for the EPO plan also? 6) Would the City be open to a Maintenance Choice option that allows members to get 90 day supplies at any CVS / Target location at their Mail Order Copays and the City gets the more aggressive Mail Order discounts? Dental: 1) Does the dental plan currently have posterior composites covered? 2) The dental benefit summary says “buy up plan option” - does the City have another dental plan as well? If so can we get that summary please? 3) Can we get the current/renewal dental admin fee? HSA/FSA: 1) If FSA participants are not on the census that is being sent can we get the total number of participants in each FSA product please? 2) Can we get the current HSA and FSA fees? Thank you.
Response: The Pharmacy Claims file has been revised and provides all allowable information.
Posted: 11/12/2020
Question: How many lives doe this RFP encompass? How large is the group? When is the effective date of this plan?
Response: Scope of Work, II Background Information A.2. the City of Avondale has approximately 600 employees and 1,370 members enrolled. City anticipates hiring 20-40 employees a year over the next few years. Effective date is July 1, 2021.
Posted: 11/13/2020
Question: Once the Confidentiality Agreement is signed/submitted, how and when will Exhibit E, Attachments 2-5 and all other confidential information associated with the solicitation be provided.
Response: Each vendor will receive the specified documents through a separate link and One Drive files.
Posted: 11/16/2020
Question: We are requesting an extension to the due date given the City has not yet released the needed attachments in Exhibit E in order for carriers to being their pricing and other response activities. Will the City extend the deadline to December 11th, 2020? Thank you.
Response: Addendum 2 has been issued to revise the solicitation schedule.
Posted: 11/16/2020
Question: Administrative Fee Proposal Workbook: 1) Tab 1 Med/Admin Stop Loss Row 19: The request is for Electronic File Feeds, however there is no mention to how many vendors, file type or frequency of the feeds. Can you please provide some additional clarification please? 2) Tab 1 Med/Admin Stop Loss Row 23: The request for Hourly Fees, can you provide more clarity on what type of fees you are referring to please? Thank you.
Response: This is twofold. 1. The City is looking to confirm that they can receive eligibility feeds from the Avondale system enrollment system. 2. The City will want monthly or quarterly claim feeds to our Health Plan Intelligence data warehouse so we can do further analysis, etc. (Also, the goal is for either an ASO Carrier or TPA to respond with a solution that checks all the needed boxes with the assumption they would be sending files to the appropriate partners.) This is referring to Case Management and whether there is an Hourly or PEPM rate.
Posted: 11/16/2020
Question: Section 12. Preparation/Submission of Proposal (pages 3-4) 1. The Proposal shall be a maximum of 10 pages to address the Proposal criteria: Please confirm what is included in the proposal criteria. Please confirm if any of the following are included in the requested 10 page limit: a. Our financial documents? b. Our responses to Exhibits A-F? c. Our responses to the Scope of Work? d. GeoAccess Reports/Disruption/Repricing documents if provided 2. The minimum allowable font for the Proposal is 11 pt, Arial or Times New Roman: Would it be acceptable to provide our documents in our standard Calibri 12 pt font? 3. Request for original ink signature: Please confirm that a non-officer individual with the authority to bind a contract is sufficient to electronically sign all applicable signature documents required for this RFP submission. 4. One PDF Copy: Please confirm if the PDF requirement applies to proposal being uploaded to the portal. If so, please confirm if each document submitted should be converted into PDF (including the excel workbooks) or if we can provide one PDF zip file that contains all documents. Thank you
Response: The following sections are included in the 10 pages. A. General Information, (1) Cover letter is limited to 1-page, (but does not count toward the 10 page limit ) B. Experience and Qualifications (1), D. Claims Administration, Identify key personnel, and E. Implementation Project Schedule. The Excel worksheets at a minimum shall be submitted in PDF format and contain appropriate headers and or page numbers. (It is NOT REQUIRED, but optional for Offeror to also submit their work in Excel format as this would assist us in compiling information during the evaluation.)
Posted: 11/17/2020
Question: 1) Per Question 6 submitted on the portal, we too are wondering if we could receive clarification of which documents DO count toward the 10 page minimum. In your answer to question 6, you said the cover letter DOES count, but in the RFP instructions it says it does NOT. Could you please provide a list clearly stating which documents count toward the 10 page minimum? Is it just our responses to the excel workbook information? 2) Per Question 6 submitted on the portal, we too are wondering if we need to submit our final response in one large combined PDF or if a zip file with multiple PDF documents enclosed will suffice? As for the documents references at “submitted as an appendix” or “submitted separately as an appendix” – do you want these in a separate zip file from the rest of the RFP response? Or just placed into a section called appendix? Assuming these do NOT count toward the 10 page minimum? 3) Per Question 6 submitted on the portal, we too are wondering if electronic signatures will suffice. Because City of Avondale is NOT requesting hard copies, an original signature won’t truly be original once scanned. Do we need to obtain ink signatures and scan in OR are electronic signatures acceptable? 4) On page 7, Section A 1.10 we are told we must have a completed Vendor Registration Packet on file with the City Finance and Budget Department. Is this the same as registering for the vendor site? Or is there something else we need to complete? 5) The RFP mentions wanting 3 references and then 2 termed client references. But in the excel book where we are supposed to list them they only show spaces for 3 current client references, nothing about termed. Do we need to provide termed client references or no?
Response: 1) Response to item 6. has been revised/clarified. 2) Multiple pdf attachments are acceptable. Specifically the Pricing Workbook(s) should be a separate pdf file. It is more important to clearly identify in the pdf file name or in the header of the document which section of the RFP is being address or label the appendix. (Within Vendor Registry there's flexibility on how documents are attached and responsiveness is based more so on completeness vs. the order the documents are attached.) 3) Electronic signatures or scanned signature will suffice. 4) As mentioned in the pre-submittal conference you are not required to be a registered vendor in our accounting database. Nor are you required to be registered through the AZ Corporation Commission--at the time of proposal. You are required to be registered (free registration) with Vendor Registry to enable you to attach a proposal packet. 5) Yes, respond to all questions. The spreadsheets were left in a modifiable status for this purpose.
Posted: 11/17/2020
Question: What are your current HSA and FSA fees? Can you share information on average balances in the HSA accounts broken down by cash and invested amounts? Are you satisfied with participation in these plans?
Response: HSA Fees: $2.50 Per Participant Per Month “PPM” FSA Fees: $3.75 PPPM Approximately 255 employees in Health Savings. Balance broken down 65 employees in 0-$500, 27 employees 501-$1,000, 56 Employees $1001-$2,500, 48 $2501-$5,000, and 52 Employees with >$5,000. Participation in the Health Savings Plan is satisfactory. .
Posted: 11/17/2020
Question: 1. Is Exhibit D Administrative Pricing Workbooks 1 Through 8 referenced in the RFP the same document as Administrative Fee Proposal Pricing Workbook provided on the website? If not, please provide this document. 2. As this is being submitted electronically, please confirm the request for original signatures on the documents is not a requirement or provide information on where this proposal is to be mailed. 3. Please confirm if all rates and fees should be quoted net of commissions.
Response: Yes, the Administrative Pricing Workbooks 1 through 8 are synonymous with the Fee Proposal Pricing Workbook. A scanned or electronic signature will suffice. Yes, all rates and fees shall be quoted net of commissions.
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Once the Confidentiality Agreement has been submitted when can we expect to receive the documents associated with submitting the Agreement? We submitted via email as there appeared to be nowhere on the site to submit the signed Agreement document.
Response: This is correct. The NDA should be submitted to or and I will respond. We are aware that a portion of the documents have been encrypted and may have had password securities on them. This was resolved and the revised document was issued 11/25/2020.
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Currently you have a majority of your services carved out to multiple vendors, we will putting together a bundled approach. What is the likely hood you will be carving out these two specific services, Stop loss and Pharmacy? If pharmacy is carved out of our proposal it changes the pricing of our medical proposal, stop loss does not have the same direct impact.
Response: Confirming receipt of your question. I will have the response to you as soon as I can confirm the information.
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Does the 10 page limit exclude the 2 excel workbooks “Administrative Fee Proposal Pricing Workbook” and “Exhibit B Worksheets 1 thru 16 (Proposal Requirements) Nov 5 rev”?
Response: No, the Excel workbooks and Worksheets are not included in the page count. Please be sure to read answers to questions 10 and 11 below.
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Will any addenda count toward the 10 page limit?
Response: The City's Addendum 1 will not count toward the page count.
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Does a redlined copy of the professional services agreement section of the RFP document count toward the 10 page limit?
Response: No, that would not count toward the page count. Submit this as a separate appendix. A redline document does NOT replace the need to complete the REQUIRED worksheets or pricing workbooks
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Will you accept electronic signatures instead of an original signature on the proposal documents?
Response: Yes, electronic signatures will suffice.
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Fee Proposal Pricing Excel work book – The RFP asks to have this document signed, but there is not a signature spot. Is a signature required and if so, where should we sign?
Response: Please provide Fee Proposal work books in a separate PDF document and ensure that they are labeled with your firm's name. (It is optional if you would like to also provide them in Excel format.) A signature is not required-pdf will suffice in this instance.
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Vendor Licensing and Registration – Item B mentions having a completed "vendor registration packet" on file with the City Finance and Budget department, and that you would provide licensure information in the proposal. However we did not see any further instructions around this. How do we complete this registration packet? Can you please provide instructions, or confirm if this requirement is not necessary at the proposal stage.
Response: It is not necessary to complete this at this time. (Please see response to question 11 item 4. below)
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Will you accept a copy of our standard W-9 we keep on file that is already signed electronically?
Response: Yes, this is sufficient.
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Should our final response be 1 single PDF file, or will a zip file of the documents be sufficient?
Response: It may be one Zip file, however the Fee Proposal Pricing Workbooks MUST be a separate pdf document. (To clarify: The reason being is that since the review will consider pricing as a separate part of the evaluation the onus and administrative burden is on the multiple Offerors vs. the Procurement Administrator to keep this organized/manageable.)
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Will the City of Avondale allow the medical carrier to retain a percentage of provider discounts achieved on in-network fee-for-service medical claims in exchange for a lowered ASO fixed costs?
Response: No.
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Please provide the current ASO fee for Medical and Dental coverage
Response: ASO Dental $3.62 Medical ASO fee $15.07
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Please provide what current clinical or disease management programs are included with the Trust today.
Response: The disease management programs are Livongo and Omada.
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Please provide the current Individual Stop Loss level and contract type with the Trust.
Response: $240,000 Claims Paid contract type.
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Are any claimants currently lasered under the Individual Stop Loss contract with the Trust? If yes, what is the corresponding diagnosis and laser value?
Response: Yes, $400,000 laser for ongoing breast cancer.
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Please provide the current Individual Stop Loss Fee with the Trust.
Response: Specific Fee $11.08 Single, Family $38.35
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Please provide the current Aggregate Stop Loss fee with the Trust.
Response: $1.43 Single, Family $1.43
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Please provide the current Aggregate Stop Loss corridor and contract type with the Trust.
Response: 125% Claims Paid contract type.
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Please provide the current Aggregate Stop Loss Attachment Factors by plan.
Response: These are not by plan, they are singe or family depending on coverage tier $628.27 single, and $1,455.30 family.
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Please provide member counts by month or at a minimum, please provide the most recent Average Contract Size (ACS) which is the members divided by the employee counts.
Response: Exhibit E. Attachment 4.0 provides the Medical Enrollment by Plan & Tier.
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Please provide a paid large claims in excess of $25,000 report for a “rolling 12” time period of October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2020. Please include diagnosis and total dollar amount of the claim for each claimant.
Response: Exhibit E. Attachment 3.1 provides this information and Exhibit E. Attachment 3.2 provides information for the July 2020 through Sept. 2020 timeframe.
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Please also provide a paid large claims in excess of $25,000 report for the prior “rolling 12” time period of October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019.
Response: Exhibit E. Attachment 3.0 provides this information.
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Please provide Pharmacy utilization data. The fields needed on the report are the following: • Line-by-Line claim Information by Drug dispensed for a 12 month period (i.e. Calendar Year or Rolling 12) • Date of Service/Fill Date • National Drug Code (NDC) = 11 digit number • NABP (Pharmacy) Number • Quantity Dispensed • Days’ Supply • Metric Quantity • Retail/Mail Indicator • Brand/Generic Indicator
Response: This report was sent to the vendors who have completed an NDA with us, momentarily. The revised Pharmacy claims file has been revised and is referenced as Attachment 4.2 RX CLAIMS JULY 2019 TO SEPTEMBER 30, 2020 in Exhibit E. via the Addendum 3 issued 11/25/2020.
Posted: 11/18/2020
Question: Is there a file size limit for uploading to the procurement site?
Response: The file size is limited to 20MBs per file. There is no limit to the number of the number of files that each vendor may attach. (Please see the attachment titled "How to respond to an online bid" for additional details.)
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: What is the R&C percentile?
Response: 80.
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Can we please be provided a copy of the actual Basic life and AD&D policy certificates.
Response: The Basic Life and AD&D Policy Certificates have been added to Exhibit E. via the Addendum 3 issued 11/25/2020.
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Can you please confirm the commissions you would like quoted on this line.
Response: Net of commissions.
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Section 1.2. C - Preparation/Submission of Proposal (pages 3-4) 1. The questionnaire requires an additional attachment for responses that don’t fit in the excel workbook. Will this attachment be counted as part of the 10 page limit? 2. Will the requested biographies and org chart be counted towards the 10 page limit? Thank you.
Response: The items required within the questionnaire/ Excel worksheets will not be counted in the page count. The biographies should be placed as a separate appendix and not counted toward the page count. The Org. Chart is counted toward the page count.
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Do the large claim reports included in Exhibit E include pharmacy claims? Thank you.
Response: The Claims Repricing file and a separate Rx file were revised and issued 11/25/2020.
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: 1. Please confirm that an electronic signature will be allowed in place of an ink signature.
Response: We have already responded to this question. Yes, digital signature or scanned signature is acceptable.
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Please confirm that we will be allowed to submit the medical, dental, pharmacy and GeoAccess reports; network disruption analyses/provider matches; medical claims repricing; and pharmacy formulary disruption after the submission of our final proposal, as these require additional time to complete.
Response: The Addendum 2 revised the Proposal Due date to December 17, 2020, which is an additional 14 days and provide ample time to submit a complete proposal response..
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Please confirm whether additional sample reports, brochures, etc. that are requested in the RFP or provided by the vendor are excluded from the 10-page limit.
Response: Correct, those items should be attached in a separate appendix to avoid being counted in the 10 page limit.
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Please confirm whether cancer parity for pharmacy should be included or excluded.
Response: Please price with cancer parity excluded.
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Please confirm whether to include or exclude the Excluded Drug list for pharmacy.
Response: Please provide the Included and Excluded. For Excluded, provide a disruption report based on the Rx claim file provided.
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Please confirm whether to include or exclude the HDHP Prevention List for pharmacy.
Response: The HDHP Prevention List for pharmacy shall be included.
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: As vendors have still not received the repricing file please confirm that the City will accept the completed repricing analysis after the bid due date, as these exercises can take up to 10 business days to complete. Thank you.
Response: Addendum 2 revised the due dates. The revised reports have been sent to vendors with an NDA on file with Avondale for this RFP.
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Are there specific parameters for the Geo? What are the parameters? Are there 12 - 24 months vision claims available? Are there commissions for the vision, what amount.
Response: The Claims file was issued. Regarding the GEO criteria – 2 providers in 10 miles for PCP, 2 providers in 15 miles for Specialist, and 1 provider in 20 miles for Hospital. Please prepare a disruption analysis based on the Claims file. No commissions. (Additionally, the City does not contribute to vision premiums.)
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: In the minimum requirements, it states the offer shall complete a SAS 70 annually and provide results. As our individual clients and BCBSAZ conduct audits yearly, we do not have a SAS 70 done. Is this absolutely required?
Response: An SAS 70 or equivalent audit will be acceptable.
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Please clarify the signed Fee Proposal (A-2, item 6) is separate than Exhibit D – Administrative Fee Proposal.
Response: It is not separate from Exhibit D – Administrative Fee Proposal and does not require signature. (The Administrative Fee Proposal worksheets must at a minimum be provided in pdf format.)
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Please clarify where offerors may find the Vendor Registration Packet that is to be on file with the City Finance and Budget Office (A-5, item 1.10)
Response: We have already responded to this question. (Please see response to question 11 item 4. below)
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Will items attached as a separate appendices as referenced on page A-7, section 2.2 Proposal Format, count towards the 10-page page limit?
Response: No.
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Will the requested GEO access reports and implementation plan count towards the 10 page limit?
Response: No, they will not count toward the page count.
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Please identify the desired access standards to be used for the dental geo access report requested.
Response: The access standards are (2) providers within 10 miles.
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Please identify the desired access standards to be used for the vision geo access report requested.
Response: The access standards are (2) providers within 10 miles.
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Please identify where offerors should include the reference information for their two terminated clients? Exhibit B – Sheet 3, Experience and Account Management, includes space for a total of three references.
Response: The Excel spreadsheets may be edited to accommodate for this information.
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: If an offeror should propose a self-funded vision option, where does the City want that information included?
Response: This option may be discussed in the Proposal response Section Claims Administration- Project Approach, however the Worksheets and the Pricing Workbooks should also be completed as applicable.
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Please provide the Certificate of Coverage for the current dental plan.
Response: We will have a response on this as soon as possible. The Certificate of Coverage has been added as an Additional attachment.
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Please provide the current dental ASO fees.
Response: The current dental ASO fees are $3.62.
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Please provide the access standards to be used in the GeoAccess Reports for vision
Response: The access standards are (2) providers within 10 miles.
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Exhibit B, Worksheet 1, question 10. – Please provide the required “Offer and Acceptance Form” as it was not included in the original RFP.
Response: Please see the Vendor Form included on page A-11.
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Exhibit B, Worksheet 1, question 26. – Please clarify where you would prefer proposers to include the requested “Sample Contract” attachment within the proposal submission
Response: Include sample agreements as a separate appendix.
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Please clarify whether proposers are to include a redlined copy of the Professional Service Agreement
Response: Proposers are to include a sample of their contract format as a separate appendix. If you are choosing to include the City's sample agreement with redline this may also be submitted as a separate appendix.
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Please clarify where you would prefer signed Addenda to be included within the proposal submission
Response: The Addenda should be attached as Exhibit F. to the Proposal.
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: RFP Instructions Checklist – Please clarify where the completed checklist should be included in our proposal submission
Response: This is provided only as a helpful tool and is not required to be submitted with the proposal offer.
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Please clarify where proposers are to include a copy of their complete financial proposal
Response: The Exhibit C Administrative Fee Proposal Pricing Workbooks are to be completed and submitted as a separate PDF attachment.
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Given the delay in access to critical data files (AZMT Claims Repricing by Divs [002], AZMT Bill Census [Revised 11/10/2020], medical and pharmacy provider disruption analysis, & formulary disruption) for the City of Avondale RFP, we respectfully request a revised timeline to submit deliverables tied to these files. The revised timeline requested would be 7 business days after the release of the files.
Response: The Addendum 2 revises the timeline due dates.
Posted: 11/19/2020
Question: Please provide the estimated release date for the following files: • AZMT Claims Repricing by Divs [002] • AZMT Bill Census [Revised 11/10/2020] • Medical and pharmacy provider disruption files • Formulary disruption files
Response: Please note that Addendum 2 has been issued and extends the Questions due date as well as the RFP submittal due date. This information was provided in the Revised Census Report via the Addendum 3 attachments. Confidential files were emailed 11/25 to each firm with an NDA on file.
Posted: 11/20/2020
Question: The census file sent 11/19/2020 is missing DOB, gender and zip codes and cannot be used by underwriting. Can we get a revised census that adds these 3 data fields please? Thank you.
Response: Census file was updated and reissued along with Addendum 3.
Posted: 11/20/2020
Question: We received the census after questions were due. In order to obtain stop loss quotes the census needs to include age/DOB, gender and zip code. Is it possible to receive with those fields?
Response: I will confirm and reply to the group as soon as I receive information. Please note that Addendum 2 has been issued and extends the Questions due date as well as the RFP submittal due date. This information was provided in the Revised Census Report via the Addendum 3 attachments. Confidential files were emailed 11/25 to each firm with an NDA on file.
Posted: 11/20/2020
Question: • Could you confirm that tab 4. Medical Claims Administration is in fact applicable to Vision proposals? If yes, this tab alone has over 260 questions – and is counted toward the 10 page maximum requirement. This tab alone could easily exceed 10 pages when printed to PDF. Could the page maximum requirement be removed OR increased? --- if we are correct, tabs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 15 and 16 are applicable to vision and encompass over 450 questions. I do not think a 10 page maximum is possible.
Response: This question has been answered multiple times. PLEASE NOTE: The Worksheets as well as the Fee Proposal Pricing Workbook pages are NOT included in the page count. The completed documents at a MINIMUM MUST be submitted in PDF and formatted "print ready". (This is to protect the integrity of the information.)
Posted: 11/20/2020
Question: Can you please provide a census that contains all of the following information? Employee home zip code, Employee gender, Employee DOB, Enrollment Tier for each employee (EE or EF) and the plan each employee is enrolled in.
Response: The Census file was revised per the Addendum 3 Attachments issued 11/25/2020.
Posted: 11/20/2020
Question: In the City of Avondale Rx Claims_07.01.19 to 09.30.20 v.2 file, please clarify that the AWP price column should be interpreted as the Total Cost Allowed for the claim.
Response: Correct.
Posted: 11/25/2020
Question: On the Rx Claim File 07.01.19 to 09.30.20 v.2 please advise what “S” and “P” indicate in column K. Thank you.
Response: S” is for Specialty and “P” is for Preventive. A revised RX file is forthcoming via the OneDrive file link to vendors that have an NDA on file.
Posted: 11/25/2020
Question: With regards to Attachment 4.2 Rx Claims, please clarify what the “P” value in the tier column means.
Response: “P” is for Preventive
Posted: 11/25/2020
Question: With regards to Attachment 4.2 Rx Claims, please clarify that the AWP price column should be interpreted as the Total Cost Allowed for the claim.
Response: Correct.
Posted: 11/30/2020
Question: For the Geoacess reports, would 2 in a 10-mile radius for General Dentists work? Also, would 1 in a 15-mile radius for Specialists be acceptable?
Response: Yes, Geo access 2 providers in 10-miles is acceptable for General Dentists. Yes, 1 provider in 15 miles for Specialist is acceptable.
Posted: 11/30/2020
Question: Can you provide the current EAP PEPM cost?
Response: $1.58 PEPM
Posted: 11/30/2020
Question: The dental benefits summary does not state whether the Out-of-Network claims are paid according to Usual, Reasonable, and Customary (UCR), or if they are paid based on the Maximum Allowable Charge (MAC) / Fee Schedule. If UCR, can you provide the percentile?
Response: Treatment is based on the lesser of the billed charges or Dentist Table of Allowance.
Posted: 11/30/2020
Question: Our Excluded Drug List is comprised of medications with one or more principal ingredients that are already available in greater/lesser strengths and/or combinations, and medications that only modify the dosage form (i.e., tablet, capsule, liquid, suspension, extended release, tamper resistant) for a medication that is already available in a common dosage form. These medications are typically high-cost medications, which offer no clinical benefit over other lower cost alternatives. The City has indicated they want the most 'open' formulary possible. Please specify whether to include or exclude coverage for these typically excluded medications.
Response: The City does not have a list of excluded drugs, only a formulary.
Posted: 11/30/2020
Question: Please confirm the P reflects both ACA and HSA Prevention. If so, how do the items that are “preventive” but not part of ACA apply to the non-HDHP plans (i.e., are these antidiabetics and other medications $0 on the PPO and EPO as well?)? Is there any other pharmacy benefit information that can be provided on this?
Response: The “P” reflects both ACA and HSA Prevention.
Posted: 11/30/2020
Question: Please provide the criteria for the medical GeoAccess.
Response: The Claims file was issued. Regarding the GEO criteria – 2 providers in 10 miles for PCP, 2 providers in 15 miles for Specialist, and 1 provider in 20 miles for Hospital. Please prepare a disruption analysis based on the Claims file.
Posted: 11/30/2020
Question: Please provide the medical disruption files.
Response: Please use the claims repricing file included as the Exhibit E. Attachments.
Posted: 11/30/2020
Question: Please provide the pharmacy disruption files.
Response: Please prepare a disruption analysis based on the Claims file.
Posted: 11/30/2020
Question: Please provide the census file with the criteria for the pharmacy GeoAccess.
Response: The Claims file was issued. Regarding the GEO criteria – 2 providers in 10 miles for PCP, 2 providers in 15 miles for Specialist, and 1 provider in 20 miles for Hospital. Please prepare a disruption analysis based on the Claims file.
Posted: 11/30/2020
Question: Please provide a pharmacy claims file at the member level.
Response: The revised Rx file includes member ID information.