Horry County Schools Sealed Solicitation

Title: Ocean Bay Middle School Practice Field Renovation

Deadline: 8/6/2020 2:00 PM   (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Status: Awarded

Solicitation Number: 2021-1MJ


The Contractor shall Provide all equipment, labor and materials as required regrading and resurfacing the Ocean Bay Middle School Practice Field, located at 905 International Drive, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

The Contractor shall Provide all equipment, labor and materials as required regrading and resurfacing the Ocean Bay Middle School Practice Field, located at 905 International Drive, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.. (Pease contact Trevor Turner for Non-Mandatory Site Visit appointment at 843-331-2349 or email tturner@horrycountyschools.net.


Documents as of 7/14/2020
OBM 2021-1MJ Published.pdf
Final Revision - OBM - Practice Field Scope.pdf
Addition 1

Posted: 7/30/2020

Type of Addition: Addendum 1

Solicitation #: 2021-1MJ


Addition 2

Posted: 8/26/2020

Type of Addition: Award- Ocean Bay Middle School Practice Field Renovation

Amount: $139,300.00


Posted: 7/30/2020

Type of Addition: Addendum 1

Solicitation #: 2021-1MJ


Posted: 8/26/2020

Type of Addition: Award- Ocean Bay Middle School Practice Field Renovation

Amount: $139,300.00
