Alabama A & M University Sealed Solicitation
Title: 2K23-06C Rental Supplies for Campus Events
Deadline: 4/8/2024 2:00 PM (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
Status: Deadline Expired
Solicitation Number: 2K23-06C **Reopen**
Description: Alabama A&M University (“University”) is seeking bids from qualified vendors to supply rental supplies in support of the University’s events for an initial term of three (3) years after notice of bid award to be renewed up to two additional years contingent upon a record of satisfactory performance within the initial term. Notice to continue the relationship for each additional year of the two years after the initial term will be communicated in a formal letter via USPS mail. Alabama A&M University reserves the right to terminate a contract for cause or convenience at any time.
Documents as of 3/26/2024 |
Bid_No._2K23_06CRental_Supplies.pdf |