Central Florida Expressway Authority Sealed Solicitation


Deadline: 1/6/2025 1:30 PM   (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Status: In Review

Solicitation Number: ITB-002187


Central Florida Expressway Authority (CFX) requires the services of Professional Landscape Design Consultant to provide management of the CFX Landscape Program, including continued development, refinement and implementation of the CFX landscape design guidelines to enhance the aesthetic appeal and ensure environmental sustainability throughout the CFX Expressway System. This role will also include management of the CFX landscape design consultants and community engagement with the public. Central Florida Expressway Authority (CFX) requires the services of Professional Landscape Design Consultant to provide management of the CFX Landscape Program, including continued development, refinement and implementation of the CFX landscape design guidelines to enhance the aesthetic appeal and ensure environmental sustainability throughout the CFX Expressway System. This role will also include management of the CFX landscape design consultants and community engagement with the public. Consideration will be given to only those firms who are qualified pursuant to law and who have been prequalified by FDOT to perform the indicated major Type of Work (15.0 Landscape Architect).


Documents as of 12/19/2024
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Date Company Name
12/16/2024 11:52:27 AM Rotolo Consultants Inc.
12/16/2024 12:16:02 PM Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.
12/16/2024 12:30:13 PM Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.
12/16/2024 12:37:25 PM Chen Moore and Associates
12/16/2024 1:40:37 PM WGI, Inc.
12/16/2024 4:21:30 PM KEITH
12/17/2024 6:08:09 AM SevenOutsource
12/17/2024 9:18:34 AM Dewberry
12/17/2024 8:14:25 PM GOVGUIDE INC
12/17/2024 8:52:50 PM Structure Contractors Corp
12/18/2024 2:37:17 AM PWXPress
12/19/2024 2:19:08 PM Envirobidnet an Entram Corp
12/19/2024 2:25:55 PM Cotleur & Hearing Landscape Architecture, LLC
12/19/2024 3:54:17 PM ConstructConnect
12/19/2024 6:14:15 PM SSS Down To Earth Opco LLC
12/19/2024 6:17:03 PM Construction Art
12/20/2024 1:09:48 AM AG Ltd
12/23/2024 10:43:58 AM Nadic Engineering Services
12/23/2024 6:14:28 PM North Highland Consulting
12/26/2024 5:35:48 AM IMS
12/26/2024 10:42:40 AM North America Procurement Council Inc., PBC
12/30/2024 2:34:18 PM Temoney Banks Consulting, LLC
12/30/2024 8:50:38 PM Construction Bid Source
1/7/2025 11:37:19 AM Dewberry Engineers Inc
1/8/2025 12:02:56 PM Deltek
1/28/2025 1:57:29 PM KCI Technologies, Inc.
1/28/2025 1:57:56 PM Premier Lawn Maintenance
1/28/2025 2:17:59 PM Chen Moore & Associates
1/28/2025 2:22:24 PM Arazoza Brothers Corp.
1/28/2025 2:42:24 PM Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.
1/28/2025 4:18:54 PM Dix.Hite + Partners, Inc.
1/28/2025 7:03:49 PM Arborea Consulting LLC
2/3/2025 7:16:25 AM Dodge Data & Analytics
2/3/2025 8:22:17 AM GEC
2/7/2025 2:11:29 AM Dodge Data
Addition 1

Posted: 12/16/2024

Type of Addition: Public Notices 002187

Overview: 002187 Project Scope Notice 12-19-2024

002187 Shortlist Notice 1-13-2025
002187 Final Ranking 2-3-2025


Addition 2

Posted: 12/19/2024

Type of Addition: Project Scope Sign-in Sheet

Overview: Project Scope Sign-in Sheet.


Addition 3

Posted: 1/6/2025

Type of Addition: 002187_LOI Opening Sheet



Addition 4

Posted: 1/8/2025

Type of Addition: In Review

Addition 5

Posted: 1/28/2025

Type of Addition: Notice of Intent to Award 002187



Posted: 12/16/2024

Type of Addition: Public Notices 002187

Overview: 002187 Project Scope Notice 12-19-2024

002187 Shortlist Notice 1-13-2025
002187 Final Ranking 2-3-2025


Posted: 12/19/2024

Type of Addition: Project Scope Sign-in Sheet

Overview: Project Scope Sign-in Sheet.


Posted: 1/6/2025

Type of Addition: 002187_LOI Opening Sheet



Posted: 1/8/2025

Type of Addition: In Review

Posted: 1/28/2025

Type of Addition: Notice of Intent to Award 002187

