Okaloosa County Sealed Solicitation

Title: Shoal River Ranch Water Reclamation Facility

Deadline: 7/24/2024 3:00 PM   (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

Status: Awarded

Solicitation Number: ITB WS 51-24


ISSUE DATE: May 20, 2024
MANDATORY PRE-BID MEETING: June 12, 2024 @ 1:00 PM
LAST DAY FOR QUESTIONS: July 3, 2024 @ 3:00 PM
ITB OPENING DATE & TIME: July 17, 2024 @ 3:00 PM
BID #: ITB WS 51-24
BID ITEM: Shoal River Ranch Water Reclamation Facility
Shoal River Ranch Water Reclamation Facility: Includes, but is not limited to, the construction of a new 1.25-MGD Water Reclamation Facility with accompanying pipelines, equipment, utilities, etc. Major systems include headworks with band screen, bar rack, and grit removal system; influent flow metering; flow splitter; biological process tanks; clarifier splitter box and RAS/WAS pumping; possible tertiary disc filter; chlorine contact basin and effluent/W3 pumping; site work and stormwater management; chlorine storage and feed facility; in-plant lift station; electrical building; and operations/maintenance building. The owner will complete the RIBs piping and earthwork.
Note: Evaluation of bid will be based on “TOTAL BASE BID AMOUNT”. All bids shall include itemized unit cost for each identified item and any Alternates listed.
Note: The lump sum base bid pricing shall be based on non-BABA compliant equipment/material.
Price shall be guaranteed for 90 days after the bids are read and received. Price shall include delivery of all equipment and appurtenances to the following location:
OWNER Delivery Contact:
Mark Griffin, Okaloosa County Water & Sewer
850-651-7176 or mgriffin@myokaloosa.com
Coordination of OWNER Furnished Construction Water
Contractor is required to coordinate submittal, fabrication, and shipping once a construction contract has been executed between the County and a Contractor. For any construction water utilized via a hydrant meter, the contractor shall setup an account with OCWS’ Customer Service office and provide contract information.
The account shall be setup in the contractor’s name with a deposit and service fee paid by the contractor.
The deposit will be refunded when the account terminates if the meter has not been damaged or lost. OCWS will be responsible for setting the hydrant, along with the monthly reading. If the hydrant meter needs to be relocated, contractor shall coordinate this with OCWS Maintenance. Water usage will not be charged to the contractor, provided that the above conditions are met.    

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 6/12/2024 1:00 PM

Pre-Bid Meeting Details: Please sign up if you plan to attend the pre-bid meeting.A mandatory pre-bid conference will be held at 1:00 p.m. (CST) June 12, 2024, at the Okaloosa County Water & Sewer Administrative Building, Large Conference Room, 3rd Floor, 1804 Lewis Turner Blvd, Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547.


Documents as of 5/28/2024
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Addition 1

Posted: 6/5/2024

Type of Addition: Addendum 1


Addendum 1
ITB WS 51-24
Shoal River Ranch Water Reclamation Facility
ITEM 1 Invitation to Bid; Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting on June 12, 2024, will be at 3:00 PM.
ITEM 2 REPLACE In Their Entireties the Following 13000 Series (Included):
Changes Affecting Integrator and Revisions to Delineate Responsibilities:
• 13300 - Process Control Systems General Provisions
• 13310 - Application Engineering Services
• 13315 - Process Control Systems Submittals
• 13320 - Process Control Systems Testing
• 13330 - Process Control Systems Training
• 13340 - Process Control System Input Output List
• 13350 - Process Control Descriptions
• 13420 - Programmable Logic Controllers
• 13430 - Network and Communication Equipment
• 13460 - Control Panel Enclosures and Panel Equipment
• 13465 - Panel Mounted Instruments and Devices
• 13500 - Instrument

Deadline: 7/17/2024 3:00 PM

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 6/12/2024 3:00 PM

Pre-Bid Meeting Details: Invitation to Bid; Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting on June 12, 2024, will be at 3:00 PM.

Solicitation #: ITB WS 51-24


Addition 2

Posted: 6/24/2024

Type of Addition: Addendum 2

Overview: ADDENDUM NO. 2
TO: Prospective Bidders and Others Concerned
DATE: June 24, 2024
PROJECT: Shoal River Ranch Water Reclamation Facility
OWNER: Okaloosa County Water & Sewer
BID DATE: July 24, 2024
SUBJECT: Changes to the Contract Documents

The Contract Documents for this Project are amended as set forth below. Bidders must acknowledge receipt of this Addendum on the Bid Form when bids are submitted.


ITEM 1 - Bid Opening Date Change: July 24, 2024, 3:00 PM. Board of County Commissioners of Okaloosa County, FL, will accept sealed bids until 3:00 PM (CST) July 24, 2024, for Shoal River Ranch Water Reclamation Facility.

ITEM 2 - The attendance sheet from the Pre-Bid Meeting held on June 12, 2024, is attached.

ITEM 3 - REMOVE in its entirety Additive Alternate (Item 2) BABA Compliance. The Shoal River Ranch WRF has been granted exemption from BABA requirements, see attached waiver letter from US Department of the Treasury.

ITEM 4 - REMOVE in its entirety Response Document #16 "Equipment Owner's Data Sheet".

ITEM 5 - ADD in its entirety the attached "Bid Bond" form, to be submitted with bid documents.
1988 Lewis Turner Boulevard I Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547 I 850.244.5800 I www.ardurra.com

ITEM 6 - REPLACE in their entireties, the following specification sections:

• 01014: Construction Sequence: 

PART 1 - 1.05 - A - 2: 
2. Installation of the primary access road, water, fiber, influent sewer, and power will be installed by Others up to the treatment facility demarcation point. All piping, connections and conduit beyond the demarcation point will be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR.
• 01740: Warranties and Bonds: 
PART 1 - 1.04 - A:
A. All pre-purchased equipment includes warranties in the equipment manufacture's Scope of Supply. For all non-pre-purchased major pieces of equipment, submit a warranty from the equipment manufacturer. The manufacturer's warranty period shall be for one (1) year from the date of Substantial Completion. The Contractors warranty period shall be for two (2) years from the date of Substantial Completion.
• 03180: Concrete Coatings: 
PART 2 - 2.01 - A - 2:
2. Tnemec I Epoxytec
a. Cementitious Surfacer shall be Tnemec I Epoxytec Mortartec Ceramico or Tnemec I Epoxytec Mortartec Silicate (for manholes 5' diameter or less) and shall be applied at a thickness as required to bring the existing structure up to original thickness.
b. Apply (1) coat of Tnemec I Epoxytec of Series 451 CPP Sprayliner MH on surfaces at a minimum DFT of 125 mils.
• 11226: Clarifier:
PART 1 - 1.01 - A:
A. Furnish two (2) pier supported, tapered suction-header type circular collectors as manufactured by Walker Process Equipment, Division of McNish Corporation, Aurora, Illinois. Each collector shall comprise a complete assembly including full diameter access walkway, center drive assembly, center pier, EDI well, influent well, drive cage, suction header(s) and manifold, skimmers/scum trough, and necessary anchorage parts. No underwater bearings to carry any part of the vertical thrust load will be permitted and all gearing must be completely enclosed and oil lubricated.
• 11355: Weirs and Baffles: 
PART 2 - 2.02 - C:
C. Weirs shall be by MFG, NEFCO, Enduro or Engineer Approved Equal.
PART 2 - 2.03 - D:
D. Scum baffles shall be by MFG, NEFCO, Enduro or Engineer Approved Equal.
• 13382: FRP Wet Well:
PART 1 - 1.01 - A:
This Section includes the following:
Provide all labor, materials, supervision, equipment, tools, and incidentals required to design and completely construct and place into operation one wet well, and related appurtenances as shown on the Drawings and specified herein.
Wet Well:
Description In-Plant Wet Well
Equipment No. IP-WW-1
Diameter 8 ft. (inside)
Depth 18.7 ft.
• 16000: Electrical General Provisions: PART 1 - 1.16:
A. The electrical contractor shall provide an Electrical Journeyman Electrician as the Electrical Superintendent, who has: 
1. Been deemed so by exam through the State of Florida, or
2. Submit a resume(s) which states years of experience and qualifications for review by the Engineer
B. The Electrical Superintendent shall be on the project site any time any electrical work is performed by the contractor.
C. The Electrical Contractor shall staff the job with people skilled in the Electrical trade.
• 16231: Diesel Engine Driven Generator Sets: 
PART 1 - 1.09 - A:
The manufacturer's standard warranty for standby duty applications shall in no event be for a period of less than five (5) years from date equipment start-up and shall include repair parts, labor, reasonable travel expense necessary for repairs at the job site, and expendables (lubricating oil, filters, antifreeze, and other service items made unusable by the defect) used during the course of repair. Running hours shall be limited to 100 hours annually for the system warranty by both the manufacturer and servicing distributor.

ITEM 7 - Vendor Questions I Answers:

Question A: Section 13460.01 requires the Grit System control panel LCP-200 to be provided as NEMA 4X, 316SS. 11320.2.03.A.2.b indicates 304SS. Please advise if 304SS or 316SS should be provided.
Answer A: 316SS

Question B: Section 13460.01 requires the Grit System control panel LCP-200 to include a UPS battery backup. A UPS is typically provided in control panels with a
PLC. The Grit System control panel does not include a PLC. Please advise if a UPS battery backup is required.
Answer B: Not required.

Question C: Sections 13460, and 16700 require additional control components such as surge protection, panel lights, receptacles, dead front enclosure with swing out panel, painted white enclosures for outdoor installations, air conditioner, voltage separation, etc. Please advise if the Grit System control panel will need to meet these Sections.
Answer C: Only surge protection and panel light required. Auxiliary ventilation requirements to be determined by equipment manufacture based on location and environmental conditions expected.

Question D: Section 13460 requires a 316SS sunshield for outdoor control panels. It appears the grit system control panel is on the lower level. Please advise if due to the mounting location a sunshield is still required for the Grit System control panel LCP-200.
Answer D: Not Required if not in direct sunlight.

ITEM 8 - REPLACE in its entirety:
Appendix A: Final Geotechnical Report
Note: Recommended structural preloading will be performed by OTHERS prior to construction. The CONTRACTOR will be responsible for site grading and redistribution of mounded soils.


ITEM 9 - Civil Drawings [C2.00, C2.01, C2.02, C2.03, C2.04, C3.00, C3.02, C3.04, C3.05, C3.06, C3.09, C4.00, C4.02, C4.04, C4.05, C4.06, C4.07, C4.11, C5.00, C5.06]
Clouded changes for effluent forcemain piping, water service, fiber line, sidewalks, and piping elevations.

ITEM 10 - Structural Drawings [S0.16, S0.17, S0.18, S0.19] Additional sheets and clouded changes for stairs and platforms.

ITEM 11 - Process Drawings [M5.01] Clouded changes for effluent forcemain piping.

ITEM 12 - Electrical Drawings [E0.02, E0.03, E9.00, E9.02, E10.02]
Clouded changes for electrical equipment located by effluent forcemain piping and drain pump station schematic.


ITEM 13 - Questions I Answers

Question #1: What is the engineering cost estimate for this project?
Answer #1: $30M-$40M [Funding from a combination of Federal, State, and Local]

Question #2: Please confirm that the Fence Type A shown on C3.01 and other plans around the RIBs are by others and not in contract for the WRF. Provide detail for Type A if in this contract.
Answer #2: Confirmed, Fence Type A is for the RIBS only and not part of the base bid, it is constructed by Others.

Question #3: The Bid Form states that the base bid is for non-BABA requirements. Please advise if we are to include AIS requirements in our base bid, this especially will apply to D.I. pipe and valves.
Answer #3: American Iron and Steel (AIS) will be a requirement, refer to Supplemental Conditions Article 16 and Appendix D, FDEP 23.

Question #4: Confirm Site Access Road is by Owner.
Answer #4: Confirmed.

Question #5: We do not see any specs for the two (2) 2-Ton Bridge cranes shown on Dwg S8.20. Please provide specs.
Answer #5: Specification will be provided.

Question #6: Specs 13205 for Prestressed Concrete Tanks mention domed roof, 2.13 Reclaimed Water Storage Tank Accessories, interior & exterior ladders, roof ventilator, parapet wall, overflow outlets, roof hatches, anti-vortex plate. Please advise confirm if any of the dome roof related items are required and confirm that there is not a Reclaimed Water Tank required.
Answer #6: Confirmed, there are no domed or reclaimed water storage tanks being constructed in this project phase.

Question #7: Spec 13300 - Part 1.05.B.3.a states that the pre-approved PCSI is Ardurra. Please confirm.
Answer #7: Refer to Addendum 01.

Question #8: Is the RIB Control Panel shown on I10.01 to be included in our bid or is it by others? Note 1 on this drawing states the RIB CP details are for reference only.
Answer #8: To be included in base bid.

Question #9: Please confirm if Okaloosa Co. Building permit is required and if any fee will be charged or if it will be waived for this project.
Answer #9: Yes, Contractor will be responsible for pulling and paying for all applicable permits for the Administration I Maintenance Building, Electrical Building, and Pre-Engineered Structures (Canopies) through the Okaloosa County Building Department. Plan reviews for the building, excluding the canopies has been previously completed and all comments will be incorporated into and addendum revision. Contractor is not responsible for plan review fees.

Question #10: Document #16: "Equipment Owner's Data Sheet" please clarify what is to be noted in this sheet that must be furnished with our bid. Is this for construction equipment we own that we intend to use on this project, or is this some other Equipment? This sheet requests Name of Owner with address and contact but does not have a line for the Type of Equipment. Please clarify.
Answer #10: This sheet can be removed, refer to ITEM 4.

Question #11: The piping schedule in the pipe specs requires that the Process Air (PA) piping from the blowers to the Tanks be Welded Stainless Steel. Can the underground only portion of this (PA) be changed to unlined Ductile Iron with heat resistant gaskets? The above ground portion could remain St. Stl.
Answer #11: All Process Air (PA) piping is to remain Welded Stainless Steel as designed.

Question #12: We have a conflict with the 7I17I24 bid date. Could the bid date be changed to either 7I10I24 or 7I24I24?
Answer #12: Bid date moved to July 24, 2024, refer to ITEM 1.

Question #13: Is a standard Bid Bond form acceptable? If not, please provide the required form.
Answer #13: Bid Bond form is attached, refer to ITEM 5.

Question #14: Spec Section 01740 Part 1.04.A states that the major equipment warranty period shall be for 2-years from date of substantial completion. The individual equipment spec sections mostly require 1-year warranties. Other areas of specs state for Contractor to provide a 1-year warranty. Please clarify if equipment warranty from manufacturers must be 1-year or 2-year.
Answer #14: Major equipment warranty period shall be for one (1) year from date of substantial completion.

Question #15: Spec Section 13382 for FRP Wet wells specify that 3 wet wells are required. I see the In-Plant Wetwell on the plans but do not see the other 2 noted wet wells. Please confirm if FRP Wet wells are needed for the Wet Weather and Stormwater.
Answer #15: Only one (1) Wet Well is included in this project, refer to ITEM 6.

Question #16: Sheet E8-00 data outlets are shown to have 2 cat 6 cables and a two-port data jack faceplate at each outlet location. Who is responsible for the network equipment, the installation of said equipment as well as the termination and testing of the cables to the network equipment?
Answer #16: Contractor is responsible for all.

Question #17: Sheet E10.15 Detail #2- calls for PVC coated Galvanized Steel conduit and fittings which is quite expensive and labor intensive. Will Aluminum Rigid conduit and fitting be acceptable in lieu of the PVC Galvanized steel?
Answer #17: Contractor to use PVC coated Rigid Galvanized Steel conduit, elbows, and fittings for transitioning from underground to above ground installation. Rigid aluminum conduit to be used in lieu of PVC coated galvanized steel above grade installation.

Question #18: Sheet E10-15 detail 1 & 4 shows stainless Unistrut to be used. Will Aluminum Unistrut be acceptable in lieu of the stainless steel to reduce cost and help with the AIS requirements?
Answer #18: Use stainless steel as shown on the plans.

Question #19: Sheet E10-16 detail 10- Is aluminum Unistrut acceptable in lieu of the stainless steel to reduce cost and help with the AIS requirements?
Answer #19: Use stainless steel as shown on the plans.

Question #20: Sheet E10-18 detail 16- calls for hot dipped galvanized steel on the leg and plate. Is aluminum acceptable in lieu of the galvanized steel?
Answer #20: Existing detail shall be used as shown.

Question #21: Sheet E0.03 shows EMH and CMH manholes. Please confirm the EMH are to be the 8'x9'x8' manhole shown in detail 11 on sheet E10.17 and the CMH manhole is to be the 4'x4'x4' manholes shown on detail 13 sheet E10.17.
Answer #21: Confirmed.

Question #22: Specification 01740 - warranty requirements - 1.04 (A) The requirement for the manufacturer's warranty period of 2 years from the date of substantial completion will require an additional cost since most warranties start at the products shipping date or the date of delivery. Since this project duration is 2 years an extended warranty will likely have to be purchased because some product will be stored on site for at least a year before substantial completion is achieved. Should we plan on including the cost of the extended warranty or is it acceptable for the warranty to start on the date of delivery?
Answer #22: See revised Specification 01740 - Warranty Requirements - 1.04 - A: The requirement for the manufacturer's warranty period of 1 year from the date of equipment start-up.

Question #23: Specification section 1600- staffing- this section is requiring the Project Superintendent to be a Florida state licensed, by exam, journeyman electrician. In our area, most superintendent have achieved that level of responsibility through knowledge gain by years of service and experience. The journeyman license is not typically a requirement in our geographical area. If this requirement is enforced, it will limit the electrical competition. Will a resume stating qualifications and years of experience be acceptable in lieu of the state exam license?
Answer #23: The contractor can submit a resume stating qualifications and years of experience. Specification 1600 has been updated to reflect this.

Question #24: Spec section 1600-Staffing requires staffing of 1 licensed journeyman electrician for every 3 apprentices. Typically, in our area, the process to earn the level of "Electrician" is done through years of experience and knowledge acquired during those years. After that knowledge and experience is acquired then the individual can be list and paid as an electrician. Will a resume stating the qualifications and years of experience be acceptable in lieu of the state exam license?
Answer #24: The contractor can submit a resume stating qualifications and years of experience. Specification 1600 has been updated to reflect this.
Question #25: Specification 16051, 1.01 (B) states the electrical testing shall be by an independent testing firm OR the manufacture of the 480-volt switchboards. The Switchboards, MCC, panels, transformers, disconnects, etc., should all the same manufacture; so, is it acceptable for the manufacture to perform all the electrical testing required in this spec. section or does it have to be performed by an independent testing agency not affiliated with the manufacture of the equipment?
Answer #25: Independent testing shall be performed for the equipment listed in specification 16051 section 3.04A. Any other equipment shall be tested by the Contractor.

Question #26: Specification 16120-2 cable testing: Is it acceptable for the Electrical contractor to perform the cable testing required in this section or does it have to be an independent testing agency?
Answer #26: Independent testing shall be performed for the equipment listed in specification 16051 section 3.04A. Any other equipment shall be tested by the Contractor.

Question #27: Specification 16231- 1.09 Generator extended warranty- requires a 5-year complete turnkey warranty including materials and labor for a period of 5 years from the "date of acceptance". I assume the date of acceptance will be the substantial completion date which may require the extended warranty to be at least 6 years since the generator may be delivered up to one year prior to substantial completion. Will a five-year extended warranty be acceptable from the date of delivery, or should we include the additional cost to extend the warranty out to start at substantial completion?
Answer #27: See revised Specification 16231 - 1.09 - A: Generator Extended Warranty- requires a 5-year complete turnkey warranty including materials and labor for a period of 5 years from the of date of equipment start-up.

Question #28: Specification 16051 - Electrical testing and infrared scanning- Is it acceptable for the electrical contractor to perform the electrical testing require in the specifications or does the testing have to be performed by independent, NETA ATS &ECS firm not affiliated with the electrical contractor? If the independent firm is required, is the cost of said firm paid by the EC, the GC, or the owner?
Answer #28: Independent testing shall be performed for the equipment listed in specification 16051 section 3.04A. Any other equipment shall be tested by the Contractor.

Question #29: On Sheet E0.03 the duct bank system is shown however the Detail reference notes for each section of duct bank is very hard to read. Please clarify the which duct bank detail is being referenced in each of the notes on this sheet.
Answer #29: Refer to attached sheet E0.03 for clarity.

Pre-Bid Meeting Attendance Sheet
BABA Waiver
Bid Bond
01014 Construction Sequence
01740 Warranties and Bonds
03180 Concrete Coating System
11226 Clarifier
11355 Weirs and Baffles
13382 FRP Wet Well
16000 Electrical General Provisions
16231 Diesel Engine Driven Generator Sets
Geotechnical Final Report
Select Drawing Sheets:
Process Mechanical

End of Addendum No. 2

Deadline: 7/24/2024 3:00 PM

Solicitation #: ITB WS 51-24


Addition 3

Posted: 7/3/2024

Type of Addition: Addendum 3

Overview: ADDENDUM NO. 3
TO: Prospective Bidders and Others Concerned
DATE: July 3, 2024
PROJECT: Shoal River Ranch Water Reclamation Facility
OWNER: Okaloosa County Water & Sewer
BID DATE: July 24, 2024
SUBJECT: Changes to the Contract Documents
The Contract Documents for this Project are amended as set forth below. Bidders must acknowledge receipt of this Addendum on the Bid Form when bids are submitted.
ITEM 1 The Anti Human Trafficking Affidavit is a required response document as of July 1, 2024. The affidavit is attached and must be submitted with the bid.
ITEM 2 United States-Produced Iron and Steel (s. 255.0993, Fla. Stat.) - Any iron or steel product permanently incorporated into the project must be produced in the United States. The requirement will be added to the final contract.
ITEM 3 If a request for equipment/substitution is needed, it must be submitted via email to DeRita Mason at dmason@myokaloosa.com and Amber Hammonds at ahammonds@myokaloosa.com before the end of business day on July 12, 2024. The Equipment/Substitution list is attached to this addendum and must be included in your email.
End of Addendum No. 3

Deadline: 7/24/2024 3:00 PM

Solicitation #: ITB WS 51-24


Addition 4

Posted: 7/9/2024

Type of Addition: Addendum 4

Overview: ADDENDUM NO. 4
TO: Prospective Bidders and Others Concerned
DATE: July 9, 2024
PROJECT: Shoal River Ranch Water Reclamation Facility
OWNER: Okaloosa County Water & Sewer
BID DATE: July 24, 2024
SUBJECT: Changes to the Contract Documents

The Contract Documents for this Project are amended as set forth below. Bidders must acknowledge receipt of this Addendum on the Bid Form when bids are submitted.
ITEM 1 REMOVE in its entirety Specification 02225 – Compaction Grouting.
ITEM 2 REMOVE in its entirety Specification 02400 – Site Drainage.
ITEM 3 REMOVE in its entirety Specification 02500 – Asphalt Concrete Paving.
ITEM 4 ADD in its entirety Specification 14900 – Bridge Cranes and Hoist Systems.
ITEM 5 REPLACE in their entireties, the following specification sections:
• 01410: Testing Laboratory Services: PART 1 - 1.01 – A – 5: 5. All costs for testing services will be paid by the Contractor.
• 01740: Warranties and Bonds: PART 1 - 1.04 – A: A. All pre-purchased equipment includes warranties in the equipment manufacture’s Scope of Supply. For all non-pre-purchased major pieces of equipment, submit a warranty from the equipment manufacturer. The manufacturer's warranty period shall be for one (1) year from the date of Substantial Completion. The Contractors warranty period shall be for one (1) year from the date of Substantial Completion.
• 11226: Clarifier: PART 2 – 2.01 - A: A. Each collector shall have an access walkway that is supported by beams, channels, or trusses extending across the full 130’ outer tank diameter and
including a center drive platform, with a minimum 2-foot clearance around the drive. The access walkway shall be aluminum grating at least 3'-0" wide. The access walkway shall be supported on the outer 130’ diameter tank walls at its access ends and on the spur gear housing at the center of the tank. Access walkway shall be designed for all dead loads applied to it plus a live load of 100 lb./ft. The live load shall not cause a deflection of more than 1/360 of the span. 
• 11366: Disc Filter: PART 2 – 2.10 - K: K. The Programmable Controller will perform logic, timing, counting and real time clock operations. The Programmable Controller will be programmed using software to allow configuration of a downloadable program featuring input instructions, output instructions, timer instructions, counter instructions and counter instructions. The Programmable Controller will be equipped with a embedded 10/100 Base –T EtherNet/IP Port as well as USB programming port. The Programmable Controller will be equipped with a minimum twenty eight (28) Digital Inputs (120VAC) and twenty (20) Relay Outputs, additional I/O can be added via I/O expansion modules. The Controller shall be an Allen Bradley
Micro850 2080-LC50E-48AWB or approved equal.
• 11371: Rotary Screw Blowers: PART 2 - 2.13 – G = DELETE: G. The VSD shall be furnished with a 5% input reactor.
• 16231: Diesel Engine Driven Generator Sets: PART 1 - 1.05 – B – 4 = ADD Acceptable Manufacturer: 4. Generac
ITEM 6 Civil Drawings [C2.03, C2.04, C3.00, C3.02, C3.05, C3.11, C4.00, C5.00] - Clouded addition of wheel-stops and roadway entrance revisions.
ITEM 7 Structural Drawings [S6.10, S6.20, S8.10, S8.20, S9.10, S11.10] - Clouded changes for responses to building department.
ITEM 8 Process Drawings [M3.04] - Clouded changes for clarifier walkways.
ITEM 9 HVAC & Plumbing Drawings [H2.00, P2.00, P2.01, P4.00, P4.01] - Clouded changes for responses to building department.
ITEM 10 Electrical Drawings [E1.00, E2.00, E3.04, E5.00, E6.00, E8.00, E10.00, E10.01, E10.11, E10.14, E10.17] - Clouded changes for responses to building department, addition of disconnect
switches, revised manhole dimensions, and revisions for bridge cranes.
ITEM 11 Instrumentation & Controls Drawings [I4.02] - Clouded changes for revised disc filter items.
ITEM 12 Questions / Answers
• Specifications:
o 01410 Testing Laboratory Services
o 01740 Warranties and Bonds
o 11226 Clarifier
o 11366 Disc Filter
o 11371 Rotary Screw Blowers
o 14900 Bridge Cranes and Hoist Systems
o 16231 Diesel Engine Driven Generator Sets
• Select Drawing Sheets:
o Civil
o Structural
o Process Mechanical
o HVAC & Plumbing
o Electrical
o Instrumentation & Controls
• Flood Hazard Information Sheet

Deadline: 7/24/2024 3:00 PM

Solicitation #: ITB WS 51-24


Addition 5

Posted: 8/13/2024

Type of Addition: Award Information / J & P Construction Co., Inc. dba Jamison Construction Company


Question 1

Posted: 6/4/2024

Question: What is the engineer estimate for this project?

Response: $30 Million-$40 Million [Funding from a combination of Federal, State, and Local]

Question 2

Posted: 6/4/2024

Question: Please confirm that the Fence Type A shown on C3.01 and other plans around the RIBs are by others and not in contract for the WRF. Provide detail for Type A if in this contract.

Response: Confirmed, Fence Type A is for the RIBS only and not part of the base bid, it is constructed by Others.

Question 3

Posted: 6/4/2024

Question: The Bid Form states that the base bid is for Non BABA requirements. Please advise if we are to include AIS requirements in our base bid, this especially will apply to D.I. pipe and valves.

Response: American Iron and Steel (AIS) will be a requirement, refer to Supplemental Conditions Article 16 and Appendix D, FDEP 23.

Question 4

Posted: 6/4/2024

Question: Confirm Site Access Road is by Owner.

Response: Confirmed.

Question 5

Posted: 6/4/2024

Question: We do not see any specs for the two (2) 2-Ton Bridge cranes shown on Dwg S8.20. Please provide specs.

Response: Specification will be provided.

Question 6

Posted: 6/5/2024

Question: Specs 13205 for Prestressed Concrete Tanks mention domed roof, 2.13 Reclaimed Water Storage Tank Accessories, interior & exterior ladders, roof ventilator, parapet wall, overflow outlets, roof hatches, anti-vortex plate. Please advise confirm if any of the dome roof related items are required and confirm that there is not a Reclaimed Water Tank required.

Response: Confirmed, there are no domed or reclaimed water storage tanks being constructed in this project phase.

Question 7

Posted: 6/5/2024

Question: Spec 13300 – Part 1.05.B.3.a states that the pre-approved PCSI is Ardurra. Please confirm.

Response: Refer to Addendum 1.

Question 8

Posted: 6/6/2024

Question: Is the RIB Control Panel shown on I10.01 to be included in our bid or is it by others? Note 1 on this drawing states the RIB CP details are for reference only.

Response: To be included in base bid.

Question 9

Posted: 6/6/2024

Question: Please confirm if Okaloosa Co. Building permit is required and if any fee will be charged or if it will be waived for this project.

Response: Yes, Contractor will be responsible for pulling and paying for all applicable permits for the Administration/Maintenance Building, Electrical Building, and Pre-Engineered Structures (Canopies) through the Okaloosa County Building Department. Plan reviews for the building, excluding the canopies has been previously completed and all comments will be incorporated into and addendum revision. Contractor is not responsible for plan review fees.

Question 10

Posted: 6/13/2024

Question: Document #16: Equipment Owner’s Data Sheet – please clarify what is to be noted in this sheet that must be furnished with our bid. Is this for construction equipment we own that we intend to use on this project, or is this some other Equipment? This sheet requests Name of Owner with address and contact but does not have a line for the Type of Equipment. Please clarify.

Response: This sheet can be removed, refer to ITEM 4.

Question 11

Posted: 6/13/2024

Question: The piping schedule in the pipe specs requires that the Process Air (PA) piping from the blowers to the Tanks be Welded Stainless Steel. Can the underground only portion of this (PA) be changed to unlined Ductile Iron with heat resistant gaskets? The above ground portion could remain St. Stl.

Response: All Process Air (PA) piping is to remain Welded Stainless Steel as designed.

Question 12

Posted: 6/13/2024

Question: We have a conflict with the 7/17/24 bid date. Could the bid date be changed to either 7/10/24 or 7/24/24?

Response: Bid date moved to July 24, 2024, refer to ITEM 1.

Question 13

Posted: 6/13/2024

Question: Is a standard Bid Bond form acceptable? If not, please provide the required form.

Response: Bid Bond form is attached, refer to ITEM 5.

Question 14

Posted: 6/13/2024

Question: Spec Section 01740 Part 1.04.A states that the major equipment warranty period shall be for 2-years from date of substantial completion. The individual equipment spec sections mostly require 1-year warranties. Other areas of specs state for Contractor to provide a 1-year warranty. Please clarify if equipment warranty from manufacturers must be 1-year or 2-year.

Response: Major equipment warranty period shall be for one (1) year from date of substantial completion.

Question 15

Posted: 6/17/2024

Question: Spec Section 13382 for FRP Wetwells specify that 3 wetwells are required. I see the In-Plant Wetwell on the plans but do not see the other 2 noted wetwells. Please confirm if FRP Wetwells are needed for the Wet Weather and Stormwater.

Response: Only one (1) Wet Well is included in this project, refer to ITEM 6.

Question 16

Posted: 6/17/2024

Question: Sheet E8-00 data outlets are shown to have 2 cat 6 cables and a two port data jack faceplate at each outlet location. Who is responsible for the network equipment, the installation of said equipment as well as the termination and testing of the cables to the network equipment?

Response: Contractor is responsible for all.

Question 17

Posted: 6/17/2024

Question: Sheet E10.15 Detail #2- calls for PVC coated Galvanized Steel conduit and fittings which is quite expensive and labor intensive. Will Aluminum Rigid conduit and fitting be acceptable in lieu of the PVC Galvanized steel?

Response: Contractor to use PVC coated Rigid Galvanized Steel conduit, elbows, and fittings for transitioning from underground to above ground installation. Rigid aluminum conduit to be used in lieu of PVC coated galvanized steel above grade installation.

Question 18

Posted: 6/17/2024

Question: Sheet E10-15 detail 1 & 4 shows stainless unistrut to be used. Will Aluminum Unistrut be acceptable in lieu of the stainless steel to reduce cost and help with the AIS requirements?

Response: Use stainless steel as shown on the plans.

Question 19

Posted: 6/17/2024

Question: Sheet E10-16 detail 10- Is aluminum unistrut acceptable in lieu of the stainless steel to reduce cost and help with the AIS requirements?

Response: Use stainless steel as shown on the plans.

Question 20

Posted: 6/17/2024

Question: Sheet E10-18 detail 16- calls for hot dipped galvanized steel on the leg and plate. Is aluminum acceptable in lieu of the galvanized steel?

Response: Existing detail shall be used as shown.

Question 21

Posted: 6/17/2024

Question: Sheet E0.03 shows EMH and CMH manholes. Please confirm the EMH are to be the 8'x9'x8' manhole shown in detail 11 on sheet E10.17 and the CMH manhole is to be the 4'x4'x4' manholes shown on detail 13 sheet E10.17.

Response: Confirmed.

Question 22

Posted: 6/18/2024

Question: Specification 01740 - warranty requirements - 1.04 (A) The requirement for the manufacture's warranty period of 2 years from the date of substantial completion will require a additional cost since most warranties start at the products shipping date or the date of delivery. Since this project duration is 2 years an extended warranty will likely have to be purchased because some product will be stored on site for at least a year before substantial completion is achieved. Should we plan on including the cost of the extended warranty or is it acceptable for the warranty to start on the date of delivery?

Response: See revised Specification 01740 - Warranty Requirements - 1.04 - A: The requirement for the manufacturer's warranty period of 1 year from the date of equipment start-up.

Question 23

Posted: 6/18/2024

Question: Specification section 1600- staffing- this section is requires the Project Superintendent to be a Florida state licensed, by exam, journeyman electrician. In our area, most superintendent have achieved that level of responsibility through knowledge gain by years of service and experience. The journeyman license is not typically a requirement in our geographical area. If this requirement is enforced it will limit the electrical competition. Will a resume stating qualifications and years of experience be acceptable in lieu of the state exam license?

Response: The contractor can submit a resume stating qualifications and years of experience. Specification 1600 has been updated to reflect this.

Question 24

Posted: 6/18/2024

Question: Spec section 1600-Staffing requires staffing of 1 licensed journeyman electrician for every 3 apprentices. Typically, in our area, the process to earn the level of "Electrician" is done through years of experience and knowledge acquired during those years. After that knowledge and experience is acquired then the individual can be list and paid as an electrician. Will a resume stating the qualifications and years of experience be acceptable in lieu of the state exam license?

Response: The contractor can submit a resume stating qualifications and years of experience. Specification 1600 has been updated to reflect this.

Question 25

Posted: 6/18/2024

Question: Specification 16051, 1.01 (B) states the electrical testing shall be by an independent testing firm OR the manufacture of the 480 volt switchboards. The Switchboards, MCC, panels, transformers, disconnects, etc., should all the same manufacture so is it acceptable for the manufacture to perform all the electrical testing required in this spec. section or does it have to be performed by an independent testing agency not affiliated with the manufacture of the equipment?

Response: Independent testing shall be performed for the equipment listed in specification 16051 section 3.04A. Any other equipment shall be tested by the Contractor.

Question 26

Posted: 6/18/2024

Question: Specification 16120-2 cable testing: Is it acceptable for the Electrical contractor to perform the cable testing required in this section section or does it have to be an independent testing agency?

Response: Independent testing shall be performed for the equipment listed in specification 16051 section 3.04A. Any other equipment shall be tested by the Contractor.

Question 27

Posted: 6/18/2024

Question: Specification 16231- 1.09 Generator extended warranty- requires a 5 year complete turn key warranty including materials and labor for a period of 5 years from the "date of acceptance". I assume the date of acceptance will be the substantial completion date which may require the extended warranty to be at least 6 years since the generator may be delivered up to one year prior to substantial completion. Will a five year extended warranty be acceptable from the date of delivery or should we included the additional cost to extend the warranty out to start at substantial completion?

Response: See revised Specification 16231 - 1.09 - A: Generator Extended Warranty- requires a 5-year complete turnkey warranty including materials and labor for a period of 5 years from the of date of equipment start-up.

Question 28

Posted: 6/18/2024

Question: Specification 16051 - Electrical testing and infrared scanning- Is it acceptable for the electrical contractor to perform the electrical testing require in the specifications or does the testing have to be performed by independent, NETA ATS &ECS firm not affiliated with the electrical contractor? If the independent firm is required, is the cost of said firm paid by the EC, the GC or The owner?

Response: Independent testing shall be performed for the equipment listed in specification 16051 section 3.04A. Any other equipment shall be tested by the Contractor.

Question 29

Posted: 6/18/2024

Question: On Sheet E0.03 the duct bank system is shown however the Detail reference notes for each section of duct bank is very hard to read. Please clarify the which duct bank detail is being referenced in each of the notes on this sheet.

Response: Refer to attached sheet E0.03 for clarity.

Question 30

Posted: 6/21/2024

Question: 1. What exactly is Spec section 02225 to be used for?

Response: DELETE Section 02225 - Compaction Grouting: No compaction grouting is needed on this project.

Question 31

Posted: 6/21/2024

Question: 2. Is owner clearing the area for the plant also, not just the RIBs?

Response: Owner is only clearing RIBs site and plant site as discussed in the Pre-Bid.

Question 32

Posted: 6/21/2024

Question: 3. Is owner seeding or sodding entire area outside plant site? We will just be responsible for onsite sodding?

Response: Contractor is only responsible for seeding/sodding disturbed areas inside the prescribed limits of clearing plan as disgusted at the Pre-Bid.

Question 33

Posted: 6/21/2024

Question: 4. Site includes no storm sewer system (spec 02400), is this correct?

Response: DELETE Section 02400 - Site Drainage.

Question 34

Posted: 6/21/2024

Question: 5. Asphalt paving (spec 02500) is not included in this project? Is this correct?

Response: DELETE Section 02500- Asphalt Paving: No asphalt paving included in the phase of the project.

Question 35

Posted: 6/21/2024

Question: 6. Are we to include only Fence type “B” at site? And not RIBs?

Response: Correct.

Question 36

Posted: 6/21/2024

Question: 7. Is cantilevered gate at entrance, to receive an operator?

Response: No.

Question 37

Posted: 6/21/2024

Question: 8. Pavement marking for parking is to be painted on gravel?

Response: Only handicap parking is to be marked.

Question 38

Posted: 6/21/2024

Question: 9. Will site access road be installed before we begin sitework?

Response: Access to site will be provided prior to construction.

Question 39

Posted: 6/21/2024

Question: 10. Are we to dig stormwater pond?

Response: Yes, Contractor is responsible for the stormwater pond as discussed at the Pre-Bid.

Question 40

Posted: 6/21/2024

Question: 11. Where will 30,000 cy be stockpiled?

Response: On site, process tanks and headworks areas.

Question 41

Posted: 6/21/2024

Question: 12. If we have any fill left, should we export it or stockpile it on site?

Response: Stockpile on site.

Question 42

Posted: 6/21/2024

Question: 13. Are there any Landscape or Irrigation drawings?

Response: No.

Question 43

Posted: 6/24/2024

Question: Addendum #2 Item 6 made a change to 01740 Warranties and Bonds. The last line states that Contractors warranty is to be 2 years from Substantial Completion. The equipment manufacturers warranty is stated to be 1-year. Please clarify Contractors warranty. Does the 2 year Contractor warranty Exclude all the major equipment, or is the intent for the Contractor to carry the 2nd year warranty on their own on all major equipment? This adds major risk to the GC and we request that this be changed. Please change so that the manufacturer & contractor warranties to be the same duration and concurrent. Any warranty for equipment (even thru the GC) should be included by the manufacturer.

Response: Contractor's warranty on equipment and construction has been revised to 1- year from date of substantial completion.

Question 44

Posted: 6/24/2024

Question: Please clarify if Concrete Coating System (03180) is required only on the Headworks structure as stated in 1.01.A. or if it is also required on the concrete manholes. Add#2 Item 6 for 03180 states that Surfacer shall be Tnemec “(for manholes 5’ diameter or less)” and part b. ‘Apply 1 coat of Tnemec 451 CPP Sprayliner MH on surfaces at 125 mils. I do not see in the plans where concrete coating is shown for the manholes (Detail B on C5.03). Please clarify if concrete coating system is required on Manholes.

Response: Yes, all sanitary sewer manholes are to be coated.

Question 45

Posted: 6/25/2024

Question: The Gravel Road Detail (Detail C) on page C.500 is calling for an HDPE Geomembrane Liner underneath the Gravel. In this application a high strength woven geotextile such as Mirafi RS380i would typically be specified. Please clarify if a Liner or Geotextile is required and what material specification we are to meet.

Response: Woven geotextile or geogrid conforming to FDOT Specification 985 for Application R-1 (Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil (GRS-IBS)).

Question 46

Posted: 6/25/2024

Question: Section 13350.11 is listed in the table of contents as Sodium Hypochlorite Dosing Pumps. However, that section is not included in Division 13. Can this section be added?

Response: Section 133350.11 was inadvertently listed in the ToC of the front-end documents; however, it was removed in the ToC and body of the Technical Specifications as there is no Sodium Hypochlorite as part of this project.

Question 47

Posted: 6/27/2024

Question: 1) DWG I4.02: Mobile ACS unit P-494 Note - this pump motor cannot be supplied with a High Temp Switch due to it being plugged into the Discfilter control panel for operation. 2) DWG I4.02: Backwash Pump Line Note - please remove the butterfly valves and check valve in the backwash piping line as they are not supplied. Also note the backwash line size is 3" instead of 6". BV-496 is not 6" but 3/8". It is used to test the backwash spray nozzles on low pressure for maintenance purposes. 3) 11366: 2.10.K: The Controller shall be an Allen Bradley Micro850 2080-LC50-48AWB or approved equal. Note - the Controller shall be Allen Bradley Micro850 2080-LC50E-48AWB. Please revise 4) 11366 2.10 C The enclosure shall be Saginaw SCE-60EL3612SSLP or approved equal. Note - enclosure will be SCE-72EL3612SSLP. Please revise

Response: 1-2) DWG I4.02 has been revised to reflect the comments. 3) Specification 11366 has been revised to reflect the comments.

Question 48

Posted: 6/28/2024

Question: Sheet E10.17 detail 11 calls for a 8' x9' x8' manhole. Will a 8' x8' x8' I.D. be acceptable?

Response: 8'x8'x8' manholes are acceptable. See revised sheet E10.17.

Question 49

Posted: 6/28/2024

Question: Spec 01410 states that the cost for testing services will be paid out of the allowance provided on the bid form. I do not see this on the bid form. Please advise.

Response: Specification 01410 - Testing Laboratory Services has been revised to remove reference to allowance. All costs for testing services will be paid by the Contractor.

Question 50

Posted: 7/2/2024

Question: Please confirm the percentage of Bid Security required for this solicitation. 5% or 10%?

Response: 5%. Refer to Article 6 - Bonds and Insurance, Bid Guarantees, Section 6.1 of the FDEP Supplementary Conditions.

Question 51

Posted: 7/2/2024

Question: On Okaloosa Form #17, Bid Sheet, Pre-con is listed as the only 13205 Prestressed Tank manufacturer. However, Specification 13205, Section 1.05 B3a, also list The Crom Corporation as a preapproved acceptable tank manufacturer. Please list Crom Corporation along with Pre-con on the Bid Sheet as an acceptable tank manufacturer under the Equipment/Supplier Schedule.

Response: Crom is an approved alternate and can be written in as an Alternative with deduct cost. In order to maintain comparable base bids, the project was designed around PreCon and they are the listed primary manufacture.

Question 52

Posted: 7/2/2024

Question: Please provide the 100-year flood elevation for the project site.

Response: The site is not within the 100-year flood zone as the site falls within Zone X. Additionally, the creek in closest proximity to the site has no Base Flood Elevation data (Attached = Zone A).

Question 53

Posted: 7/2/2024

Question: Please provide the required anchor bolt embedment depth for both the fine bubble diffusers and coarse bubble diffusers in Treatment Unit No. 1 and Unit No. 2.

Response: The anchor embedment and diameter shall be provided by the diffuser manufacturer.

Question 54

Posted: 7/2/2024

Question: Please provide the centerline elevation for the 36” SCE wall pipe required on Plan Sheet M3.04.

Response: 214.03-ft

Question 55

Posted: 7/2/2024

Question: Please provide the centerline elevation for the 6” SCW wall pipe required on Plan Sheet M3.04.

Response: 214.82-ft

Question 56

Posted: 7/2/2024

Question: Specification 13205, Section 2.12 B1, calls for an aluminum exterior ladder for the clarifier tanks. However, an exterior ladder is not included on the plan sheets. Please confirm that an exterior ladder is not required.

Response: No ladder is required.

Question 57

Posted: 7/2/2024

Question: Specification 13205, Section 2.12 C, calls for a fiberglass interior ladder for the clarifier tanks. However, an interior ladder is not included on the plan sheets. Please confirm that an interior ladder is not required.

Response: No ladder is required.

Question 58

Posted: 7/2/2024

Question: Is Tnemec Series 156 Enviro-Crete an approved equal for Sherwin Williams Loxon XP?

Response: Yes, this is acceptable.

Question 59

Posted: 7/3/2024

Question: What is the spacing on the angle pipe support that are to be attached to the tank wall for the 18” NRCY pipe?

Response: See specification 15110 - 2.1 for pipe support spacing requirements.

Question 60

Posted: 7/3/2024

Question: What is the size and capacity of the jib crane?

Response: Refer to Specification 11221 - Submersible Propeller Pumps; Section 2.03 - Jib Crane.

Question 61

Posted: 7/3/2024

Question: Is there only one pipe support inside the tank for the 36” SCE pipe? If so, what is the load that the tank wall will need to accommodate for this pipe?

Response: Yes, refer to the structural details for the pipe support on sheet S3.21.

Question 62

Posted: 7/3/2024

Question: What is the launder floor elevation for the concrete launder around the circumference of the outer tank wall?

Response: 218.33-ft

Question 63

Posted: 7/3/2024

Question: Where the launder ends at the jib crane locations and other locations should there be a wall at the termination of the launder, or should it be open?

Response: Keep the end of the launder open for completion in the future.

Question 64

Posted: 7/3/2024

Question: Drawing M10.10 indicates a metal canopy. Do we have a specification for this? Please clarify.

Response: See sheet S10.10 for all necessary information.

Question 65

Posted: 7/3/2024

Question: Spec 13121 / 1.01 H says to include the cost for Custom colors. Is this going to be a requirement or are they going to pick from the manufacturer's standard colors? If they do want pricing for custom colors, will all panels and trims be the same color or can there possibly be multiple custom colors?

Response: Include pricing for manufacturer's standard colors only.

Question 66

Posted: 7/3/2024

Question: Spec 13121 / 2.01 B3 says to support anything hanging from these structures that weighs more than the 8 psf collateral loads. Other than the bridge cranes, is there anything on any of the buildings that fits this criteria? (Are the air handlers hanging from the structure shown on sheet H2.00 in the maintenance building?)

Response: Please see the Drawings which contains all information regarding the equipment hanging from the structure.

Question 67

Posted: 7/3/2024

Question: Spec 13121 / 2.09 C mentions exterior and interior finishing systems that shall meet the standards specified in The Aluminum Association. Most building suppliers are not aluminum, they will be painted galvalume material. Please advise.

Response: Agreed. The sentence "The exterior and interior finishing systems shall meet the quality standards specified in The Aluminum Association publication, "Aluminum Standards and Data," except that for salt spray resistance, exposure shall be 450 hours, and maximum undercutting from the scored line shall not exceed 1I8 inch." can be removed from the specification.

Question 68

Posted: 7/3/2024

Question: What R-value metal building insulation goes in the roof and walls for the Maintenance Building?

Response: Metal Building Roofs: R-19 + R-11 LS; Metal Building Walls: R-13 + R-6.5 ci.

Question 69

Posted: 7/3/2024

Question: Is the Air Compressor Canopy shown on M10.10 with the pre-engineered metal building supplier? Or is this structural steel indicating tube steel columns?

Response: See sheet S10.10.

Question 70

Posted: 7/3/2024

Question: Sheet S6.20 shows the downward design reaction for the crane. Do we need to use the same load on the other two cranes shown on S8.20 in the small single-slope buildings?

Response: No, those loads shall be provided by the Contractor during construction since those cranes will be purchased and installed under this project.

Question 71

Posted: 7/3/2024

Question: Spec 13121 / 2.10 A states the primer the building manufacturer needs to use on the primary steel and B says it must be compatible with the specified paint system. If this is not compatible with the building manufacturers, it will most likely be sent black iron and painted in the field. Please clarify.

Response: A primer shall be used which is compatible with the proposed painting system.

Question 72

Posted: 7/3/2024

Question: Will MPI (Kennedy, M&H, Clow) be an acceptable manufacturer for the gate valves, plug valves, butterfly valves, swing check valves, and rubber flapper check valves?

Response: No.

Posted: 6/5/2024

Type of Addition: Addendum 1


Addendum 1
ITB WS 51-24
Shoal River Ranch Water Reclamation Facility
ITEM 1 Invitation to Bid; Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting on June 12, 2024, will be at 3:00 PM.
ITEM 2 REPLACE In Their Entireties the Following 13000 Series (Included):
Changes Affecting Integrator and Revisions to Delineate Responsibilities:
• 13300 - Process Control Systems General Provisions
• 13310 - Application Engineering Services
• 13315 - Process Control Systems Submittals
• 13320 - Process Control Systems Testing
• 13330 - Process Control Systems Training
• 13340 - Process Control System Input Output List
• 13350 - Process Control Descriptions
• 13420 - Programmable Logic Controllers
• 13430 - Network and Communication Equipment
• 13460 - Control Panel Enclosures and Panel Equipment
• 13465 - Panel Mounted Instruments and Devices
• 13500 - Instrument

Deadline: 7/17/2024 3:00 PM

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 6/12/2024 3:00 PM

Pre-Bid Meeting Details: Invitation to Bid; Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting on June 12, 2024, will be at 3:00 PM.

Solicitation #: ITB WS 51-24


Posted: 6/24/2024

Type of Addition: Addendum 2

Overview: ADDENDUM NO. 2
TO: Prospective Bidders and Others Concerned
DATE: June 24, 2024
PROJECT: Shoal River Ranch Water Reclamation Facility
OWNER: Okaloosa County Water & Sewer
BID DATE: July 24, 2024
SUBJECT: Changes to the Contract Documents

The Contract Documents for this Project are amended as set forth below. Bidders must acknowledge receipt of this Addendum on the Bid Form when bids are submitted.


ITEM 1 - Bid Opening Date Change: July 24, 2024, 3:00 PM. Board of County Commissioners of Okaloosa County, FL, will accept sealed bids until 3:00 PM (CST) July 24, 2024, for Shoal River Ranch Water Reclamation Facility.

ITEM 2 - The attendance sheet from the Pre-Bid Meeting held on June 12, 2024, is attached.

ITEM 3 - REMOVE in its entirety Additive Alternate (Item 2) BABA Compliance. The Shoal River Ranch WRF has been granted exemption from BABA requirements, see attached waiver letter from US Department of the Treasury.

ITEM 4 - REMOVE in its entirety Response Document #16 "Equipment Owner's Data Sheet".

ITEM 5 - ADD in its entirety the attached "Bid Bond" form, to be submitted with bid documents.
1988 Lewis Turner Boulevard I Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547 I 850.244.5800 I www.ardurra.com

ITEM 6 - REPLACE in their entireties, the following specification sections:

• 01014: Construction Sequence: 

PART 1 - 1.05 - A - 2: 
2. Installation of the primary access road, water, fiber, influent sewer, and power will be installed by Others up to the treatment facility demarcation point. All piping, connections and conduit beyond the demarcation point will be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR.
• 01740: Warranties and Bonds: 
PART 1 - 1.04 - A:
A. All pre-purchased equipment includes warranties in the equipment manufacture's Scope of Supply. For all non-pre-purchased major pieces of equipment, submit a warranty from the equipment manufacturer. The manufacturer's warranty period shall be for one (1) year from the date of Substantial Completion. The Contractors warranty period shall be for two (2) years from the date of Substantial Completion.
• 03180: Concrete Coatings: 
PART 2 - 2.01 - A - 2:
2. Tnemec I Epoxytec
a. Cementitious Surfacer shall be Tnemec I Epoxytec Mortartec Ceramico or Tnemec I Epoxytec Mortartec Silicate (for manholes 5' diameter or less) and shall be applied at a thickness as required to bring the existing structure up to original thickness.
b. Apply (1) coat of Tnemec I Epoxytec of Series 451 CPP Sprayliner MH on surfaces at a minimum DFT of 125 mils.
• 11226: Clarifier:
PART 1 - 1.01 - A:
A. Furnish two (2) pier supported, tapered suction-header type circular collectors as manufactured by Walker Process Equipment, Division of McNish Corporation, Aurora, Illinois. Each collector shall comprise a complete assembly including full diameter access walkway, center drive assembly, center pier, EDI well, influent well, drive cage, suction header(s) and manifold, skimmers/scum trough, and necessary anchorage parts. No underwater bearings to carry any part of the vertical thrust load will be permitted and all gearing must be completely enclosed and oil lubricated.
• 11355: Weirs and Baffles: 
PART 2 - 2.02 - C:
C. Weirs shall be by MFG, NEFCO, Enduro or Engineer Approved Equal.
PART 2 - 2.03 - D:
D. Scum baffles shall be by MFG, NEFCO, Enduro or Engineer Approved Equal.
• 13382: FRP Wet Well:
PART 1 - 1.01 - A:
This Section includes the following:
Provide all labor, materials, supervision, equipment, tools, and incidentals required to design and completely construct and place into operation one wet well, and related appurtenances as shown on the Drawings and specified herein.
Wet Well:
Description In-Plant Wet Well
Equipment No. IP-WW-1
Diameter 8 ft. (inside)
Depth 18.7 ft.
• 16000: Electrical General Provisions: PART 1 - 1.16:
A. The electrical contractor shall provide an Electrical Journeyman Electrician as the Electrical Superintendent, who has: 
1. Been deemed so by exam through the State of Florida, or
2. Submit a resume(s) which states years of experience and qualifications for review by the Engineer
B. The Electrical Superintendent shall be on the project site any time any electrical work is performed by the contractor.
C. The Electrical Contractor shall staff the job with people skilled in the Electrical trade.
• 16231: Diesel Engine Driven Generator Sets: 
PART 1 - 1.09 - A:
The manufacturer's standard warranty for standby duty applications shall in no event be for a period of less than five (5) years from date equipment start-up and shall include repair parts, labor, reasonable travel expense necessary for repairs at the job site, and expendables (lubricating oil, filters, antifreeze, and other service items made unusable by the defect) used during the course of repair. Running hours shall be limited to 100 hours annually for the system warranty by both the manufacturer and servicing distributor.

ITEM 7 - Vendor Questions I Answers:

Question A: Section 13460.01 requires the Grit System control panel LCP-200 to be provided as NEMA 4X, 316SS. 11320.2.03.A.2.b indicates 304SS. Please advise if 304SS or 316SS should be provided.
Answer A: 316SS

Question B: Section 13460.01 requires the Grit System control panel LCP-200 to include a UPS battery backup. A UPS is typically provided in control panels with a
PLC. The Grit System control panel does not include a PLC. Please advise if a UPS battery backup is required.
Answer B: Not required.

Question C: Sections 13460, and 16700 require additional control components such as surge protection, panel lights, receptacles, dead front enclosure with swing out panel, painted white enclosures for outdoor installations, air conditioner, voltage separation, etc. Please advise if the Grit System control panel will need to meet these Sections.
Answer C: Only surge protection and panel light required. Auxiliary ventilation requirements to be determined by equipment manufacture based on location and environmental conditions expected.

Question D: Section 13460 requires a 316SS sunshield for outdoor control panels. It appears the grit system control panel is on the lower level. Please advise if due to the mounting location a sunshield is still required for the Grit System control panel LCP-200.
Answer D: Not Required if not in direct sunlight.

ITEM 8 - REPLACE in its entirety:
Appendix A: Final Geotechnical Report
Note: Recommended structural preloading will be performed by OTHERS prior to construction. The CONTRACTOR will be responsible for site grading and redistribution of mounded soils.


ITEM 9 - Civil Drawings [C2.00, C2.01, C2.02, C2.03, C2.04, C3.00, C3.02, C3.04, C3.05, C3.06, C3.09, C4.00, C4.02, C4.04, C4.05, C4.06, C4.07, C4.11, C5.00, C5.06]
Clouded changes for effluent forcemain piping, water service, fiber line, sidewalks, and piping elevations.

ITEM 10 - Structural Drawings [S0.16, S0.17, S0.18, S0.19] Additional sheets and clouded changes for stairs and platforms.

ITEM 11 - Process Drawings [M5.01] Clouded changes for effluent forcemain piping.

ITEM 12 - Electrical Drawings [E0.02, E0.03, E9.00, E9.02, E10.02]
Clouded changes for electrical equipment located by effluent forcemain piping and drain pump station schematic.


ITEM 13 - Questions I Answers

Question #1: What is the engineering cost estimate for this project?
Answer #1: $30M-$40M [Funding from a combination of Federal, State, and Local]

Question #2: Please confirm that the Fence Type A shown on C3.01 and other plans around the RIBs are by others and not in contract for the WRF. Provide detail for Type A if in this contract.
Answer #2: Confirmed, Fence Type A is for the RIBS only and not part of the base bid, it is constructed by Others.

Question #3: The Bid Form states that the base bid is for non-BABA requirements. Please advise if we are to include AIS requirements in our base bid, this especially will apply to D.I. pipe and valves.
Answer #3: American Iron and Steel (AIS) will be a requirement, refer to Supplemental Conditions Article 16 and Appendix D, FDEP 23.

Question #4: Confirm Site Access Road is by Owner.
Answer #4: Confirmed.

Question #5: We do not see any specs for the two (2) 2-Ton Bridge cranes shown on Dwg S8.20. Please provide specs.
Answer #5: Specification will be provided.

Question #6: Specs 13205 for Prestressed Concrete Tanks mention domed roof, 2.13 Reclaimed Water Storage Tank Accessories, interior & exterior ladders, roof ventilator, parapet wall, overflow outlets, roof hatches, anti-vortex plate. Please advise confirm if any of the dome roof related items are required and confirm that there is not a Reclaimed Water Tank required.
Answer #6: Confirmed, there are no domed or reclaimed water storage tanks being constructed in this project phase.

Question #7: Spec 13300 - Part 1.05.B.3.a states that the pre-approved PCSI is Ardurra. Please confirm.
Answer #7: Refer to Addendum 01.

Question #8: Is the RIB Control Panel shown on I10.01 to be included in our bid or is it by others? Note 1 on this drawing states the RIB CP details are for reference only.
Answer #8: To be included in base bid.

Question #9: Please confirm if Okaloosa Co. Building permit is required and if any fee will be charged or if it will be waived for this project.
Answer #9: Yes, Contractor will be responsible for pulling and paying for all applicable permits for the Administration I Maintenance Building, Electrical Building, and Pre-Engineered Structures (Canopies) through the Okaloosa County Building Department. Plan reviews for the building, excluding the canopies has been previously completed and all comments will be incorporated into and addendum revision. Contractor is not responsible for plan review fees.

Question #10: Document #16: "Equipment Owner's Data Sheet" please clarify what is to be noted in this sheet that must be furnished with our bid. Is this for construction equipment we own that we intend to use on this project, or is this some other Equipment? This sheet requests Name of Owner with address and contact but does not have a line for the Type of Equipment. Please clarify.
Answer #10: This sheet can be removed, refer to ITEM 4.

Question #11: The piping schedule in the pipe specs requires that the Process Air (PA) piping from the blowers to the Tanks be Welded Stainless Steel. Can the underground only portion of this (PA) be changed to unlined Ductile Iron with heat resistant gaskets? The above ground portion could remain St. Stl.
Answer #11: All Process Air (PA) piping is to remain Welded Stainless Steel as designed.

Question #12: We have a conflict with the 7I17I24 bid date. Could the bid date be changed to either 7I10I24 or 7I24I24?
Answer #12: Bid date moved to July 24, 2024, refer to ITEM 1.

Question #13: Is a standard Bid Bond form acceptable? If not, please provide the required form.
Answer #13: Bid Bond form is attached, refer to ITEM 5.

Question #14: Spec Section 01740 Part 1.04.A states that the major equipment warranty period shall be for 2-years from date of substantial completion. The individual equipment spec sections mostly require 1-year warranties. Other areas of specs state for Contractor to provide a 1-year warranty. Please clarify if equipment warranty from manufacturers must be 1-year or 2-year.
Answer #14: Major equipment warranty period shall be for one (1) year from date of substantial completion.

Question #15: Spec Section 13382 for FRP Wet wells specify that 3 wet wells are required. I see the In-Plant Wetwell on the plans but do not see the other 2 noted wet wells. Please confirm if FRP Wet wells are needed for the Wet Weather and Stormwater.
Answer #15: Only one (1) Wet Well is included in this project, refer to ITEM 6.

Question #16: Sheet E8-00 data outlets are shown to have 2 cat 6 cables and a two-port data jack faceplate at each outlet location. Who is responsible for the network equipment, the installation of said equipment as well as the termination and testing of the cables to the network equipment?
Answer #16: Contractor is responsible for all.

Question #17: Sheet E10.15 Detail #2- calls for PVC coated Galvanized Steel conduit and fittings which is quite expensive and labor intensive. Will Aluminum Rigid conduit and fitting be acceptable in lieu of the PVC Galvanized steel?
Answer #17: Contractor to use PVC coated Rigid Galvanized Steel conduit, elbows, and fittings for transitioning from underground to above ground installation. Rigid aluminum conduit to be used in lieu of PVC coated galvanized steel above grade installation.

Question #18: Sheet E10-15 detail 1 & 4 shows stainless Unistrut to be used. Will Aluminum Unistrut be acceptable in lieu of the stainless steel to reduce cost and help with the AIS requirements?
Answer #18: Use stainless steel as shown on the plans.

Question #19: Sheet E10-16 detail 10- Is aluminum Unistrut acceptable in lieu of the stainless steel to reduce cost and help with the AIS requirements?
Answer #19: Use stainless steel as shown on the plans.

Question #20: Sheet E10-18 detail 16- calls for hot dipped galvanized steel on the leg and plate. Is aluminum acceptable in lieu of the galvanized steel?
Answer #20: Existing detail shall be used as shown.

Question #21: Sheet E0.03 shows EMH and CMH manholes. Please confirm the EMH are to be the 8'x9'x8' manhole shown in detail 11 on sheet E10.17 and the CMH manhole is to be the 4'x4'x4' manholes shown on detail 13 sheet E10.17.
Answer #21: Confirmed.

Question #22: Specification 01740 - warranty requirements - 1.04 (A) The requirement for the manufacturer's warranty period of 2 years from the date of substantial completion will require an additional cost since most warranties start at the products shipping date or the date of delivery. Since this project duration is 2 years an extended warranty will likely have to be purchased because some product will be stored on site for at least a year before substantial completion is achieved. Should we plan on including the cost of the extended warranty or is it acceptable for the warranty to start on the date of delivery?
Answer #22: See revised Specification 01740 - Warranty Requirements - 1.04 - A: The requirement for the manufacturer's warranty period of 1 year from the date of equipment start-up.

Question #23: Specification section 1600- staffing- this section is requiring the Project Superintendent to be a Florida state licensed, by exam, journeyman electrician. In our area, most superintendent have achieved that level of responsibility through knowledge gain by years of service and experience. The journeyman license is not typically a requirement in our geographical area. If this requirement is enforced, it will limit the electrical competition. Will a resume stating qualifications and years of experience be acceptable in lieu of the state exam license?
Answer #23: The contractor can submit a resume stating qualifications and years of experience. Specification 1600 has been updated to reflect this.

Question #24: Spec section 1600-Staffing requires staffing of 1 licensed journeyman electrician for every 3 apprentices. Typically, in our area, the process to earn the level of "Electrician" is done through years of experience and knowledge acquired during those years. After that knowledge and experience is acquired then the individual can be list and paid as an electrician. Will a resume stating the qualifications and years of experience be acceptable in lieu of the state exam license?
Answer #24: The contractor can submit a resume stating qualifications and years of experience. Specification 1600 has been updated to reflect this.
Question #25: Specification 16051, 1.01 (B) states the electrical testing shall be by an independent testing firm OR the manufacture of the 480-volt switchboards. The Switchboards, MCC, panels, transformers, disconnects, etc., should all the same manufacture; so, is it acceptable for the manufacture to perform all the electrical testing required in this spec. section or does it have to be performed by an independent testing agency not affiliated with the manufacture of the equipment?
Answer #25: Independent testing shall be performed for the equipment listed in specification 16051 section 3.04A. Any other equipment shall be tested by the Contractor.

Question #26: Specification 16120-2 cable testing: Is it acceptable for the Electrical contractor to perform the cable testing required in this section or does it have to be an independent testing agency?
Answer #26: Independent testing shall be performed for the equipment listed in specification 16051 section 3.04A. Any other equipment shall be tested by the Contractor.

Question #27: Specification 16231- 1.09 Generator extended warranty- requires a 5-year complete turnkey warranty including materials and labor for a period of 5 years from the "date of acceptance". I assume the date of acceptance will be the substantial completion date which may require the extended warranty to be at least 6 years since the generator may be delivered up to one year prior to substantial completion. Will a five-year extended warranty be acceptable from the date of delivery, or should we include the additional cost to extend the warranty out to start at substantial completion?
Answer #27: See revised Specification 16231 - 1.09 - A: Generator Extended Warranty- requires a 5-year complete turnkey warranty including materials and labor for a period of 5 years from the of date of equipment start-up.

Question #28: Specification 16051 - Electrical testing and infrared scanning- Is it acceptable for the electrical contractor to perform the electrical testing require in the specifications or does the testing have to be performed by independent, NETA ATS &ECS firm not affiliated with the electrical contractor? If the independent firm is required, is the cost of said firm paid by the EC, the GC, or the owner?
Answer #28: Independent testing shall be performed for the equipment listed in specification 16051 section 3.04A. Any other equipment shall be tested by the Contractor.

Question #29: On Sheet E0.03 the duct bank system is shown however the Detail reference notes for each section of duct bank is very hard to read. Please clarify the which duct bank detail is being referenced in each of the notes on this sheet.
Answer #29: Refer to attached sheet E0.03 for clarity.

Pre-Bid Meeting Attendance Sheet
BABA Waiver
Bid Bond
01014 Construction Sequence
01740 Warranties and Bonds
03180 Concrete Coating System
11226 Clarifier
11355 Weirs and Baffles
13382 FRP Wet Well
16000 Electrical General Provisions
16231 Diesel Engine Driven Generator Sets
Geotechnical Final Report
Select Drawing Sheets:
Process Mechanical

End of Addendum No. 2

Deadline: 7/24/2024 3:00 PM

Solicitation #: ITB WS 51-24


Posted: 7/3/2024

Type of Addition: Addendum 3

Overview: ADDENDUM NO. 3
TO: Prospective Bidders and Others Concerned
DATE: July 3, 2024
PROJECT: Shoal River Ranch Water Reclamation Facility
OWNER: Okaloosa County Water & Sewer
BID DATE: July 24, 2024
SUBJECT: Changes to the Contract Documents
The Contract Documents for this Project are amended as set forth below. Bidders must acknowledge receipt of this Addendum on the Bid Form when bids are submitted.
ITEM 1 The Anti Human Trafficking Affidavit is a required response document as of July 1, 2024. The affidavit is attached and must be submitted with the bid.
ITEM 2 United States-Produced Iron and Steel (s. 255.0993, Fla. Stat.) - Any iron or steel product permanently incorporated into the project must be produced in the United States. The requirement will be added to the final contract.
ITEM 3 If a request for equipment/substitution is needed, it must be submitted via email to DeRita Mason at dmason@myokaloosa.com and Amber Hammonds at ahammonds@myokaloosa.com before the end of business day on July 12, 2024. The Equipment/Substitution list is attached to this addendum and must be included in your email.
End of Addendum No. 3

Deadline: 7/24/2024 3:00 PM

Solicitation #: ITB WS 51-24


Posted: 7/9/2024

Type of Addition: Addendum 4

Overview: ADDENDUM NO. 4
TO: Prospective Bidders and Others Concerned
DATE: July 9, 2024
PROJECT: Shoal River Ranch Water Reclamation Facility
OWNER: Okaloosa County Water & Sewer
BID DATE: July 24, 2024
SUBJECT: Changes to the Contract Documents

The Contract Documents for this Project are amended as set forth below. Bidders must acknowledge receipt of this Addendum on the Bid Form when bids are submitted.
ITEM 1 REMOVE in its entirety Specification 02225 – Compaction Grouting.
ITEM 2 REMOVE in its entirety Specification 02400 – Site Drainage.
ITEM 3 REMOVE in its entirety Specification 02500 – Asphalt Concrete Paving.
ITEM 4 ADD in its entirety Specification 14900 – Bridge Cranes and Hoist Systems.
ITEM 5 REPLACE in their entireties, the following specification sections:
• 01410: Testing Laboratory Services: PART 1 - 1.01 – A – 5: 5. All costs for testing services will be paid by the Contractor.
• 01740: Warranties and Bonds: PART 1 - 1.04 – A: A. All pre-purchased equipment includes warranties in the equipment manufacture’s Scope of Supply. For all non-pre-purchased major pieces of equipment, submit a warranty from the equipment manufacturer. The manufacturer's warranty period shall be for one (1) year from the date of Substantial Completion. The Contractors warranty period shall be for one (1) year from the date of Substantial Completion.
• 11226: Clarifier: PART 2 – 2.01 - A: A. Each collector shall have an access walkway that is supported by beams, channels, or trusses extending across the full 130’ outer tank diameter and
including a center drive platform, with a minimum 2-foot clearance around the drive. The access walkway shall be aluminum grating at least 3'-0" wide. The access walkway shall be supported on the outer 130’ diameter tank walls at its access ends and on the spur gear housing at the center of the tank. Access walkway shall be designed for all dead loads applied to it plus a live load of 100 lb./ft. The live load shall not cause a deflection of more than 1/360 of the span. 
• 11366: Disc Filter: PART 2 – 2.10 - K: K. The Programmable Controller will perform logic, timing, counting and real time clock operations. The Programmable Controller will be programmed using software to allow configuration of a downloadable program featuring input instructions, output instructions, timer instructions, counter instructions and counter instructions. The Programmable Controller will be equipped with a embedded 10/100 Base –T EtherNet/IP Port as well as USB programming port. The Programmable Controller will be equipped with a minimum twenty eight (28) Digital Inputs (120VAC) and twenty (20) Relay Outputs, additional I/O can be added via I/O expansion modules. The Controller shall be an Allen Bradley
Micro850 2080-LC50E-48AWB or approved equal.
• 11371: Rotary Screw Blowers: PART 2 - 2.13 – G = DELETE: G. The VSD shall be furnished with a 5% input reactor.
• 16231: Diesel Engine Driven Generator Sets: PART 1 - 1.05 – B – 4 = ADD Acceptable Manufacturer: 4. Generac
ITEM 6 Civil Drawings [C2.03, C2.04, C3.00, C3.02, C3.05, C3.11, C4.00, C5.00] - Clouded addition of wheel-stops and roadway entrance revisions.
ITEM 7 Structural Drawings [S6.10, S6.20, S8.10, S8.20, S9.10, S11.10] - Clouded changes for responses to building department.
ITEM 8 Process Drawings [M3.04] - Clouded changes for clarifier walkways.
ITEM 9 HVAC & Plumbing Drawings [H2.00, P2.00, P2.01, P4.00, P4.01] - Clouded changes for responses to building department.
ITEM 10 Electrical Drawings [E1.00, E2.00, E3.04, E5.00, E6.00, E8.00, E10.00, E10.01, E10.11, E10.14, E10.17] - Clouded changes for responses to building department, addition of disconnect
switches, revised manhole dimensions, and revisions for bridge cranes.
ITEM 11 Instrumentation & Controls Drawings [I4.02] - Clouded changes for revised disc filter items.
ITEM 12 Questions / Answers
• Specifications:
o 01410 Testing Laboratory Services
o 01740 Warranties and Bonds
o 11226 Clarifier
o 11366 Disc Filter
o 11371 Rotary Screw Blowers
o 14900 Bridge Cranes and Hoist Systems
o 16231 Diesel Engine Driven Generator Sets
• Select Drawing Sheets:
o Civil
o Structural
o Process Mechanical
o HVAC & Plumbing
o Electrical
o Instrumentation & Controls
• Flood Hazard Information Sheet

Deadline: 7/24/2024 3:00 PM

Solicitation #: ITB WS 51-24


Posted: 8/13/2024

Type of Addition: Award Information / J & P Construction Co., Inc. dba Jamison Construction Company


Posted: 6/4/2024

Question: What is the engineer estimate for this project?

Response: $30 Million-$40 Million [Funding from a combination of Federal, State, and Local]

Posted: 6/4/2024

Question: Please confirm that the Fence Type A shown on C3.01 and other plans around the RIBs are by others and not in contract for the WRF. Provide detail for Type A if in this contract.

Response: Confirmed, Fence Type A is for the RIBS only and not part of the base bid, it is constructed by Others.

Posted: 6/4/2024

Question: The Bid Form states that the base bid is for Non BABA requirements. Please advise if we are to include AIS requirements in our base bid, this especially will apply to D.I. pipe and valves.

Response: American Iron and Steel (AIS) will be a requirement, refer to Supplemental Conditions Article 16 and Appendix D, FDEP 23.

Posted: 6/4/2024

Question: Confirm Site Access Road is by Owner.

Response: Confirmed.

Posted: 6/4/2024

Question: We do not see any specs for the two (2) 2-Ton Bridge cranes shown on Dwg S8.20. Please provide specs.

Response: Specification will be provided.

Posted: 6/5/2024

Question: Specs 13205 for Prestressed Concrete Tanks mention domed roof, 2.13 Reclaimed Water Storage Tank Accessories, interior & exterior ladders, roof ventilator, parapet wall, overflow outlets, roof hatches, anti-vortex plate. Please advise confirm if any of the dome roof related items are required and confirm that there is not a Reclaimed Water Tank required.

Response: Confirmed, there are no domed or reclaimed water storage tanks being constructed in this project phase.

Posted: 6/5/2024

Question: Spec 13300 – Part 1.05.B.3.a states that the pre-approved PCSI is Ardurra. Please confirm.

Response: Refer to Addendum 1.

Posted: 6/6/2024

Question: Is the RIB Control Panel shown on I10.01 to be included in our bid or is it by others? Note 1 on this drawing states the RIB CP details are for reference only.

Response: To be included in base bid.

Posted: 6/6/2024

Question: Please confirm if Okaloosa Co. Building permit is required and if any fee will be charged or if it will be waived for this project.

Response: Yes, Contractor will be responsible for pulling and paying for all applicable permits for the Administration/Maintenance Building, Electrical Building, and Pre-Engineered Structures (Canopies) through the Okaloosa County Building Department. Plan reviews for the building, excluding the canopies has been previously completed and all comments will be incorporated into and addendum revision. Contractor is not responsible for plan review fees.

Posted: 6/13/2024

Question: Document #16: Equipment Owner’s Data Sheet – please clarify what is to be noted in this sheet that must be furnished with our bid. Is this for construction equipment we own that we intend to use on this project, or is this some other Equipment? This sheet requests Name of Owner with address and contact but does not have a line for the Type of Equipment. Please clarify.

Response: This sheet can be removed, refer to ITEM 4.

Posted: 6/13/2024

Question: The piping schedule in the pipe specs requires that the Process Air (PA) piping from the blowers to the Tanks be Welded Stainless Steel. Can the underground only portion of this (PA) be changed to unlined Ductile Iron with heat resistant gaskets? The above ground portion could remain St. Stl.

Response: All Process Air (PA) piping is to remain Welded Stainless Steel as designed.

Posted: 6/13/2024

Question: We have a conflict with the 7/17/24 bid date. Could the bid date be changed to either 7/10/24 or 7/24/24?

Response: Bid date moved to July 24, 2024, refer to ITEM 1.

Posted: 6/13/2024

Question: Is a standard Bid Bond form acceptable? If not, please provide the required form.

Response: Bid Bond form is attached, refer to ITEM 5.

Posted: 6/13/2024

Question: Spec Section 01740 Part 1.04.A states that the major equipment warranty period shall be for 2-years from date of substantial completion. The individual equipment spec sections mostly require 1-year warranties. Other areas of specs state for Contractor to provide a 1-year warranty. Please clarify if equipment warranty from manufacturers must be 1-year or 2-year.

Response: Major equipment warranty period shall be for one (1) year from date of substantial completion.

Posted: 6/17/2024

Question: Spec Section 13382 for FRP Wetwells specify that 3 wetwells are required. I see the In-Plant Wetwell on the plans but do not see the other 2 noted wetwells. Please confirm if FRP Wetwells are needed for the Wet Weather and Stormwater.

Response: Only one (1) Wet Well is included in this project, refer to ITEM 6.

Posted: 6/17/2024

Question: Sheet E8-00 data outlets are shown to have 2 cat 6 cables and a two port data jack faceplate at each outlet location. Who is responsible for the network equipment, the installation of said equipment as well as the termination and testing of the cables to the network equipment?

Response: Contractor is responsible for all.

Posted: 6/17/2024

Question: Sheet E10.15 Detail #2- calls for PVC coated Galvanized Steel conduit and fittings which is quite expensive and labor intensive. Will Aluminum Rigid conduit and fitting be acceptable in lieu of the PVC Galvanized steel?

Response: Contractor to use PVC coated Rigid Galvanized Steel conduit, elbows, and fittings for transitioning from underground to above ground installation. Rigid aluminum conduit to be used in lieu of PVC coated galvanized steel above grade installation.

Posted: 6/17/2024

Question: Sheet E10-15 detail 1 & 4 shows stainless unistrut to be used. Will Aluminum Unistrut be acceptable in lieu of the stainless steel to reduce cost and help with the AIS requirements?

Response: Use stainless steel as shown on the plans.

Posted: 6/17/2024

Question: Sheet E10-16 detail 10- Is aluminum unistrut acceptable in lieu of the stainless steel to reduce cost and help with the AIS requirements?

Response: Use stainless steel as shown on the plans.

Posted: 6/17/2024

Question: Sheet E10-18 detail 16- calls for hot dipped galvanized steel on the leg and plate. Is aluminum acceptable in lieu of the galvanized steel?

Response: Existing detail shall be used as shown.

Posted: 6/17/2024

Question: Sheet E0.03 shows EMH and CMH manholes. Please confirm the EMH are to be the 8'x9'x8' manhole shown in detail 11 on sheet E10.17 and the CMH manhole is to be the 4'x4'x4' manholes shown on detail 13 sheet E10.17.

Response: Confirmed.

Posted: 6/18/2024

Question: Specification 01740 - warranty requirements - 1.04 (A) The requirement for the manufacture's warranty period of 2 years from the date of substantial completion will require a additional cost since most warranties start at the products shipping date or the date of delivery. Since this project duration is 2 years an extended warranty will likely have to be purchased because some product will be stored on site for at least a year before substantial completion is achieved. Should we plan on including the cost of the extended warranty or is it acceptable for the warranty to start on the date of delivery?

Response: See revised Specification 01740 - Warranty Requirements - 1.04 - A: The requirement for the manufacturer's warranty period of 1 year from the date of equipment start-up.

Posted: 6/18/2024

Question: Specification section 1600- staffing- this section is requires the Project Superintendent to be a Florida state licensed, by exam, journeyman electrician. In our area, most superintendent have achieved that level of responsibility through knowledge gain by years of service and experience. The journeyman license is not typically a requirement in our geographical area. If this requirement is enforced it will limit the electrical competition. Will a resume stating qualifications and years of experience be acceptable in lieu of the state exam license?

Response: The contractor can submit a resume stating qualifications and years of experience. Specification 1600 has been updated to reflect this.

Posted: 6/18/2024

Question: Spec section 1600-Staffing requires staffing of 1 licensed journeyman electrician for every 3 apprentices. Typically, in our area, the process to earn the level of "Electrician" is done through years of experience and knowledge acquired during those years. After that knowledge and experience is acquired then the individual can be list and paid as an electrician. Will a resume stating the qualifications and years of experience be acceptable in lieu of the state exam license?

Response: The contractor can submit a resume stating qualifications and years of experience. Specification 1600 has been updated to reflect this.

Posted: 6/18/2024

Question: Specification 16051, 1.01 (B) states the electrical testing shall be by an independent testing firm OR the manufacture of the 480 volt switchboards. The Switchboards, MCC, panels, transformers, disconnects, etc., should all the same manufacture so is it acceptable for the manufacture to perform all the electrical testing required in this spec. section or does it have to be performed by an independent testing agency not affiliated with the manufacture of the equipment?

Response: Independent testing shall be performed for the equipment listed in specification 16051 section 3.04A. Any other equipment shall be tested by the Contractor.

Posted: 6/18/2024

Question: Specification 16120-2 cable testing: Is it acceptable for the Electrical contractor to perform the cable testing required in this section section or does it have to be an independent testing agency?

Response: Independent testing shall be performed for the equipment listed in specification 16051 section 3.04A. Any other equipment shall be tested by the Contractor.

Posted: 6/18/2024

Question: Specification 16231- 1.09 Generator extended warranty- requires a 5 year complete turn key warranty including materials and labor for a period of 5 years from the "date of acceptance". I assume the date of acceptance will be the substantial completion date which may require the extended warranty to be at least 6 years since the generator may be delivered up to one year prior to substantial completion. Will a five year extended warranty be acceptable from the date of delivery or should we included the additional cost to extend the warranty out to start at substantial completion?

Response: See revised Specification 16231 - 1.09 - A: Generator Extended Warranty- requires a 5-year complete turnkey warranty including materials and labor for a period of 5 years from the of date of equipment start-up.

Posted: 6/18/2024

Question: Specification 16051 - Electrical testing and infrared scanning- Is it acceptable for the electrical contractor to perform the electrical testing require in the specifications or does the testing have to be performed by independent, NETA ATS &ECS firm not affiliated with the electrical contractor? If the independent firm is required, is the cost of said firm paid by the EC, the GC or The owner?

Response: Independent testing shall be performed for the equipment listed in specification 16051 section 3.04A. Any other equipment shall be tested by the Contractor.

Posted: 6/18/2024

Question: On Sheet E0.03 the duct bank system is shown however the Detail reference notes for each section of duct bank is very hard to read. Please clarify the which duct bank detail is being referenced in each of the notes on this sheet.

Response: Refer to attached sheet E0.03 for clarity.

Posted: 6/21/2024

Question: 1. What exactly is Spec section 02225 to be used for?

Response: DELETE Section 02225 - Compaction Grouting: No compaction grouting is needed on this project.

Posted: 6/21/2024

Question: 2. Is owner clearing the area for the plant also, not just the RIBs?

Response: Owner is only clearing RIBs site and plant site as discussed in the Pre-Bid.

Posted: 6/21/2024

Question: 3. Is owner seeding or sodding entire area outside plant site? We will just be responsible for onsite sodding?

Response: Contractor is only responsible for seeding/sodding disturbed areas inside the prescribed limits of clearing plan as disgusted at the Pre-Bid.

Posted: 6/21/2024

Question: 4. Site includes no storm sewer system (spec 02400), is this correct?

Response: DELETE Section 02400 - Site Drainage.

Posted: 6/21/2024

Question: 5. Asphalt paving (spec 02500) is not included in this project? Is this correct?

Response: DELETE Section 02500- Asphalt Paving: No asphalt paving included in the phase of the project.

Posted: 6/21/2024

Question: 6. Are we to include only Fence type “B” at site? And not RIBs?

Response: Correct.

Posted: 6/21/2024

Question: 7. Is cantilevered gate at entrance, to receive an operator?

Response: No.

Posted: 6/21/2024

Question: 8. Pavement marking for parking is to be painted on gravel?

Response: Only handicap parking is to be marked.

Posted: 6/21/2024

Question: 9. Will site access road be installed before we begin sitework?

Response: Access to site will be provided prior to construction.

Posted: 6/21/2024

Question: 10. Are we to dig stormwater pond?

Response: Yes, Contractor is responsible for the stormwater pond as discussed at the Pre-Bid.

Posted: 6/21/2024

Question: 11. Where will 30,000 cy be stockpiled?

Response: On site, process tanks and headworks areas.

Posted: 6/21/2024

Question: 12. If we have any fill left, should we export it or stockpile it on site?

Response: Stockpile on site.

Posted: 6/21/2024

Question: 13. Are there any Landscape or Irrigation drawings?

Response: No.

Posted: 6/24/2024

Question: Addendum #2 Item 6 made a change to 01740 Warranties and Bonds. The last line states that Contractors warranty is to be 2 years from Substantial Completion. The equipment manufacturers warranty is stated to be 1-year. Please clarify Contractors warranty. Does the 2 year Contractor warranty Exclude all the major equipment, or is the intent for the Contractor to carry the 2nd year warranty on their own on all major equipment? This adds major risk to the GC and we request that this be changed. Please change so that the manufacturer & contractor warranties to be the same duration and concurrent. Any warranty for equipment (even thru the GC) should be included by the manufacturer.

Response: Contractor's warranty on equipment and construction has been revised to 1- year from date of substantial completion.

Posted: 6/24/2024

Question: Please clarify if Concrete Coating System (03180) is required only on the Headworks structure as stated in 1.01.A. or if it is also required on the concrete manholes. Add#2 Item 6 for 03180 states that Surfacer shall be Tnemec “(for manholes 5’ diameter or less)” and part b. ‘Apply 1 coat of Tnemec 451 CPP Sprayliner MH on surfaces at 125 mils. I do not see in the plans where concrete coating is shown for the manholes (Detail B on C5.03). Please clarify if concrete coating system is required on Manholes.

Response: Yes, all sanitary sewer manholes are to be coated.

Posted: 6/25/2024

Question: The Gravel Road Detail (Detail C) on page C.500 is calling for an HDPE Geomembrane Liner underneath the Gravel. In this application a high strength woven geotextile such as Mirafi RS380i would typically be specified. Please clarify if a Liner or Geotextile is required and what material specification we are to meet.

Response: Woven geotextile or geogrid conforming to FDOT Specification 985 for Application R-1 (Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil (GRS-IBS)).

Posted: 6/25/2024

Question: Section 13350.11 is listed in the table of contents as Sodium Hypochlorite Dosing Pumps. However, that section is not included in Division 13. Can this section be added?

Response: Section 133350.11 was inadvertently listed in the ToC of the front-end documents; however, it was removed in the ToC and body of the Technical Specifications as there is no Sodium Hypochlorite as part of this project.

Posted: 6/27/2024

Question: 1) DWG I4.02: Mobile ACS unit P-494 Note - this pump motor cannot be supplied with a High Temp Switch due to it being plugged into the Discfilter control panel for operation. 2) DWG I4.02: Backwash Pump Line Note - please remove the butterfly valves and check valve in the backwash piping line as they are not supplied. Also note the backwash line size is 3" instead of 6". BV-496 is not 6" but 3/8". It is used to test the backwash spray nozzles on low pressure for maintenance purposes. 3) 11366: 2.10.K: The Controller shall be an Allen Bradley Micro850 2080-LC50-48AWB or approved equal. Note - the Controller shall be Allen Bradley Micro850 2080-LC50E-48AWB. Please revise 4) 11366 2.10 C The enclosure shall be Saginaw SCE-60EL3612SSLP or approved equal. Note - enclosure will be SCE-72EL3612SSLP. Please revise

Response: 1-2) DWG I4.02 has been revised to reflect the comments. 3) Specification 11366 has been revised to reflect the comments.

Posted: 6/28/2024

Question: Sheet E10.17 detail 11 calls for a 8' x9' x8' manhole. Will a 8' x8' x8' I.D. be acceptable?

Response: 8'x8'x8' manholes are acceptable. See revised sheet E10.17.

Posted: 6/28/2024

Question: Spec 01410 states that the cost for testing services will be paid out of the allowance provided on the bid form. I do not see this on the bid form. Please advise.

Response: Specification 01410 - Testing Laboratory Services has been revised to remove reference to allowance. All costs for testing services will be paid by the Contractor.

Posted: 7/2/2024

Question: Please confirm the percentage of Bid Security required for this solicitation. 5% or 10%?

Response: 5%. Refer to Article 6 - Bonds and Insurance, Bid Guarantees, Section 6.1 of the FDEP Supplementary Conditions.

Posted: 7/2/2024

Question: On Okaloosa Form #17, Bid Sheet, Pre-con is listed as the only 13205 Prestressed Tank manufacturer. However, Specification 13205, Section 1.05 B3a, also list The Crom Corporation as a preapproved acceptable tank manufacturer. Please list Crom Corporation along with Pre-con on the Bid Sheet as an acceptable tank manufacturer under the Equipment/Supplier Schedule.

Response: Crom is an approved alternate and can be written in as an Alternative with deduct cost. In order to maintain comparable base bids, the project was designed around PreCon and they are the listed primary manufacture.

Posted: 7/2/2024

Question: Please provide the 100-year flood elevation for the project site.

Response: The site is not within the 100-year flood zone as the site falls within Zone X. Additionally, the creek in closest proximity to the site has no Base Flood Elevation data (Attached = Zone A).

Posted: 7/2/2024

Question: Please provide the required anchor bolt embedment depth for both the fine bubble diffusers and coarse bubble diffusers in Treatment Unit No. 1 and Unit No. 2.

Response: The anchor embedment and diameter shall be provided by the diffuser manufacturer.

Posted: 7/2/2024

Question: Please provide the centerline elevation for the 36” SCE wall pipe required on Plan Sheet M3.04.

Response: 214.03-ft

Posted: 7/2/2024

Question: Please provide the centerline elevation for the 6” SCW wall pipe required on Plan Sheet M3.04.

Response: 214.82-ft

Posted: 7/2/2024

Question: Specification 13205, Section 2.12 B1, calls for an aluminum exterior ladder for the clarifier tanks. However, an exterior ladder is not included on the plan sheets. Please confirm that an exterior ladder is not required.

Response: No ladder is required.

Posted: 7/2/2024

Question: Specification 13205, Section 2.12 C, calls for a fiberglass interior ladder for the clarifier tanks. However, an interior ladder is not included on the plan sheets. Please confirm that an interior ladder is not required.

Response: No ladder is required.

Posted: 7/2/2024

Question: Is Tnemec Series 156 Enviro-Crete an approved equal for Sherwin Williams Loxon XP?

Response: Yes, this is acceptable.

Posted: 7/3/2024

Question: What is the spacing on the angle pipe support that are to be attached to the tank wall for the 18” NRCY pipe?

Response: See specification 15110 - 2.1 for pipe support spacing requirements.

Posted: 7/3/2024

Question: What is the size and capacity of the jib crane?

Response: Refer to Specification 11221 - Submersible Propeller Pumps; Section 2.03 - Jib Crane.

Posted: 7/3/2024

Question: Is there only one pipe support inside the tank for the 36” SCE pipe? If so, what is the load that the tank wall will need to accommodate for this pipe?

Response: Yes, refer to the structural details for the pipe support on sheet S3.21.

Posted: 7/3/2024

Question: What is the launder floor elevation for the concrete launder around the circumference of the outer tank wall?

Response: 218.33-ft

Posted: 7/3/2024

Question: Where the launder ends at the jib crane locations and other locations should there be a wall at the termination of the launder, or should it be open?

Response: Keep the end of the launder open for completion in the future.

Posted: 7/3/2024

Question: Drawing M10.10 indicates a metal canopy. Do we have a specification for this? Please clarify.

Response: See sheet S10.10 for all necessary information.

Posted: 7/3/2024

Question: Spec 13121 / 1.01 H says to include the cost for Custom colors. Is this going to be a requirement or are they going to pick from the manufacturer's standard colors? If they do want pricing for custom colors, will all panels and trims be the same color or can there possibly be multiple custom colors?

Response: Include pricing for manufacturer's standard colors only.

Posted: 7/3/2024

Question: Spec 13121 / 2.01 B3 says to support anything hanging from these structures that weighs more than the 8 psf collateral loads. Other than the bridge cranes, is there anything on any of the buildings that fits this criteria? (Are the air handlers hanging from the structure shown on sheet H2.00 in the maintenance building?)

Response: Please see the Drawings which contains all information regarding the equipment hanging from the structure.

Posted: 7/3/2024

Question: Spec 13121 / 2.09 C mentions exterior and interior finishing systems that shall meet the standards specified in The Aluminum Association. Most building suppliers are not aluminum, they will be painted galvalume material. Please advise.

Response: Agreed. The sentence "The exterior and interior finishing systems shall meet the quality standards specified in The Aluminum Association publication, "Aluminum Standards and Data," except that for salt spray resistance, exposure shall be 450 hours, and maximum undercutting from the scored line shall not exceed 1I8 inch." can be removed from the specification.

Posted: 7/3/2024

Question: What R-value metal building insulation goes in the roof and walls for the Maintenance Building?

Response: Metal Building Roofs: R-19 + R-11 LS; Metal Building Walls: R-13 + R-6.5 ci.

Posted: 7/3/2024

Question: Is the Air Compressor Canopy shown on M10.10 with the pre-engineered metal building supplier? Or is this structural steel indicating tube steel columns?

Response: See sheet S10.10.

Posted: 7/3/2024

Question: Sheet S6.20 shows the downward design reaction for the crane. Do we need to use the same load on the other two cranes shown on S8.20 in the small single-slope buildings?

Response: No, those loads shall be provided by the Contractor during construction since those cranes will be purchased and installed under this project.

Posted: 7/3/2024

Question: Spec 13121 / 2.10 A states the primer the building manufacturer needs to use on the primary steel and B says it must be compatible with the specified paint system. If this is not compatible with the building manufacturers, it will most likely be sent black iron and painted in the field. Please clarify.

Response: A primer shall be used which is compatible with the proposed painting system.

Posted: 7/3/2024

Question: Will MPI (Kennedy, M&H, Clow) be an acceptable manufacturer for the gate valves, plug valves, butterfly valves, swing check valves, and rubber flapper check valves?

Response: No.