City of Aztec Quote

Title: RFQ-2021-777 Animas River Bank Structure Rock

Deadline: 5/26/2021 2:00 PM   (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)

Status: Deadline Expired

Quote Number: RFQ-2021-777

Description: Purchase of j-hook structure rock (1.7-2.2+CY) 322 tons; j-hook splash rock (0.4-0.8 CY) 39 tons; Bank footer rock (1.7-2.2+CY) 96 tons; Bank step rock (0.4-0.8 CY) 77 tons; River Ingress-Egress step rock 24”- 36” in length, round boulders 17 tons; Delivery to Rio and Riverside parks


Documents as of 5/12/2021
RFQ 2021-777 Animas River Bank Structure Rock.pdf