Peralta Community College District Sealed Solicitation
Deadline: 10/12/2020 2:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Indiana (East)
Status: Deadline Expired
Solicitation Number: RFP 19-20/12
Description: This posting is for the three pre-qualified Design-Build Entities resulting from RFQ 19-20/12 and their subcontractors. No other submissions will be accepted.
Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 9/15/2020 2:00 PM
Pre-Bid Meeting Details: Laney College 900 Fallon Street, Oakland, CA 94607. Meet at the existing Central Utility Plant with masks on and mainting COVID-19 safe distancing.
Question 1
Posted: 9/30/2020
Question: 1. Sheet E2.01 shows Distribution Panel EP, this is not labeled as existing, but it does show as existing on E1.01. Please confirm this is existing. 2. Existing MCC-2 (Future Distribution Panel EP2A) is fed from EP with a feeder labeled 6003. Please provide feeder size for EP2A 6003. 3. New chillers are fed from a 600/3 circuit breaker but have a 100A disconnect (Type C) for shutoff. Please confirm that these should be 600A (Type F). 4. Please provide feeder sizes for feeder notes 4000 and 6000. 5. Conduits that are not shown in the site trenching details C4.00, C4.01 a. Emergency conduit from ERC2 to new panel ERZC13 up to new utility building b. Feeder conduit from EPCUP to net utility building for EP213 c. 12 KV feeder from “E” Primary switchgear to new utility building for future transformer 6. Bridging documents do not have information for Data, Security, or other Low Voltage systems at the new utility building. Are these to be included? If so, please provide: a. Information and manufacturer of security system b. Locations where these may be fed from 7. There are 4 – 1.25” and 2 – 2” spare conduits shown on Note 1 on both C4.00 and C4.01. Please provide future use for these conduits.
Response: Answered in Addendum Two, posted today 10-6-20.
Question 2
Posted: 9/30/2020
Question: 1. Can the district provide a campus Path of Travel plan from prior projects? 2. During the site meeting it was mentioned meetings have occurred with PG&E regarding the 115kv facilities and associated easement. Are meeting minutes available and what are the requirements for work within the easement? Concerns include minimum clearances to maintain, review process with PG&E, oversight/interaction during construction that will impact schedule, etc. 3. Potholes #2 and #5 document the depth of the 115kv duct bank. What is the width of the duct bank? 4. Sheet C4.00 notes the relocation of a 12kv duct bank between manhole A and the existing switchgear. Is there a single line diagram or other information available to explain what this branch serves and the associated shut down required?
Response: Answered in Addendum Two, posted today 10-6-20.
Question 3
Posted: 9/30/2020
Question: 5. Can the district provide the LRC building plans for reference? 6. The criteria documents call for the relocation of the domestic water backflow preventor. Has there been any correspondence with EBMUD regarding the proposed location? 7. What is the timing of the relocation of the 36-inch EBMUD watermain shown on sheet C4.01? Will it be relocated prior to the construction of this project? If not what are the criteria/requirements for construction within the easement and for crossing the water main? 8. It was mentioned on the informational meeting that the District plans to procure the equipment for this project. Please advise if the equipment should be planned to be included in the NTE cost of $12m or outside. Also, please advise if the equipment are planned to be procured on or before the DSA approval?
Response: Answered in Addendum Two, posted today 10-6-20.
Question 4
Posted: 10/1/2020
Question: RFI Q1: Reference Sheet C4.01: Information needed for general note to Relocate panel: • Please provide new location for disconnect, Transformer, and panel. • Please provide single line showing where panel is fed from and feeder size • Please provide panel schedule or loads that will need to be reconfigured to new location. RFI Q2: Who is the preferred Fire Life Safety Alarm vendor for the campus? Please provide contact info. Thank you!
Response: Answered in Addendum Two, posted today 10-6-20.
Posted: 9/30/2020
Question: 1. Sheet E2.01 shows Distribution Panel EP, this is not labeled as existing, but it does show as existing on E1.01. Please confirm this is existing. 2. Existing MCC-2 (Future Distribution Panel EP2A) is fed from EP with a feeder labeled 6003. Please provide feeder size for EP2A 6003. 3. New chillers are fed from a 600/3 circuit breaker but have a 100A disconnect (Type C) for shutoff. Please confirm that these should be 600A (Type F). 4. Please provide feeder sizes for feeder notes 4000 and 6000. 5. Conduits that are not shown in the site trenching details C4.00, C4.01 a. Emergency conduit from ERC2 to new panel ERZC13 up to new utility building b. Feeder conduit from EPCUP to net utility building for EP213 c. 12 KV feeder from “E” Primary switchgear to new utility building for future transformer 6. Bridging documents do not have information for Data, Security, or other Low Voltage systems at the new utility building. Are these to be included? If so, please provide: a. Information and manufacturer of security system b. Locations where these may be fed from 7. There are 4 – 1.25” and 2 – 2” spare conduits shown on Note 1 on both C4.00 and C4.01. Please provide future use for these conduits.
Response: Answered in Addendum Two, posted today 10-6-20.
Posted: 9/30/2020
Question: 1. Can the district provide a campus Path of Travel plan from prior projects? 2. During the site meeting it was mentioned meetings have occurred with PG&E regarding the 115kv facilities and associated easement. Are meeting minutes available and what are the requirements for work within the easement? Concerns include minimum clearances to maintain, review process with PG&E, oversight/interaction during construction that will impact schedule, etc. 3. Potholes #2 and #5 document the depth of the 115kv duct bank. What is the width of the duct bank? 4. Sheet C4.00 notes the relocation of a 12kv duct bank between manhole A and the existing switchgear. Is there a single line diagram or other information available to explain what this branch serves and the associated shut down required?
Response: Answered in Addendum Two, posted today 10-6-20.
Posted: 9/30/2020
Question: 5. Can the district provide the LRC building plans for reference? 6. The criteria documents call for the relocation of the domestic water backflow preventor. Has there been any correspondence with EBMUD regarding the proposed location? 7. What is the timing of the relocation of the 36-inch EBMUD watermain shown on sheet C4.01? Will it be relocated prior to the construction of this project? If not what are the criteria/requirements for construction within the easement and for crossing the water main? 8. It was mentioned on the informational meeting that the District plans to procure the equipment for this project. Please advise if the equipment should be planned to be included in the NTE cost of $12m or outside. Also, please advise if the equipment are planned to be procured on or before the DSA approval?
Response: Answered in Addendum Two, posted today 10-6-20.
Posted: 10/1/2020
Question: RFI Q1: Reference Sheet C4.01: Information needed for general note to Relocate panel: • Please provide new location for disconnect, Transformer, and panel. • Please provide single line showing where panel is fed from and feeder size • Please provide panel schedule or loads that will need to be reconfigured to new location. RFI Q2: Who is the preferred Fire Life Safety Alarm vendor for the campus? Please provide contact info. Thank you!
Response: Answered in Addendum Two, posted today 10-6-20.