Peralta Community College District Sealed Solicitation
Title: RFQ/P 23-24/05 District-Wide Energy Efficiency Planning and Implementation Services
Deadline: 12/11/2023 1:00 PM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Status: In Review
Solicitation Number: RFQ/P 23-24/05
Description: The District wishes to incorporate the principles of sustainability into its organizational values and core business goals. These principles express the agency’s commitment to “reduce, re-use, and recycle all internal resources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.” These climate, energy, water, and resource conservation and management principles are to be integrated into the District’s infrastructure and facilities activities to reduce resource consumption; decrease air pollutant emissions, including greenhouse gas emissions; reduce solid and liquid waste generation, and increase recycling and diversion from landfill.
Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 11/15/2023 10:00 AM
Pre-Bid Meeting Details: Topic: Energy RFQP- Pre Meeting ZOOM Time: Nov 15, 2023 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 886 8912 8235 --- One tap mobile +16694449171,,88689128235# US +12532050468,,88689128235# US --- Dial by your location • +1 669 444 9171 US • +1 253 205 0468 US • +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) • +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) • +1 719 359 4580 US • +1 720 707 2699 US (Denver) • +1 564 217 2000 US • +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) • +1 646 931 3860 US • +1 689 278 1000 US • +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) • +1 305 224 1968 US • +1 309 205 3325 US • +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) • +1 360 209 5623 US • +1 386 347 5053 US • +1 507 473 4847 US Meeting ID: 886 8912 8235 Find your local number: --- Join by Skype for Business
Documents as of 11/3/2023 |
Notice to Proposers - RFP 23 24 05.pdf |
Addition 1
Posted: 11/23/2023
Type of Addition: Addendum One
Deadline: 11/28/2023 1:00 PM
Solicitation #: 23 24 05
Addition 2
Posted: 11/24/2023
Type of Addition: Addendum Two
Deadline: 12/7/2023 5:00 PM
Addition 3
Posted: 11/27/2023
Type of Addition: Addendum Three
Deadline: 12/11/2023 1:00 PM
Solicitation #: 23 24 05
Addition 4
Posted: 9/3/2024
Type of Addition: In Review
Question 1
Posted: 11/7/2023
Question: Would the district consider two-week extension on final submission deadline?
Response: yes, the new dates will be posted as an addendum.
Question 2
Posted: 11/17/2023
Question: This question is regarding, Attachment 9, Minimum Qualifications, which disqualifies a proposing energy services company if the company has been involved with any litigation in the past 5 years associated with savings performance and/or measurement and verification of a guaranteed energy savings project. Energy savings companies that have significant operations may be involved in litigation from time to time, including disputes of a commercial nature related to savings performance. The context of these litigations as they relate to such a company’s qualifications are customarily evaluated, scored, and weighed against other solicitation criteria. As noted in Part IV, Selection Criteria, Item 1, Litigation History, the presence of any litigation history is graded on a strict pass / fail basis. The result may be that an otherwise qualified proposer under the evaluation criteria may be excluded from the RFQ on this basis alone. Consistent with industry practice in pre-qualifications, may respondents submit the non-confidential nature of any qualifying litigation to be considered, weighed, and assessed against an amended evaluation criteria that scores litigation history on a points basis consistent with the other qualifying factors such as fee, approach, references, qualifications, and safety?
Response: The district is not looking to change its evaluation criteria at this time. However, respondents may submit an explanation of any qualifying litigation.
Question 3
Posted: 11/17/2023
Question: 1. With Thanksgiving being on 11/23, is it possible to get the District’s deadline for answering written questions moved to 11/21 (rather than 11/22, at 4pm)? If the deadline remains, there are only 1.5 days remaining (not including the Thanksgiving holiday weekend) before the proposal is due, which does not leave a lot of time to address the responses. 2. Based on the question asked during the Pre-Proposal meeting regarding page count limits, we were told the page limit is 15 pages (double-sided) or 30 pages (single sided). We are assuming that means we can distribute the pages per Tab as we feel required to adequately address the questions as long as the total page count does not exceed 30 pages (single-sided), ex. Tab 4 indicates 1 page limit; we believe we will need several more pages to adequately respond, so we may use 5-6 pages for TAB 4, Please confirm. 3. Under TAB 11 – Required Forms, item d. SLBE/ SELBE Program, the form instructions indicate this form, Attachment 4, must be completed and returned with submittal: however, there nothing to complete, nor any acknowledgement section for signatures, Please advise. Additionally, per the Table of Contents listing all the Attachments (page 4 of the RFQ/P), this document does not need to be returned with the proposal. Please confirm that Attachment 4 does not need to be submitted with the proposal. 4. Under TAB 11 – item h. Team Experience Template and item i, Professional Services SLBE Participation Table, it appears these documents were not included in the RFQ package. Please advise. 5. Please confirm that cover letter, table of contents, dividers, licenses, resumes, declarations (TAB 9) and exhibit TAB11 are not included in the page count. 6. Please confirm that we can use the Acknowledgement and Signature Form in RFQ/P Exhibit 8. RFP Acknowledgment and Signature Form in Tab 9, item e. - Other Certifications and Forms. 7. Are 9.e and 9.g the same? If not, how do they differ? 8. Can we submit a question asking about these Attestations to a 9. The attestations in 9.a and 9.b regarding the sample contract refer to a document that is not provided in the RFQ/P. Please confirm that we do not have to answer these two questions.
Response: We have already responded to this question. Please see the public solicitation.
Question 4
Posted: 11/17/2023
Question: I just noticed that all our questions were lumped into one paragraph. I am sending them seperately to make them easier for you to find and answer. 1. With Thanksgiving being on 11/23, is it possible to get the District’s deadline for answering written questions moved to 11/21 (rather than 11/22, at 4pm)? If the deadline remains, there are only 1.5 days remaining (not including the Thanksgiving holiday weekend) before the proposal is due, which does not leave a lot of time to address the responses.
Response: Yes, the new dates will be posted as an addendum.
Question 5
Posted: 11/17/2023
Question: 2. Based on the question asked during the Pre-Proposal meeting regarding page count limits, we were told the page limit is 15 pages (double-sided) or 30 pages (single sided). We are assuming that means we can distribute the pages per Tab as we feel required to adequately address the questions as long as the total page count does not exceed 30 pages (single-sided), ex. Tab 4 indicates 1 page limit; we believe we will need several more pages to adequately respond, so we may use 5-6 pages for TAB 4, Please confirm.
Response: The district will allow three additional pages back and front of six single sided pages.
Question 6
Posted: 11/17/2023
Question: 3. Under TAB 11 – Required Forms, item d. SLBE/ SELBE Program, the form instructions indicate this form, Attachment 4, must be completed and returned with submittal: however, there nothing to complete, nor any acknowledgement section for signatures, Please advise. Additionally, per the Table of Contents listing all the Attachments (page 4 of the RFQ/P), this document does not need to be returned with the proposal. Please confirm that Attachment 4 does not need to be submitted with the proposal.
Response: Attachment 4 does not need to be submitted with the proposal. Attachment 4 is informational for attachment 5 which must be completed.
Question 7
Posted: 11/17/2023
Question: 4. Under TAB 11 – item h. Team Experience Template and item i, Professional Services SLBE Participation Table, it appears these documents were not included in the RFQ package. Please advise.
Response: Item H – please create and submit your team experience information Item I – please provide information regarding your team SLBE/SELBE team partners.
Question 8
Posted: 11/17/2023
Question: 5. Please confirm that cover letter, table of contents, dividers, licenses, resumes, declarations (TAB 9) and exhibit TAB11 are not included in the page count.
Response: The cover letter is included in the count – the other items are not.
Question 9
Posted: 11/17/2023
Question: 6. Please confirm that we can use the Acknowledgement and Signature Form in RFQ/P Exhibit 8. RFP Acknowledgment and Signature Form in Tab 9, item e. - Other Certifications and Forms.
Response: Yes
Question 10
Posted: 11/17/2023
Question: 7. Are 9.e and 9.g the same? If not, how do they differ?
Response: Yes
Question 11
Posted: 11/17/2023
Question: 8. The attestations in 9.a and 9.b regarding the sample contract refer to a document that is not provided in the RFQ/P. Please confirm that we do not have to answer these two questions.
Response: A sample of the district standard professional services contract is provided in this addendum.
Posted: 11/23/2023
Type of Addition: Addendum One
Deadline: 11/28/2023 1:00 PM
Solicitation #: 23 24 05
Posted: 11/24/2023
Type of Addition: Addendum Two
Deadline: 12/7/2023 5:00 PM
Posted: 11/27/2023
Type of Addition: Addendum Three
Deadline: 12/11/2023 1:00 PM
Solicitation #: 23 24 05
Posted: 9/3/2024
Type of Addition: In Review
Posted: 11/7/2023
Question: Would the district consider two-week extension on final submission deadline?
Response: yes, the new dates will be posted as an addendum.
Posted: 11/17/2023
Question: This question is regarding, Attachment 9, Minimum Qualifications, which disqualifies a proposing energy services company if the company has been involved with any litigation in the past 5 years associated with savings performance and/or measurement and verification of a guaranteed energy savings project. Energy savings companies that have significant operations may be involved in litigation from time to time, including disputes of a commercial nature related to savings performance. The context of these litigations as they relate to such a company’s qualifications are customarily evaluated, scored, and weighed against other solicitation criteria. As noted in Part IV, Selection Criteria, Item 1, Litigation History, the presence of any litigation history is graded on a strict pass / fail basis. The result may be that an otherwise qualified proposer under the evaluation criteria may be excluded from the RFQ on this basis alone. Consistent with industry practice in pre-qualifications, may respondents submit the non-confidential nature of any qualifying litigation to be considered, weighed, and assessed against an amended evaluation criteria that scores litigation history on a points basis consistent with the other qualifying factors such as fee, approach, references, qualifications, and safety?
Response: The district is not looking to change its evaluation criteria at this time. However, respondents may submit an explanation of any qualifying litigation.
Posted: 11/17/2023
Question: 1. With Thanksgiving being on 11/23, is it possible to get the District’s deadline for answering written questions moved to 11/21 (rather than 11/22, at 4pm)? If the deadline remains, there are only 1.5 days remaining (not including the Thanksgiving holiday weekend) before the proposal is due, which does not leave a lot of time to address the responses. 2. Based on the question asked during the Pre-Proposal meeting regarding page count limits, we were told the page limit is 15 pages (double-sided) or 30 pages (single sided). We are assuming that means we can distribute the pages per Tab as we feel required to adequately address the questions as long as the total page count does not exceed 30 pages (single-sided), ex. Tab 4 indicates 1 page limit; we believe we will need several more pages to adequately respond, so we may use 5-6 pages for TAB 4, Please confirm. 3. Under TAB 11 – Required Forms, item d. SLBE/ SELBE Program, the form instructions indicate this form, Attachment 4, must be completed and returned with submittal: however, there nothing to complete, nor any acknowledgement section for signatures, Please advise. Additionally, per the Table of Contents listing all the Attachments (page 4 of the RFQ/P), this document does not need to be returned with the proposal. Please confirm that Attachment 4 does not need to be submitted with the proposal. 4. Under TAB 11 – item h. Team Experience Template and item i, Professional Services SLBE Participation Table, it appears these documents were not included in the RFQ package. Please advise. 5. Please confirm that cover letter, table of contents, dividers, licenses, resumes, declarations (TAB 9) and exhibit TAB11 are not included in the page count. 6. Please confirm that we can use the Acknowledgement and Signature Form in RFQ/P Exhibit 8. RFP Acknowledgment and Signature Form in Tab 9, item e. - Other Certifications and Forms. 7. Are 9.e and 9.g the same? If not, how do they differ? 8. Can we submit a question asking about these Attestations to a 9. The attestations in 9.a and 9.b regarding the sample contract refer to a document that is not provided in the RFQ/P. Please confirm that we do not have to answer these two questions.
Response: We have already responded to this question. Please see the public solicitation.
Posted: 11/17/2023
Question: I just noticed that all our questions were lumped into one paragraph. I am sending them seperately to make them easier for you to find and answer. 1. With Thanksgiving being on 11/23, is it possible to get the District’s deadline for answering written questions moved to 11/21 (rather than 11/22, at 4pm)? If the deadline remains, there are only 1.5 days remaining (not including the Thanksgiving holiday weekend) before the proposal is due, which does not leave a lot of time to address the responses.
Response: Yes, the new dates will be posted as an addendum.
Posted: 11/17/2023
Question: 2. Based on the question asked during the Pre-Proposal meeting regarding page count limits, we were told the page limit is 15 pages (double-sided) or 30 pages (single sided). We are assuming that means we can distribute the pages per Tab as we feel required to adequately address the questions as long as the total page count does not exceed 30 pages (single-sided), ex. Tab 4 indicates 1 page limit; we believe we will need several more pages to adequately respond, so we may use 5-6 pages for TAB 4, Please confirm.
Response: The district will allow three additional pages back and front of six single sided pages.
Posted: 11/17/2023
Question: 3. Under TAB 11 – Required Forms, item d. SLBE/ SELBE Program, the form instructions indicate this form, Attachment 4, must be completed and returned with submittal: however, there nothing to complete, nor any acknowledgement section for signatures, Please advise. Additionally, per the Table of Contents listing all the Attachments (page 4 of the RFQ/P), this document does not need to be returned with the proposal. Please confirm that Attachment 4 does not need to be submitted with the proposal.
Response: Attachment 4 does not need to be submitted with the proposal. Attachment 4 is informational for attachment 5 which must be completed.
Posted: 11/17/2023
Question: 4. Under TAB 11 – item h. Team Experience Template and item i, Professional Services SLBE Participation Table, it appears these documents were not included in the RFQ package. Please advise.
Response: Item H – please create and submit your team experience information Item I – please provide information regarding your team SLBE/SELBE team partners.
Posted: 11/17/2023
Question: 5. Please confirm that cover letter, table of contents, dividers, licenses, resumes, declarations (TAB 9) and exhibit TAB11 are not included in the page count.
Response: The cover letter is included in the count – the other items are not.
Posted: 11/17/2023
Question: 6. Please confirm that we can use the Acknowledgement and Signature Form in RFQ/P Exhibit 8. RFP Acknowledgment and Signature Form in Tab 9, item e. - Other Certifications and Forms.
Response: Yes
Posted: 11/17/2023
Question: 7. Are 9.e and 9.g the same? If not, how do they differ?
Response: Yes
Posted: 11/17/2023
Question: 8. The attestations in 9.a and 9.b regarding the sample contract refer to a document that is not provided in the RFQ/P. Please confirm that we do not have to answer these two questions.
Response: A sample of the district standard professional services contract is provided in this addendum.