Alabama A & M University Sealed Solicitation
Title: Passenger Bus Transportation for Women's Soccer Team - Fall 2018 Season
Deadline: 5/22/2018 2:00 PM (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
Status: Cancelled
Solicitation Number: Bid No. 2K18-19B
Description: Alabama A&M University (“University”) is seeking bids from qualified vendors to provide passenger bus transportation services for the Women’s Soccer Team for the Fall 2018 season. At any time during the contract term, Alabama A&M University reserves the right to terminate a contract for convenience or cause with 30 days prior notice to the vendor or cancel any trip at any time.
Addition 1
Posted: 5/23/2018
Type of Addition: Cancellation Information
Overview: The Purchasing and Athletics Departments reviewed the Proposal Form and noticed errors which could cause ambiguity in the bidders’ interpretation of Alabama A&M University's need. Therefore, in the interest of fairness to all bidders, the Purchasing Department rejected all bids received for Bid No. 2K18-19B and will reissue the bid at a future date when all details can be confirmed.
Addition 2
Posted: 6/15/2018
Type of Addition: Bid No 2K18-19B Cancellation - Late Bids: Birmingham Charter Service & ACR Coach
Overview: Although Bid No. 2K18-19B was ultimately cancelled, Birmingham Charter Service's bid package arrived late and severely damaged and would have been disqualified if Bid No. 2K18-19B would have been awarded. ACR Coach's bid response for Bid No. 2K18-19B also arrived late and would have been disqualified if Bid No. 2K18-19B would have been awarded.
Posted: 5/23/2018
Type of Addition: Cancellation Information
Overview: The Purchasing and Athletics Departments reviewed the Proposal Form and noticed errors which could cause ambiguity in the bidders’ interpretation of Alabama A&M University's need. Therefore, in the interest of fairness to all bidders, the Purchasing Department rejected all bids received for Bid No. 2K18-19B and will reissue the bid at a future date when all details can be confirmed.
Posted: 6/15/2018
Type of Addition: Bid No 2K18-19B Cancellation - Late Bids: Birmingham Charter Service & ACR Coach
Overview: Although Bid No. 2K18-19B was ultimately cancelled, Birmingham Charter Service's bid package arrived late and severely damaged and would have been disqualified if Bid No. 2K18-19B would have been awarded. ACR Coach's bid response for Bid No. 2K18-19B also arrived late and would have been disqualified if Bid No. 2K18-19B would have been awarded.