City of Spartanburg Sealed Solicitation
Title: Lead-based Paint Testing
Deadline: 2/18/2020 3:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Status: Deadline Expired
Solicitation Number: Proposal No: 1920-02-18-01
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN – The City of Spartanburg is seeking one Environmental Company to complete lead-based paint testing and assessments and final clearance to comply with the latest rules of HUD AND THE EPA. The testing results will be used for the abatement, and interim controls etc. of LBP during small renovations of properties in the City of Spartanburg, with targeted households of families of children under the age of six. The work will consist of approximately forty City wide single housing unit inspections, over a “42” forty two month period. A contract will be signed with the HUD approved Environmentalists for the entire grant period of “42” forty two months.
Documents as of 2/18/2020 |
RFP For LBP Program Environmental Testing Lead 2020 (003).pdf |
award letter LEAD PAINT TESTIING.pdf |