Peralta Community College District Sealed Solicitation

Title: RFQ/RFP No. 21-22/06 College of Alameda Construction Management Services Aviation Modernization Phase 2

Deadline: 10/4/2021 2:00 PM   (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

Status: Deadline Expired

Solicitation Number: RFQ/P No. 21-22/06

Description: Peralta Community College District (“District”) is seeking proposals from qualified persons, firms, partnerships, corporations, associations, or professional organizations to provide construction management services for the District’s Aviation Modernization, Phase II project (“Project”).

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 9/21/2021 9:00 AM

Pre-Bid Meeting Details: Please sign up if you plan to attend the pre-bid meeting. Zoom meeting. Topic: College of Alameda Construction Management Services Aviation Modernization Phase 2 (RFQ/RFP No. 21-22/06) Time: Sep 21, 2021 09:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +16699006833,97791622691# or +13462487799,97791622691# Or Telephone: Dial: +1 669 900 6833 (US Toll) +1 346 248 7799 (US Toll) +1 253 215 8782 (US Toll) +1 312 626 6799 (US Toll) +1 646 876 9923 (US Toll) +1 301 715 8592 (US Toll) Meeting ID: 977 9162 2691 International numbers available: Or an H.323/SIP room system: H.323: (US West) or (US East) Meeting ID: 977 9162 2691 SIP: Or Skype for Business (Lync):


Documents as of 9/10/2021
21 22 06 Notice to Bidders.pdf
RFQP_CM Aviation phase II_083121.pdf
SLBE_RFP_language UPDATED.pdf
TEMPLATE - Team Experience - Updated 8.10.21.docx
TEMPLATE - Construction Management Agreement_Sample.pdf
TEMPLATE - Exhibits A-D to Construction Management Agreement_3202808_1(D....doc.pdf
Addition 1

Posted: 9/16/2021

Type of Addition: Addendum 1

Deadline: 10/4/2021 2:00 PM

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 9/21/2021 9:00 AM

Solicitation #: RFQ 21-22/06


Addition 2

Posted: 9/22/2021

Type of Addition: Zoom Meeting Participants

Deadline: 10/4/2021 2:00 PM

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 9/21/2021 9:00 AM

Solicitation #: RFQ 21-22/06


Addition 3

Posted: 9/27/2021

Type of Addition: Addendum 2

Deadline: 10/4/2021 2:00 PM

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 9/21/2021 9:00 AM

Solicitation #: RFQ 21-22/06


Question 1

Posted: 9/15/2021

Question: Will the Bond and PM/CM team (AECOM, Kitchell, Roebbelen, Swinerton) be allowed to propose on this project?

Response: The District is not allowing CM firms that currently hold a campus contract to pursue project specific contracts. In addition, AECOM, as the current PMO firm, is not allowed to pursue project specific contracts.

Question 2

Posted: 9/15/2021

Question: For the construction materials testing and inspection scope: will that fall under this CM RFQ, or will a separate RFQ be released for the T&I?

Response: A Separate RFP will be issued.

Question 3

Posted: 9/20/2021

Question: RE: RFQ/P for Construction Management Services -AVIATION Modernization Phase II SUBJECT: Questions 1. Page-1, Paragraph-2: Stated: The COA Phase II Project will Replace Hanger A with a construction of $17.1M. Page-4, Title: Stated: Project Name: Aviation Modernization for the College of Alameda (“COA”) Phase II. Please, clarify Replace or Modernization? 2. Page-4: The Duration or Schedule for the Project Activities is Missing under Project Description. 3. Who is the Architect of Record (AOR) for this Phase II? 3. How long is the Architect’s Contract with the District? 4. Funding: Is this Phase II Project under Federal or State funding? If yes, how much is the Funding? Thanks. Tony Ogbeide

Response: Please see attached Addendum 2.

Posted: 9/16/2021

Type of Addition: Addendum 1

Deadline: 10/4/2021 2:00 PM

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 9/21/2021 9:00 AM

Solicitation #: RFQ 21-22/06


Posted: 9/22/2021

Type of Addition: Zoom Meeting Participants

Deadline: 10/4/2021 2:00 PM

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 9/21/2021 9:00 AM

Solicitation #: RFQ 21-22/06


Posted: 9/27/2021

Type of Addition: Addendum 2

Deadline: 10/4/2021 2:00 PM

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 9/21/2021 9:00 AM

Solicitation #: RFQ 21-22/06


Posted: 9/15/2021

Question: Will the Bond and PM/CM team (AECOM, Kitchell, Roebbelen, Swinerton) be allowed to propose on this project?

Response: The District is not allowing CM firms that currently hold a campus contract to pursue project specific contracts. In addition, AECOM, as the current PMO firm, is not allowed to pursue project specific contracts.

Posted: 9/15/2021

Question: For the construction materials testing and inspection scope: will that fall under this CM RFQ, or will a separate RFQ be released for the T&I?

Response: A Separate RFP will be issued.

Posted: 9/20/2021

Question: RE: RFQ/P for Construction Management Services -AVIATION Modernization Phase II SUBJECT: Questions 1. Page-1, Paragraph-2: Stated: The COA Phase II Project will Replace Hanger A with a construction of $17.1M. Page-4, Title: Stated: Project Name: Aviation Modernization for the College of Alameda (“COA”) Phase II. Please, clarify Replace or Modernization? 2. Page-4: The Duration or Schedule for the Project Activities is Missing under Project Description. 3. Who is the Architect of Record (AOR) for this Phase II? 3. How long is the Architect’s Contract with the District? 4. Funding: Is this Phase II Project under Federal or State funding? If yes, how much is the Funding? Thanks. Tony Ogbeide

Response: Please see attached Addendum 2.