City of Woodstock Sealed Solicitation

Title: RFP 2020 - 15 Residential Sold Waste Collection and Recycling Services

Deadline: 5/12/2020 2:00 PM   (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Status: Awarded

Solicitation Number: 2020 - 15


The City of Woodstock, Georgia (CITY) hereby issues a request for proposals (RFP) from qualified firms to provide solid waste collection, disposal, recycling, and yard waste services for the City of Woodstock’s residential customers and downtown businesses. 

A non-mandatory pre-bid meeting will begin via phone conference at 10:00 A.M., April 23, 2020.  Bidders interested in attending the non-mandatory pre-bid meeting must pre-register no later than 5:00 P.M., April 21, 2020 so that call-in information may be distributed prior to the meeting.  To pre-register, email contact information to

RFP details and document information may be found by visiting Vendor Registry or Georgia Procurement Registry. All questions must be submitted through Vendor Registry.  A complete set of proposal documents may only be obtained by downloading here:

For any problems downloading, please contact Crystal L. Welch at or 770-592-6000 ext. 1203.  This project is also being advertised on the Georgia Procurement Registry (GPR).

Proposals will be received by City of Woodstock, Georgia, City electronically through Vendor Registry until May 5, 2020 at 2:00 PM at which time the proposals will be opened at City of Woodstock, Georgia Annex Building, 12453 Highway 92, Woodstock, GA.  Proposals received after the designated time will not be considered.  Vendor Registry may be found directly at or by visiting the City of Woodstock’s website.

The services to be provided consists of furnishing all materials, labor, tools, skills, equipment, and incidentals for the services of the aforementioned project.   

The Proposer shall not subcontract, transfer, assign, or otherwise dispose of the contract or any portion thereof, without the prior written consent of the City.

Proposals will be evaluated as follows:


50 points

Qualifications and Resources

25 points


15 points

General Performance History & Experience

10 points

The successful proposer shall secure and pay for necessary approvals, permits, assessments, and charges required for this project as required by local, state, and federal regulations.

Proposers must comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Anti-Kickback Act, the Contract Work Hour Standard Act, and the National Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970.

Proposers must certify that they do not and will not maintain or provide for their employees any facilities which are segregated on a basis of race, color, creed, or national origin. 

Proposers must certify that they have a drug-free workplace, if applicable.

The City of Woodstock, Georgia reserves the right to reject all proposals and to waive formalities.  Any claims for cost incurred by any Proposers in preparation of any part of or total package for this project will not be considered for reimbursement by The City of Woodstock, Georgia.

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 4/23/2020 10:00 AM

Pre-Bid Meeting Details: Please sign up if you plan to attend the pre-bid meeting.This is a non-mandatory pre-bid meeting. Pre-bid meeting will be handles via conference call. Pre-registration will be required, however, if interested parties plan to participate. Deadline for pre-registration is 5:00 PM pm 04/21/2020. Email to pre-register.


Documents as of 3/31/2020
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Addition 1

Posted: 4/20/2020

Type of Addition: Addendum 1 - Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Virtual Zoom Meeting Information


Non-Mandatory pre-bid meeting to take place via Zoom Meeting.

Pre-Bid Meeting Details: City of Woodstock is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.Topic: City of Woodstock Pre-Bid Meeting (Non-Mandatory) RFP 2020-15Time: Apr 23, 2020 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)Join Zoom Meeting ID: 975 8231 2142Password: 712915One tap mobile+13126266799,,97582312142#,,#,712915# US (Chicago)+16465588656,,97582312142#,,#,712915# US (New York)Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US +1 301 715 8592 USMeeting ID: 975 8231 2142Password: 712915Find your local number:


Addition 2

Posted: 4/22/2020

Type of Addition: Addendum 2 - Q & A

Overview: Responses to question sets submitted by two interested bidders.


Addition 3

Posted: 4/28/2020

Type of Addition: Addendum 3 - Q & A - Pre-Bid

Overview: Responses to questions asked during the non-mandatory pre-bid meeting.


Addition 4

Posted: 4/28/2020

Type of Addition: Addendum 4 - Due Date Extension

Overview: Due to recent events, the City has extended the due date from May 5, 2020 to May 12, 2020, 2:00pm.

Deadline: 5/12/2020 2:00 PM


Addition 5

Posted: 5/4/2020

Type of Addition: Addendum 5 - Q & A

Overview: Responses to interested bidder questions.


Addition 6

Posted: 5/11/2020

Type of Addition: Addendum 6 - Zoom Meeting Invitation Details – Bid Opening

Overview: Bid opening will take place via Zoom Meeting.


Addition 7

Posted: 5/19/2020

Type of Addition: In Review

Overview: Bid tabulation - As Read


Addition 8

Posted: 6/10/2020

Type of Addition: Evaluation Matrix



Addition 9

Posted: 6/12/2020

Type of Addition: Award Information

Overview: Awarded to Waste Management

Question 1

Posted: 4/1/2020

Question: I have downloaded the bid package but there is no sheet detailing the types of a containers need, number of containers, locations or frequency of service. where do we find that info?

Response: Sec 2.1.3 Service Specifications details the information in which you are inquiring.

Question 2

Posted: 4/7/2020

Question: What is the current rate the vendor is charging each residential unit?

Response: The City does not release current contracts during open rfps as it could negatively impact the outcome of the current rfp.

Question 3

Posted: 4/14/2020

Question: Question submitted: What is the quantity of business customers that use residential carts downtown? How many carts should we set aside for this service? So October 4, 2020 is the start date, correct? Can you provide us with annual tonnage for 2019 for garbage, recycling, and yard waste? For the bulk item service, is it call in service or is it automatic service at the curb? For bulk items, is it two items per week as the weekly limit? What is the set out rate for recyclables? What is the number of backdoor customers (ones that can't wheel it to the curb)? I assume you have to have a Doctor's note for backdoor service, correct? Under "Additional Services" found on page 14, please give a quantity of dumpsters at no charge for City buildings, size, and collection days of the week pick up, please explain the annual metals recycling collection sweep and the drop boxes for metal, what is the tonnage from the sweep and the drop boxes and how is the annual sweep collected? Same page, what are the details of electronic recycling day event? Page 15, how many roll off boxes are free for City events, what is the size roll off box, and does is include free disposal as well? Same page, does the City own the solar compactors in the parks? Same page, how many recycling containers for the schools and what are the service levels? Same page, what is the franchise fee now for tonnage that the City receives?

Response: Responses to these questions will be released as an addendum when available. Bidders will be notified of addendum release.

Question 4

Posted: 4/16/2020

Question: 1. Page 9 Section 2.1 about the 6th paragraph describes a "Designated Service Representative". Please provide a description of expectations regarding this position and duties required. 2. Please provide the annual tons of MSW collected. 3. Please provide the annual tons of recyclables collected. 4. Please provide the annual tons of Yard Waste collected. 5. Please provide the annual tons of bulk waste collected. 6. Please provide a list of acceptable recycle items to be collected. 7. How many back door accounts are there? 8. Page 13 end of Section 2.1.5 top of the page describes a 2 item limit for bulk items. Will the contractor be able to bill for these overages? 9. Page 18 Section 3.0 Items 4d & 4f seem to be asking for the same info. Please clarify what is expected for each item. How do these items differ from Item 13 in the same section.

Response: Responses to these questions will be released as an addendum when available. Bidders will be notified of addendum release.

Question 5

Posted: 4/22/2020

Question: Please provide the size, quantity & frequency of all additional services to be provided under section 2.1.11 of the specs.

Response: Please see addendum 2 Q & A.

Question 6

Posted: 4/29/2020

Question: Need to clarify how much bulk we are required to service on any given week? Is it 2 items or if the customer calls in can it be as much as they want, or is there an option to charge additionally? Clarify # of back door customers? Your current vendor has this information. Can we charge an increased rate? How is back door service determined? Clarify term of agreement? Is the first term really only 7 months? Can we charge a delivery fee on any additional carts? What defines approved plastic bags? How many City sponsored events are there total? Do you have the required specifications for the 2 compactors the city wants donated? How many Cherokee County schools and how many recycling containers? What size are the containers?

Response: Please see addendum 5 Q & A.

Question 7

Posted: 4/29/2020

Question: Is the waste flow controlled to WM transfer? Can we get a copy of the invoice from WM under freedom of information? Verify what days are services current and can that be changed? Payment terms, (number of days they hold payment)? Recycle materials listing (is glass in the stream)?

Response: Please see addendum 5 Q & A.

Posted: 4/20/2020

Type of Addition: Addendum 1 - Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Virtual Zoom Meeting Information


Non-Mandatory pre-bid meeting to take place via Zoom Meeting.

Pre-Bid Meeting Details: City of Woodstock is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.Topic: City of Woodstock Pre-Bid Meeting (Non-Mandatory) RFP 2020-15Time: Apr 23, 2020 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)Join Zoom Meeting ID: 975 8231 2142Password: 712915One tap mobile+13126266799,,97582312142#,,#,712915# US (Chicago)+16465588656,,97582312142#,,#,712915# US (New York)Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US +1 301 715 8592 USMeeting ID: 975 8231 2142Password: 712915Find your local number:


Posted: 4/22/2020

Type of Addition: Addendum 2 - Q & A

Overview: Responses to question sets submitted by two interested bidders.


Posted: 4/28/2020

Type of Addition: Addendum 3 - Q & A - Pre-Bid

Overview: Responses to questions asked during the non-mandatory pre-bid meeting.


Posted: 4/28/2020

Type of Addition: Addendum 4 - Due Date Extension

Overview: Due to recent events, the City has extended the due date from May 5, 2020 to May 12, 2020, 2:00pm.

Deadline: 5/12/2020 2:00 PM


Posted: 5/4/2020

Type of Addition: Addendum 5 - Q & A

Overview: Responses to interested bidder questions.


Posted: 5/11/2020

Type of Addition: Addendum 6 - Zoom Meeting Invitation Details – Bid Opening

Overview: Bid opening will take place via Zoom Meeting.


Posted: 5/19/2020

Type of Addition: In Review

Overview: Bid tabulation - As Read


Posted: 6/10/2020

Type of Addition: Evaluation Matrix



Posted: 6/12/2020

Type of Addition: Award Information

Overview: Awarded to Waste Management

Posted: 4/1/2020

Question: I have downloaded the bid package but there is no sheet detailing the types of a containers need, number of containers, locations or frequency of service. where do we find that info?

Response: Sec 2.1.3 Service Specifications details the information in which you are inquiring.

Posted: 4/7/2020

Question: What is the current rate the vendor is charging each residential unit?

Response: The City does not release current contracts during open rfps as it could negatively impact the outcome of the current rfp.

Posted: 4/14/2020

Question: Question submitted: What is the quantity of business customers that use residential carts downtown? How many carts should we set aside for this service? So October 4, 2020 is the start date, correct? Can you provide us with annual tonnage for 2019 for garbage, recycling, and yard waste? For the bulk item service, is it call in service or is it automatic service at the curb? For bulk items, is it two items per week as the weekly limit? What is the set out rate for recyclables? What is the number of backdoor customers (ones that can't wheel it to the curb)? I assume you have to have a Doctor's note for backdoor service, correct? Under "Additional Services" found on page 14, please give a quantity of dumpsters at no charge for City buildings, size, and collection days of the week pick up, please explain the annual metals recycling collection sweep and the drop boxes for metal, what is the tonnage from the sweep and the drop boxes and how is the annual sweep collected? Same page, what are the details of electronic recycling day event? Page 15, how many roll off boxes are free for City events, what is the size roll off box, and does is include free disposal as well? Same page, does the City own the solar compactors in the parks? Same page, how many recycling containers for the schools and what are the service levels? Same page, what is the franchise fee now for tonnage that the City receives?

Response: Responses to these questions will be released as an addendum when available. Bidders will be notified of addendum release.

Posted: 4/16/2020

Question: 1. Page 9 Section 2.1 about the 6th paragraph describes a "Designated Service Representative". Please provide a description of expectations regarding this position and duties required. 2. Please provide the annual tons of MSW collected. 3. Please provide the annual tons of recyclables collected. 4. Please provide the annual tons of Yard Waste collected. 5. Please provide the annual tons of bulk waste collected. 6. Please provide a list of acceptable recycle items to be collected. 7. How many back door accounts are there? 8. Page 13 end of Section 2.1.5 top of the page describes a 2 item limit for bulk items. Will the contractor be able to bill for these overages? 9. Page 18 Section 3.0 Items 4d & 4f seem to be asking for the same info. Please clarify what is expected for each item. How do these items differ from Item 13 in the same section.

Response: Responses to these questions will be released as an addendum when available. Bidders will be notified of addendum release.

Posted: 4/22/2020

Question: Please provide the size, quantity & frequency of all additional services to be provided under section 2.1.11 of the specs.

Response: Please see addendum 2 Q & A.

Posted: 4/29/2020

Question: Need to clarify how much bulk we are required to service on any given week? Is it 2 items or if the customer calls in can it be as much as they want, or is there an option to charge additionally? Clarify # of back door customers? Your current vendor has this information. Can we charge an increased rate? How is back door service determined? Clarify term of agreement? Is the first term really only 7 months? Can we charge a delivery fee on any additional carts? What defines approved plastic bags? How many City sponsored events are there total? Do you have the required specifications for the 2 compactors the city wants donated? How many Cherokee County schools and how many recycling containers? What size are the containers?

Response: Please see addendum 5 Q & A.

Posted: 4/29/2020

Question: Is the waste flow controlled to WM transfer? Can we get a copy of the invoice from WM under freedom of information? Verify what days are services current and can that be changed? Payment terms, (number of days they hold payment)? Recycle materials listing (is glass in the stream)?

Response: Please see addendum 5 Q & A.