Springfield Sealed Solicitation

Title: City of Springfield Public Works -RFP - Phase II MS4 Monitoring

Deadline: 4/1/2021 2:00 PM   (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

Status: Deadline Expired

Solicitation Number: 1162



Phase II MS4 Monitoring


The City of Springfield is requesting sealed proposals for Performance of Phase II MS4 Monitoring.


Details may be downloaded at www.springfieldtn.gov. Contact Kenny Morris, Stormwater Coordinator, Department of Public Works at 615-384-2746 or kenny.morris@springfieldtn.gov for additional information.


Proposals should be submitted to the Office of the City Recorder, 405 North Main Street, Springfield, Tennessee 37172 no later than 2:00 PM, local time, Thursday, April 1, 2021.  Please reference "Phase II MS4 Monitoring Proposal #1162” on the outside of the sealed envelope.


The City of Springfield reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals, to waive any informality or irregularity in any Proposal received, and to be the sole judge of the merits of the respective Proposal received. Final award will be subject to the execution of the contract. The City reserves the right to negotiate a final contract that is in the best interest of the City.

Lisa H. Crockett
City Recorder


Documents as of 3/16/2021
Bid Packet #1162 MS4 Monitoring Proposal (002).pdf
Addition 1

Posted: 3/22/2021

Type of Addition: Addendum


Addendum 1to REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS #1162

Phase IIMS4 Monitoring


Q1) Is this a qualification evaluation only?, or do youneed pricing?

 A1) The City isrequesting a fully developed Scope of Services to be provided with a not toexceed cost.

Q2) If pricing?, do you have a list of parameters to betested?

A2) Monitoring shall be conducted in streams within theCity’s MS4 jurisdiction that are identified by TDEC as waters with unavailableparameters for nutrients, pathogens, or siltation.

For stream segments with unavailable parameters forpathogens, bacteriological stream sampling must be performed utilizing methodsidentified in TDEC’s most current version of the Quality System StandardOperating Procedure for Chemical and Bacteriological Sampling of Surface Water.Monitoring shall include the collection of five samples within a thirty-dayperiod to establish a geometric mean.

For stream segments identified by TDEC as waters withunavailable parameters for siltation, habitat alteration and/or nutrients,biological stream sampling and habitat assessment must be performed utilizingthe Semi-Quantitative Single Habitat (SQSH) Method as identified in thedivision’s most current version of the Quality System Standard OperatingProcedure for Macroinvertebrate Stream Survey.

Q3) Assuming because of the June 30th date that no SQSHevaluation of the stream segments is needed. Correct?

 A3) It is the City’sdesire to include evaluation results with its next Annual Report to TDEC. Thereporting cycle is from July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 hence the June 30date. If this is infeasible please provide a proposed timeline.

Q4) Non-analytical – is this to include only anevaluation of illicit dicharges?, if not, what?

A4) Visual Stream Surveys and Unavailable ParameterInventories must be performed on each stream segment within the City’s MS4jurisdiction with unavailable parameters for siltation, habitat alteration,pathogens, and nutrients to identify and prioritize sources of these pollutantsof concern. If a stream segment is identified as having unavailable parametersof concern, TDEC recommends that visual stream surveys be performed throughoutthe entire HUC-12 sub-watershed including that stream segment. At a minimum, avisual stream survey must be performed immediately upstream and downstream ofeach MS4 outfall that discharges into that stream segment.


Posted: 3/22/2021

Type of Addition: Addendum


Addendum 1to REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS #1162

Phase IIMS4 Monitoring


Q1) Is this a qualification evaluation only?, or do youneed pricing?

 A1) The City isrequesting a fully developed Scope of Services to be provided with a not toexceed cost.

Q2) If pricing?, do you have a list of parameters to betested?

A2) Monitoring shall be conducted in streams within theCity’s MS4 jurisdiction that are identified by TDEC as waters with unavailableparameters for nutrients, pathogens, or siltation.

For stream segments with unavailable parameters forpathogens, bacteriological stream sampling must be performed utilizing methodsidentified in TDEC’s most current version of the Quality System StandardOperating Procedure for Chemical and Bacteriological Sampling of Surface Water.Monitoring shall include the collection of five samples within a thirty-dayperiod to establish a geometric mean.

For stream segments identified by TDEC as waters withunavailable parameters for siltation, habitat alteration and/or nutrients,biological stream sampling and habitat assessment must be performed utilizingthe Semi-Quantitative Single Habitat (SQSH) Method as identified in thedivision’s most current version of the Quality System Standard OperatingProcedure for Macroinvertebrate Stream Survey.

Q3) Assuming because of the June 30th date that no SQSHevaluation of the stream segments is needed. Correct?

 A3) It is the City’sdesire to include evaluation results with its next Annual Report to TDEC. Thereporting cycle is from July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 hence the June 30date. If this is infeasible please provide a proposed timeline.

Q4) Non-analytical – is this to include only anevaluation of illicit dicharges?, if not, what?

A4) Visual Stream Surveys and Unavailable ParameterInventories must be performed on each stream segment within the City’s MS4jurisdiction with unavailable parameters for siltation, habitat alteration,pathogens, and nutrients to identify and prioritize sources of these pollutantsof concern. If a stream segment is identified as having unavailable parametersof concern, TDEC recommends that visual stream surveys be performed throughoutthe entire HUC-12 sub-watershed including that stream segment. At a minimum, avisual stream survey must be performed immediately upstream and downstream ofeach MS4 outfall that discharges into that stream segment.
