Peralta Community College District Sealed Solicitation
Deadline: 8/25/2022 3:00 PM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Status: In Review
Solicitation Number: Bid # 22-23/01
Description: This project consists of abatement and demolition of existing buildings and site improvements
construction of new classrooms, greenhouses, and support spaces to house the Merritt College
Landscape Horticulture Program, with associated site improvements. All buildings are single
story. Occupancy classifications include A-3, B and U. Construction type is V-B, fully sprinkled.
Automatic sprinkler system per NFPA 13, automatic fire alarm system per NFPA 72. Seismic
zone E.
Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 8/10/2022 10:00 AM
Pre-Bid Meeting Details: Please sign up if you plan to attend the pre-bid meeting. Topic: Merritt College New Landscape Horticulture Complex Bid Meeting (Bid # 22-23/01) Time: Aug 10, 2022 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +16694449171,93899345398# or +16699006833,93899345398# Or Telephone: Dial: +1 669 444 9171 (US Toll) +1 669 900 6833 (US Toll) +1 253 215 8782 (US Toll) +1 346 248 7799 (US Toll) +1 386 347 5053 (US Toll) +1 564 217 2000 (US Toll) +1 646 876 9923 (US Toll) +1 646 931 3860 (US Toll) +1 301 715 8592 (US Toll) +1 312 626 6799 (US Toll) Meeting ID: 938 9934 5398 International numbers available:
Addition 1
Posted: 8/12/2022
Type of Addition: Site Visit Sign In Sheet
Deadline: 8/12/2022 3:00 PM
Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 8/12/2022 1:00 PM
Addition 2
Posted: 8/17/2022
Type of Addition: Mandatory Zoom Meeting Attendees
Addition 5
Posted: 8/26/2022
Type of Addition: Sub Contractors List
Addition 6
Posted: 8/26/2022
Type of Addition: Sub Contractors List
Addition 7
Posted: 8/30/2022
Type of Addition: In Review
Question 1
Posted: 7/25/2022
Question: What is the estimate for this project?
Response: The Engineer's estimate for this project is $21.2M.
Question 2
Posted: 7/28/2022
Question: Will the successful bidder be required to meet a DVBE participation goal or show good faith effort for this project?
Response: DVBE participation is not required for this project.
Question 3
Posted: 8/4/2022
Question: Is a plan holder's list available?
Response: The plan holder’s list is not posted to Vendor Registry. The pre-bid meeting attendees’ lists will be posted to vendor registry after each meeting.
Question 4
Posted: 8/8/2022
Question: Please confirm if Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing subcontractors (C-4, C-7, C-10, C-16, C-20, C-34, C-36, C-38, C-42, C-43, and C-46) need to be pre-qualified. Thank you,
Response: Only the General Contractor is required to be pre-qualified. Subconsultants do not need to be pre-qualified.
Question 5
Posted: 8/8/2022
Question: Please confirm: -What tile series will be used for 4x12 interior RR's -What tile pattern will be used for interior RR's- Need to figure in how much accent tile will be used for pricing.
Response: For all restrooms, tile product series to be used is Crossville Color by Numbers, using a stacked bond pattern. See drawings and specifications for additional information.
Question 6
Posted: 8/10/2022
Question: Looking at Civil drawing C2.1, the retaining wall in the NW corner of the project is not labled with marks such as those labeled along the fire lane on this page and C2.2. Looking at the L drawings it does appear these will have solder pile in piers with lagging similar to those at the fire lanes. Please advise.
Response: The retaining wall type described on L2.01 at this location (near community gardens) is correct; it is a system of soldier piles in piers with lagging. This wall type is described on S4.03. Sheet C2.1 will be updated by addendum to reflect conformance to this wall type graphic.
Question 7
Posted: 8/10/2022
Question: Who is the IOR going to be on this project?
Response: Knowland Construction Services - specific person is still TBD.
Question 8
Posted: 8/11/2022
Question: Can you advise us on the timetable for this project? What the estimated start date (or year) and the estimated completion date (or year) would be?
Response: Estimated start date is December 2022. 17month construction schedule with one month of closeout. See Specification 01 32 13 Scheduling of Work.
Question 9
Posted: 8/11/2022
Question: Spec Section 22 10 05 2.03 calls out for extra heavy weight hub and spigot cast iron as the sole acceptable under slab material and joint method for the new building. This system is more costly and more labor intensive to install than a service weight no-hub cast iron rough. Will the district consider modifying this spec section to include service weight cast iron and no hub joints to provide a more cost effective and time efficient installation, resulting in a better value for the district? (lower cost for the same performance)
Response: All bidders to adhere to specification section 22 10 05, including section 2.03 calling for extra heavy weight hub and spigot cast iron for under slab material and joint method.
Question 10
Posted: 8/13/2022
Question: Sheet note 1 in drawings T2.01 and FA2.01 calls out to provide a fiber cable between building D room D161 and Landscape Horticulture Complex room H405. What is the estimated length between both rooms?
Response: Distance is approximately 1,600 feet.
Question 11
Posted: 8/13/2022
Question: Technology symbols in drawing T0.01 indicate the number of CAT6A cables for the WAP and CAM outlets, however the number and category of cables are not indicated for the telephone, data and voice/data outlets, please advise.
Response: Cable quantities for data/voice and POTS phone lines to have (1) CAT6 cable per outlet, unless otherwise noted - this is typical for all locations. See detail 1/T4.01.
Question 12
Posted: 8/15/2022
Question: Can you please provide the sign in sheet for the mandatory zoom meeting on August 10th?
Response: We have already responded to this question. Please see the public solicitation.
Question 13
Posted: 8/15/2022
Question: Rooms H700 and H800 show in-ceiling speakers but no other devices such as AV Input Plates, Room Controllers, Whiteboards, or Short Throw Projectors. Please clarify.
Response: The programming for these spaces is to have a mobile visual display that will be used during presentations and included in the (separate) FF&E contract. AV Input plates are indicated on Note #4 on sheet T2.01, but Room Controllers, Whiteboards and Short Throw Projectors are not part of this contract.
Question 14
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Sheet note 1 in drawing E2.01 calls out to provide the manhole ‘EM4’ or EMH4 per drawing E4.01. This manhole must be per PG&E requirements and PG&E should provide the code or part number per its green book. Please advise.
Response: Site distribution is not PG&E; campus has a medium voltage power distribution, thus manhole is privately owned by campus.
Question 15
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Grow lights called out in sheet note 6 in drawing E2.51 are not shown for greenhouses H600 and H601. Electrical panel and circuit numbers to power the grow lights are not identified either. Please advise
Response: Sheet note 6 is not applicable for sheet E2.51. No grow lights are required for greenhouses H600 and H601.
Question 16
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Sign Types R1.1 & R1.2 specify ½” thick wood plaque. Would a ½” thick wood laminate be acceptable?
Response: Wood laminate is not an acceptable alternative for Sign Types R1.1 & R1.2 (shown on W2.3). Solid wood is required due to exterior weathering conditions.
Question 17
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: In the job walk it was mentioned that salvaged wood from some of the structures would be reused for signage. Who will be storing it until the signs are ready to be fabricated and when can it be made available to the signage subcontractor?
Response: The general contractor is responsible for appropriate storage of the wood salvaged from the existing structures to be used for signage material, and will determine the timing for delivery of the salvaged wood to the signage contractor in order to meet the project schedule.
Question 18
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: In the signage drawings for Sign Type R12 a “Recycled rubber bulletin board” is called out. Is this being salvaged from the existing structures and who will be storing it until the signs are ready to be fabricated? If it is not, who will be providing it?
Response: The recycled rubber bulletin boards for sign type R12 (shown on W2.5) are not to be salvaged from existing. Recycled rubber bulletin boards to be provided by signage contractor. Manufacturer to be Ghent or proven equal with identical performance and warranty conditions. Specification section 10 14 00 will be amended by addendum to reflect this clarification.
Question 19
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Reference: Sheet T2.01 Question: Please provide scaled site plan showing existing pathway for fiber connectivity to Bldg. D
Response: A scaled site plan capturing the extent of project site to Bldg D is not available. See response to bid RFI regarding extents of New and Existing pathway to Bldg D, and to bid RFI regarding approximate cable length between Bldg D and room H405.
Question 20
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Reference: Sheet T2.01 Question: Are the conduits between Bldg D and H405 new or existing? If new, will 3 innerducts be required (2x1 ½”, 1x1”)?
Response: Pathway from H405 to (E) pullbox is new (see sheet keynote 1, sheet T2.01). From (E) pullbox to Bldg D is existing. Innerducts are not required.
Question 21
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Reference: Sheet T2.01 Question: If innerducts are required does the fiber need to be armored?
Response: Innerducts are not required.
Question 22
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Reference: Sheet T2.01 Question: Are there pathway plans for the outdoor WAPs and cameras?
Response: Pathways have not been identified; shop drawings for the pathways will be generated by the contractor and reviewed by the client and design teams during construction.
Question 23
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Reference: Sheet T2.01 Sheet Note #9 Question: Please clarify who is the Vendor supplying WAPs and fiber/copper converters? Are they outside of this contract?
Response: Peralta Community College District (PCCD) to award separate contract for WAPs and fiber/copper converters. Basis of design for security devices is NetXperts.
Question 24
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Reference: Sheet T4.01 Details 1 & 2 Question: Please confirm if clock/speakers are cabled with Cat 6 or 1-pair shielded cable.
Response: Cabling and wiring per detail 2/T4.01
Question 25
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Reference: Sheet T4.01 Detail 1 Question: Please confirm if WAP cabling is Cat 6 or (2) Cat 6A?
Response: WAP cabling shall be (2) CAT6A per symbol legend on T0.01
Question 26
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Reference: Sheet T4.01 Detail 1 Question: How many strands of single mode are needed between Bldg D and H405?
Response: Use minimum 24-strand, SM fiber cable.
Question 27
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Reference: Sheet T4.01 Detail 1 Question: What type of fiber and how many strands are needed between H405 and H700?
Response: Use minimum 12-strand, MM fiber cable.
Question 28
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Reference: Sheet T4.01 Detail 1 Question: What type of fiber and how many strands are needed for the outdoor WAPs and cameras?
Response: Use a minimum 6-strand fiber; the fiber will need to go to a converter that will connect to these devices via Category cabling.
Question 29
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Reference: Copper Backbone Question: Please confirm that no copper backbone is needed between H405 and H700?
Response: Provide a minimum 25-pair copper cable in 4” conduit.
Question 30
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Please advise if there is any chance to exclude the construction of the greenhouse from the PLA?
Response: No, the greenhouse construction cannot be excluded from the PLA.
Question 31
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Refer to sheet L8.00/Plant Schedule/Grass. These legends of IRI PCH, CAR PAN, FES SIS, and LOM LON show 2 sizes 1-gallon & bulb combined into one symbol while planting plan sheets L8.01, & L8.02 call out that the size of those symbols is a 1 gallon shrub only. Please clarify how to verify the quantity of bulbs for each species.
Response: Refer to revised sheet L8.00 (which will be updated by addendum) for quantities of bulbs within each grass/perennial area. Bulbs will be placed in field by landscape architect.
Question 32
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Please provide spacing on center for perennial and ground cover which are shown by areas on planting legend sheet L8.00.
Response: Spacing of plants represented by hatched areas has been added to sheet L8.00, which will be updated by addendum.
Question 33
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Refer to irrigation legend on sheet L6.04, & detail 5/ L6.06, shrub shall be installed with 1 each of Toro bubbler BD-15-PCCV. However, on irrigation sheets L6.01 & L6.02 these symbols do not appear. Please confirm that bubblers are not required for shrubs.
Response: No bubblers are required at shrubs.
Question 34
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Please provide size of transplanted trees.
Response: Trees to be transplanted vary in size: (1) at 9" dia. trunk, (2) at 6" dia. trunk; remainder have trunks smaller than 6" diameter.
Question 35
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Please confirm if the transplanted trees shall be removed and reinstalled immediately. If not, please provide the stockpile location and how those trees will be temporary watered while construction is underway.
Response: The trees to be transplanted by the contractor will not be replanted immediately into the ground, they will be boxed and temporarily stored per specification section 32 96 00, and maintained in Demolition Sitework Area B shown on G1.51. The contractor is responsible for watering and maintaining the trees they have transplanted for the entire duration of construction operations per specification section 32 96 00.
Question 36
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Please specify material of mineral mulch which covers all rain gardens and bio-retention facilities.
Response: Mineral mulch in bioretention areas is to be 1 1/2" Noiyo Cobbles by Wheeler Zamaroni. See Addendum drawing L7.00.
Question 37
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Please confirm if SLBE/SELBE businesses need to be certified. Thank you.
Response: Yes, they need to be certified.
Posted: 8/12/2022
Type of Addition: Site Visit Sign In Sheet
Deadline: 8/12/2022 3:00 PM
Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 8/12/2022 1:00 PM
Posted: 8/17/2022
Type of Addition: Mandatory Zoom Meeting Attendees
Posted: 8/26/2022
Type of Addition: Sub Contractors List
Posted: 8/26/2022
Type of Addition: Sub Contractors List
Posted: 8/30/2022
Type of Addition: In Review
Posted: 7/25/2022
Question: What is the estimate for this project?
Response: The Engineer's estimate for this project is $21.2M.
Posted: 7/28/2022
Question: Will the successful bidder be required to meet a DVBE participation goal or show good faith effort for this project?
Response: DVBE participation is not required for this project.
Posted: 8/4/2022
Question: Is a plan holder's list available?
Response: The plan holder’s list is not posted to Vendor Registry. The pre-bid meeting attendees’ lists will be posted to vendor registry after each meeting.
Posted: 8/8/2022
Question: Please confirm if Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing subcontractors (C-4, C-7, C-10, C-16, C-20, C-34, C-36, C-38, C-42, C-43, and C-46) need to be pre-qualified. Thank you,
Response: Only the General Contractor is required to be pre-qualified. Subconsultants do not need to be pre-qualified.
Posted: 8/8/2022
Question: Please confirm: -What tile series will be used for 4x12 interior RR's -What tile pattern will be used for interior RR's- Need to figure in how much accent tile will be used for pricing.
Response: For all restrooms, tile product series to be used is Crossville Color by Numbers, using a stacked bond pattern. See drawings and specifications for additional information.
Posted: 8/10/2022
Question: Looking at Civil drawing C2.1, the retaining wall in the NW corner of the project is not labled with marks such as those labeled along the fire lane on this page and C2.2. Looking at the L drawings it does appear these will have solder pile in piers with lagging similar to those at the fire lanes. Please advise.
Response: The retaining wall type described on L2.01 at this location (near community gardens) is correct; it is a system of soldier piles in piers with lagging. This wall type is described on S4.03. Sheet C2.1 will be updated by addendum to reflect conformance to this wall type graphic.
Posted: 8/10/2022
Question: Who is the IOR going to be on this project?
Response: Knowland Construction Services - specific person is still TBD.
Posted: 8/11/2022
Question: Can you advise us on the timetable for this project? What the estimated start date (or year) and the estimated completion date (or year) would be?
Response: Estimated start date is December 2022. 17month construction schedule with one month of closeout. See Specification 01 32 13 Scheduling of Work.
Posted: 8/11/2022
Question: Spec Section 22 10 05 2.03 calls out for extra heavy weight hub and spigot cast iron as the sole acceptable under slab material and joint method for the new building. This system is more costly and more labor intensive to install than a service weight no-hub cast iron rough. Will the district consider modifying this spec section to include service weight cast iron and no hub joints to provide a more cost effective and time efficient installation, resulting in a better value for the district? (lower cost for the same performance)
Response: All bidders to adhere to specification section 22 10 05, including section 2.03 calling for extra heavy weight hub and spigot cast iron for under slab material and joint method.
Posted: 8/13/2022
Question: Sheet note 1 in drawings T2.01 and FA2.01 calls out to provide a fiber cable between building D room D161 and Landscape Horticulture Complex room H405. What is the estimated length between both rooms?
Response: Distance is approximately 1,600 feet.
Posted: 8/13/2022
Question: Technology symbols in drawing T0.01 indicate the number of CAT6A cables for the WAP and CAM outlets, however the number and category of cables are not indicated for the telephone, data and voice/data outlets, please advise.
Response: Cable quantities for data/voice and POTS phone lines to have (1) CAT6 cable per outlet, unless otherwise noted - this is typical for all locations. See detail 1/T4.01.
Posted: 8/15/2022
Question: Can you please provide the sign in sheet for the mandatory zoom meeting on August 10th?
Response: We have already responded to this question. Please see the public solicitation.
Posted: 8/15/2022
Question: Rooms H700 and H800 show in-ceiling speakers but no other devices such as AV Input Plates, Room Controllers, Whiteboards, or Short Throw Projectors. Please clarify.
Response: The programming for these spaces is to have a mobile visual display that will be used during presentations and included in the (separate) FF&E contract. AV Input plates are indicated on Note #4 on sheet T2.01, but Room Controllers, Whiteboards and Short Throw Projectors are not part of this contract.
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Sheet note 1 in drawing E2.01 calls out to provide the manhole ‘EM4’ or EMH4 per drawing E4.01. This manhole must be per PG&E requirements and PG&E should provide the code or part number per its green book. Please advise.
Response: Site distribution is not PG&E; campus has a medium voltage power distribution, thus manhole is privately owned by campus.
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Grow lights called out in sheet note 6 in drawing E2.51 are not shown for greenhouses H600 and H601. Electrical panel and circuit numbers to power the grow lights are not identified either. Please advise
Response: Sheet note 6 is not applicable for sheet E2.51. No grow lights are required for greenhouses H600 and H601.
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Sign Types R1.1 & R1.2 specify ½” thick wood plaque. Would a ½” thick wood laminate be acceptable?
Response: Wood laminate is not an acceptable alternative for Sign Types R1.1 & R1.2 (shown on W2.3). Solid wood is required due to exterior weathering conditions.
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: In the job walk it was mentioned that salvaged wood from some of the structures would be reused for signage. Who will be storing it until the signs are ready to be fabricated and when can it be made available to the signage subcontractor?
Response: The general contractor is responsible for appropriate storage of the wood salvaged from the existing structures to be used for signage material, and will determine the timing for delivery of the salvaged wood to the signage contractor in order to meet the project schedule.
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: In the signage drawings for Sign Type R12 a “Recycled rubber bulletin board” is called out. Is this being salvaged from the existing structures and who will be storing it until the signs are ready to be fabricated? If it is not, who will be providing it?
Response: The recycled rubber bulletin boards for sign type R12 (shown on W2.5) are not to be salvaged from existing. Recycled rubber bulletin boards to be provided by signage contractor. Manufacturer to be Ghent or proven equal with identical performance and warranty conditions. Specification section 10 14 00 will be amended by addendum to reflect this clarification.
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Reference: Sheet T2.01 Question: Please provide scaled site plan showing existing pathway for fiber connectivity to Bldg. D
Response: A scaled site plan capturing the extent of project site to Bldg D is not available. See response to bid RFI regarding extents of New and Existing pathway to Bldg D, and to bid RFI regarding approximate cable length between Bldg D and room H405.
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Reference: Sheet T2.01 Question: Are the conduits between Bldg D and H405 new or existing? If new, will 3 innerducts be required (2x1 ½”, 1x1”)?
Response: Pathway from H405 to (E) pullbox is new (see sheet keynote 1, sheet T2.01). From (E) pullbox to Bldg D is existing. Innerducts are not required.
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Reference: Sheet T2.01 Question: If innerducts are required does the fiber need to be armored?
Response: Innerducts are not required.
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Reference: Sheet T2.01 Question: Are there pathway plans for the outdoor WAPs and cameras?
Response: Pathways have not been identified; shop drawings for the pathways will be generated by the contractor and reviewed by the client and design teams during construction.
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Reference: Sheet T2.01 Sheet Note #9 Question: Please clarify who is the Vendor supplying WAPs and fiber/copper converters? Are they outside of this contract?
Response: Peralta Community College District (PCCD) to award separate contract for WAPs and fiber/copper converters. Basis of design for security devices is NetXperts.
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Reference: Sheet T4.01 Details 1 & 2 Question: Please confirm if clock/speakers are cabled with Cat 6 or 1-pair shielded cable.
Response: Cabling and wiring per detail 2/T4.01
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Reference: Sheet T4.01 Detail 1 Question: Please confirm if WAP cabling is Cat 6 or (2) Cat 6A?
Response: WAP cabling shall be (2) CAT6A per symbol legend on T0.01
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Reference: Sheet T4.01 Detail 1 Question: How many strands of single mode are needed between Bldg D and H405?
Response: Use minimum 24-strand, SM fiber cable.
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Reference: Sheet T4.01 Detail 1 Question: What type of fiber and how many strands are needed between H405 and H700?
Response: Use minimum 12-strand, MM fiber cable.
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Reference: Sheet T4.01 Detail 1 Question: What type of fiber and how many strands are needed for the outdoor WAPs and cameras?
Response: Use a minimum 6-strand fiber; the fiber will need to go to a converter that will connect to these devices via Category cabling.
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Reference: Copper Backbone Question: Please confirm that no copper backbone is needed between H405 and H700?
Response: Provide a minimum 25-pair copper cable in 4” conduit.
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Please advise if there is any chance to exclude the construction of the greenhouse from the PLA?
Response: No, the greenhouse construction cannot be excluded from the PLA.
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Refer to sheet L8.00/Plant Schedule/Grass. These legends of IRI PCH, CAR PAN, FES SIS, and LOM LON show 2 sizes 1-gallon & bulb combined into one symbol while planting plan sheets L8.01, & L8.02 call out that the size of those symbols is a 1 gallon shrub only. Please clarify how to verify the quantity of bulbs for each species.
Response: Refer to revised sheet L8.00 (which will be updated by addendum) for quantities of bulbs within each grass/perennial area. Bulbs will be placed in field by landscape architect.
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Please provide spacing on center for perennial and ground cover which are shown by areas on planting legend sheet L8.00.
Response: Spacing of plants represented by hatched areas has been added to sheet L8.00, which will be updated by addendum.
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Refer to irrigation legend on sheet L6.04, & detail 5/ L6.06, shrub shall be installed with 1 each of Toro bubbler BD-15-PCCV. However, on irrigation sheets L6.01 & L6.02 these symbols do not appear. Please confirm that bubblers are not required for shrubs.
Response: No bubblers are required at shrubs.
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Please provide size of transplanted trees.
Response: Trees to be transplanted vary in size: (1) at 9" dia. trunk, (2) at 6" dia. trunk; remainder have trunks smaller than 6" diameter.
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Please confirm if the transplanted trees shall be removed and reinstalled immediately. If not, please provide the stockpile location and how those trees will be temporary watered while construction is underway.
Response: The trees to be transplanted by the contractor will not be replanted immediately into the ground, they will be boxed and temporarily stored per specification section 32 96 00, and maintained in Demolition Sitework Area B shown on G1.51. The contractor is responsible for watering and maintaining the trees they have transplanted for the entire duration of construction operations per specification section 32 96 00.
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Please specify material of mineral mulch which covers all rain gardens and bio-retention facilities.
Response: Mineral mulch in bioretention areas is to be 1 1/2" Noiyo Cobbles by Wheeler Zamaroni. See Addendum drawing L7.00.
Posted: 8/16/2022
Question: Please confirm if SLBE/SELBE businesses need to be certified. Thank you.
Response: Yes, they need to be certified.