Pierce County Sealed Solicitation

Title: RFP-Advance Life Support Emergency Ambulance Services

Deadline: 1/7/2019 10:00 AM   (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Status: Awarded

Solicitation Number: 2019-4


PIERCE COUNTY announces an invitation to proposers to submit proposals for the provision of exclusive emergency for the ambulance service area (PIERCE COUNTY) described herein.  Upon approval by the Board of Commissioners, the successful proposer will be granted an exclusive contract to provide ambulance service annually beginning March 1, 2019.  The Board of Commissioners may grant up to four (4) automatic renewals based on successful performance during the initial contract term.  The contract under which these services are to be procured will be a term agreement, with the contractor responsible for the collection of patient revenues from appropriate sources other than the County.  Written questions and requests for clarifications may be directed to Mamie Jackson, mamie.jackson@piercecountyga.gov.

Proposal packets will be available at Pierce County Board of Commissioners Office, 312 Nichols Street, P.O. Box 679, Blackshear, Georgia 31516, 912.449.2022.  Sealed proposals are to be sent to Pierce County Finance Department, Attn: Mamie Jackson at 312 Nichols Street, Suite 5, P.O. Box 679, Blackshear, Georgia, 31516.  Proposals will be opened in the Board of Commissioners Conference Room.


Documents as of 12/21/2018
RFP-Emergency Ambulance Services.docx
Addition 1

Posted: 1/7/2019

Type of Addition: In Review

Addition 2

Posted: 7/22/2020

Type of Addition: Award Information

Overview: Bid awarded to Grady EMS 2/5/2019

Posted: 1/7/2019

Type of Addition: In Review

Posted: 7/22/2020

Type of Addition: Award Information

Overview: Bid awarded to Grady EMS 2/5/2019