Pierce County Sealed Solicitation

Title: Cahleen Drive & Mill Branch RD Drainage

Deadline: 7/28/2022 10:00 AM   (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Status: Deadline Expired

Solicitation Number: 2022-5

Description: a. Cathleen Drive
i. Reset existing pipes to proper depth and angles within the drainage channel
ii. Construct a minimum 8’ x 35’ x 1’ head wall with a minimum 2’ x 2’ x 35’ footer.

b. Mill Branch Road
i. Remove existing drainage
ii. Replace with a precast double 4’ x 4’ x 30’ with precast wingwalls and parapet and a poured in place apron

c. Any fill dirt needed shall be provided, with at least one-week advance notice, by the owner


Documents as of 7/8/2022