Central Florida Expressway Authority Sealed Solicitation
Title: Public Information Misc. Services - SSBE
Deadline: 9/22/2022 1:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Status: Awarded
Solicitation Number: RFP-001949
Description: Central Florida Expressway Authority (CFX) requires the services of a qualified firm to provide Public Information Services Miscellaneous. Consideration will be given to only those respondents who are qualified to perform the work as determined by CFX. Proposal documents are available for download at the web site located at https://vrapp.vendorregistry.com/Bids/View/BidsList?BuyerId=7fa678ed-767c-46f1-b88f-2fe8e4853ecc. Proposer registration is required to access and download documents. Instructions for registration are provided on the website.
The contract for these services has been reserved for local professional firms (located in Orange, Seminole, Brevard, Lake or Osceola Counties) that are currently registered with CFX in its Small Sustainable Business Enterprise (SSBE) program. Proposals will only be considered and accepted from firms that are registered with CFX as an SSBE firm at the time of submittal and who meet the prequalification requirements.
For information about becoming registered, interested parties are invited to visit CFX’s web site at https://cfxway.diversitycompliance.com/?TN=cfxway. The cutoff for receipt of applications for registration is September 07, 2022.
In addition to this RFP, CFX currently has RFP001935, Public Information Services advertised and will be advertising RFP001950, Public Outreach & Communications -SSBE next weekend, August 28, 2022. Qualified proposers may submit proposals to any or all of these RFP solicitations however, CFX intends to award each of the individual RFPs to separate Proposers. A Proposer shall not be awarded more than one contract.
Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 8/29/2022 11:00 AM
Pre-Bid Meeting Details: SCOPE OF SERVICES MEETING: CFX will convene a Scope of Services meeting for interested firms on August 29, 2022. The meeting will begin at 11:00 a.m., Orlando local time, at CFX’s Headquarters office located at 4974 ORL Tower Road, Orlando, Florida 32807. Interested parties may participate in person or virtually by utilizing the below link or phone number and conference id. Representatives of CFX and Engineer of Record will be present to discuss the project. The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss requirements of the project in an open forum. Although not mandatory, attendance at the meeting is highly recommended. Microsoft Teams Meeting Join on your computer or mobile app Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 291 647 667 810 Passcode: RmUKFQ Or call in (audio only) +1 321-235-6136,163128170# United States, Orlando Phone Conference ID: 163 128 170#
Documents as of 8/22/2022 |
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Login to view documents |
Date | Company Name |
8/22/2022 8:49:52 AM | Quest |
8/22/2022 9:04:50 AM | Command Staff Consulting, LLC |
8/22/2022 10:26:47 AM | Maven Brand Group |
8/22/2022 1:38:08 PM | Dodge Data & Analytics |
8/23/2022 6:56:21 AM | SevenOutsource |
8/23/2022 5:51:44 PM | ims |
8/25/2022 9:18:19 AM | fl research inc. |
8/28/2022 12:40:30 PM | Dayci@Work, LLC |
8/29/2022 8:22:14 AM | Quest Corporation of America, Inc. |
8/29/2022 9:18:34 AM | Sua Advertising Inc |
8/29/2022 7:26:55 PM | Link Systems, LLC |
9/2/2022 1:07:13 AM | IMS |
9/2/2022 6:45:43 AM | Dodge Data & Analytics |
9/6/2022 9:16:38 AM | Nadic Engineering Services |
9/12/2022 3:04:23 PM | GRAEF-usa |
9/12/2022 5:35:38 PM | GAI Consultants |
9/22/2022 4:43:38 PM | Dodge Data |
9/30/2022 8:26:56 AM | BASE Consultants |
9/30/2022 10:22:43 AM | Stokes Creative Group, Inc. |
10/3/2022 11:37:41 AM | Global-5, Inc. |
10/3/2022 11:40:22 AM | Global-5, Inc. |
10/4/2022 8:44:59 AM | Day Communications, Inc. |
10/6/2022 4:36:59 PM | The Valerin Group, Inc. |
11/7/2022 7:41:35 AM | Deltek |
1/12/2023 3:16:18 PM | KEITH |
3/15/2023 1:23:51 AM | IMS |
4/25/2023 2:07:37 PM | TranSystems |
2/12/2024 7:13:59 AM | PWXPress |
Addition 1
Posted: 8/29/2022
Type of Addition: PUBLIC NOTICE
Overview: 001949 Scope of Services - 08-29-2022
Addition 2
Posted: 9/1/2022
Type of Addition: Scope of Services Sign-in Sheet
Overview: RFP-001949 held a duly noticed meeting on Monday, August 29, 2022, commencing at 11:00 a.m. in the Pelican Conference Room at the CFX Administrative Bldg., Orlando, Florida.
Addition 3
Posted: 9/22/2022
Type of Addition: Technical Proposals Received 001949
Addition 4
Posted: 9/28/2022
Type of Addition: Revised Public Notice
Overview: REVISED-001949 Shortlist Meeting 9-29-22
Addition 5
Posted: 9/28/2022
Type of Addition: Revised Public Notice
Overview: REVISED-001949 Shortlist Meeting 9-29-22
Addition 6
Posted: 9/28/2022
Type of Addition: Revised 02 - Public Notice
Overview: REVISED 02-001949 Shortlist Meeting 10-4-22
Addition 7
Posted: 10/3/2022
Type of Addition: Revised 3 - Public Notice
Addition 8
Posted: 10/5/2022
Type of Addition: Evaluation Committee Meeting Minutes - Shortlist Ranking
Overview: Evaluation Committee for Public Information Misc. Services - SSBE, RFP-001949; held a duly noticed meeting on Tuesday, October 5, 2022, commencing at 10:30 a.m. in the Sandpiper Conference Room at CFX Administration Bldg., Orlando, Florida. 32807
Addition 9
Posted: 10/6/2022
Type of Addition: Evaluation Committee Meeting Minutes - Final Ranking
Overview: Evaluation Committee for Systemwide Facilities Maintenance Services; RFP-001910 held a duly noticed meeting on Thursday, October 6, 2022, starting at 9:00 a.m. in the Pelican Conference Room at the CFX Administration Bldg., Orlando, Florida 32807
Addition 10
Posted: 12/8/2022
Type of Addition: Award Information 001949
Overview: On December 8, 2022, the CFX’s Board members awarded the Contract to the following firm, contingent upon final execution of the contract by both parties: The Valerin Group, Inc., 3903 Northdale Boulevard, Suite 100E Tampa, Florida 33624
Amount: $1,849,840.00
Posted: 8/29/2022
Type of Addition: PUBLIC NOTICE
Overview: 001949 Scope of Services - 08-29-2022
Posted: 9/1/2022
Type of Addition: Scope of Services Sign-in Sheet
Overview: RFP-001949 held a duly noticed meeting on Monday, August 29, 2022, commencing at 11:00 a.m. in the Pelican Conference Room at the CFX Administrative Bldg., Orlando, Florida.
Posted: 9/22/2022
Type of Addition: Technical Proposals Received 001949
Posted: 9/28/2022
Type of Addition: Revised Public Notice
Overview: REVISED-001949 Shortlist Meeting 9-29-22
Posted: 9/28/2022
Type of Addition: Revised Public Notice
Overview: REVISED-001949 Shortlist Meeting 9-29-22
Posted: 9/28/2022
Type of Addition: Revised 02 - Public Notice
Overview: REVISED 02-001949 Shortlist Meeting 10-4-22
Posted: 10/3/2022
Type of Addition: Revised 3 - Public Notice
Posted: 10/5/2022
Type of Addition: Evaluation Committee Meeting Minutes - Shortlist Ranking
Overview: Evaluation Committee for Public Information Misc. Services - SSBE, RFP-001949; held a duly noticed meeting on Tuesday, October 5, 2022, commencing at 10:30 a.m. in the Sandpiper Conference Room at CFX Administration Bldg., Orlando, Florida. 32807
Posted: 10/6/2022
Type of Addition: Evaluation Committee Meeting Minutes - Final Ranking
Overview: Evaluation Committee for Systemwide Facilities Maintenance Services; RFP-001910 held a duly noticed meeting on Thursday, October 6, 2022, starting at 9:00 a.m. in the Pelican Conference Room at the CFX Administration Bldg., Orlando, Florida 32807
Posted: 12/8/2022
Type of Addition: Award Information 001949
Overview: On December 8, 2022, the CFX’s Board members awarded the Contract to the following firm, contingent upon final execution of the contract by both parties: The Valerin Group, Inc., 3903 Northdale Boulevard, Suite 100E Tampa, Florida 33624
Amount: $1,849,840.00