EMW Gas Association Sealed Solicitation

Title: ITB 2021-1 CNG CANOPY

Deadline: 8/3/2021 10:00 AM   (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)

Status: Deadline Expired

Solicitation Number: ITB 2021-1


EMW Gas Association desires to solicit qualified bids for the materials and installation of a CNG Public Access Fueling Station Canopy.  The fueling station is in Moriarty, NM, Torrance County.  Delivery of Bids is the sole responsibility of the Bidder.  No electronic bids will be accepted.  Sealed bids will be received at EMW Gas Association, by no later than 10:00 a.m. MDT on Thursday, August 3, 2021.


All bids shall be marked “Invitation to Bid 2021-1, CNG Canopy” and should be submitted to Jennifer Gauna, CPO, at jeng@emwgas.org.



   ALL Bid documents are posted on EMW Gas Association’s webpage - emwgas.com 


Documents as of 7/26/2021
ITB #2021-1 CNG CANOPY.pdf