Town of Taos Sealed Solicitation
Title: Fire Department - Apparatus and Equipment Preventative Maintenance and Repairs
Deadline: 6/23/2020 1:00 PM (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
Status: In Review
Solicitation Number: 19-20-10
Notice is hereby given that the Town of Taos, New Mexico calls for Sealed Proposals for:
RFP # 19-20-10 Fire Department – Apparatus and Equipment Preventative Maintenance & Repair
Interested parties may secure a copy of the request for proposals, including all specifications and any updates from:
Sharon Voigt, Procurement Officer
Town of Taos
400 Camino De La Placita
Taos, NM
(575) 751-2025
Or it may be downloaded from
Please contact the Purchasing Office @ (575) 751-2025 to be included in the spec-holder list in order to receive amendments to this request if applicable.
The Procurement Code, Sections 13‑1‑28 through 13‑1‑199 NMSA 1978, imposes civil and misdemeanor criminal penalties for its violation. In addition, the New Mexico criminal statutes impose felony penalties for bribes, gratuities and kick‑backs.
Sealed Proposals must be received by the Town of Taos Procurement Officer, at the Purchasing Office, Town of Taos Town Hall Room 202, 400 Camino de la Placita, Taos, New Mexico 87571 no later than 1:00 PM Local Time, Tuesday, June 23, 2020 in accordance with the instructions provided in the Request for Proposals. Proposals will also be accepted electronically via Vendor Registry. Offerors must register to the online portal using the following link:
As per NMSA 1978, Sections 13-1-131 and 13-1-132, the Town of Taos reserves the right to cancel this procurement or reject any/all bid proposals if it is in the best interest of the Town to do so, and to waive all technical irregularities not involving price, time or changes in work.
Order of the Governing Body
Town of Taos
Documents as of 6/8/2020 |
RFP 19-20-10 Fire Apparatus & Equipment Maintenance and Repairs Final.pdf |
Addition 1
Posted: 6/23/2020
Type of Addition: In Review - Evaluation Committee Meeting to be held June 23, 2020 at 2:00 PM
Posted: 6/23/2020
Type of Addition: In Review - Evaluation Committee Meeting to be held June 23, 2020 at 2:00 PM