County of Escambia Quote

Title: Emerald Shores Landscaping Contract

Deadline: 2/20/2023 12:00 PM   (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

Status: Awarded

Quote Number: PKS 02-06 Emerald Shores

Description: Updated scope and quote form has been uploaded at 3:30 on Monday, Feb 13th to simplify the process after the questions at walk-through. All spraying has been removed from document and can be handled separately. Please use the new document when uploading your quote. Thanks


Documents as of 2/13/2023
Emerald Shores Landscape Contract 2023.xlsx
Addition 1

Posted: 2/21/2023

Type of Addition: Award Information

Overview: Award quote to KMK Lawn Care Services for the amount of $13,730.00

Amount: $13,730.00

Question 1

Posted: 2/6/2023

Question: Does the bud need to be all or nothing? I haven’t bud on here before. I only do the chemical side of it.

Response: All or nothing

Posted: 2/21/2023

Type of Addition: Award Information

Overview: Award quote to KMK Lawn Care Services for the amount of $13,730.00

Amount: $13,730.00

Posted: 2/6/2023

Question: Does the bud need to be all or nothing? I haven’t bud on here before. I only do the chemical side of it.

Response: All or nothing