City of Aztec Quote
Title: RFQ 2024-836 Pickleball Resurfacing
Deadline: 8/1/2023 10:00 AM (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
Status: Awarded
Quote Number: RFQ 2024-836
Description: Scope of Work:
Two new pickleball courts need to be surfaced with rubber grip coat for safety and to complete this project. The concrete slabs were poured on May 6, 2023. There are saw cuts that will need filled before applying the rubber grip coat. All joints need filled EXCEPT the center cut running parallel to the nets. The surface of the concrete was slick finished and needs ground down or profiled for proper adhesion of the coating. Concrete needs primed with grip coat primer and then surfaced with two coats of grip coat. Finally, the white lines need striped according to the USA Pickleball specifications. See attached pdf.
Documents as of 7/17/2023 |
RFQ 2024-836 Pickleball Resurfacing.docx |
Pickleball Scope of Work 7-2023.pdf |
Pickleball Layout.pdf |
Addition 1
Posted: 8/14/2023
Type of Addition: Award Information
Posted: 8/14/2023
Type of Addition: Award Information