St. Johns River Water Management District Sealed Solicitation

Title: Timber Sale at Barrs Landing - Lake George Conservation Area

Deadline: 9/15/2022 2:00 PM   (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Status: Deadline Expired

Solicitation Number: 38123

Description: This is a per ton timber sale comprised of approximately 375 acres within the Lake George Conservation Area, located along the eastern shore of Lake George. Portions of the Sale Area are in Section 27; Township 13 South; Range 27 East. Sale boundaries include Roads, firebreaks, wetlands, and obvious changes in timber type (Maps are included in the attached agreement). This is a combination of marked thinning, logger-select thinning, and clearcut all within mature planted slash pine. Trees for harvest in stand 2207013 are marked with blue paint at eye level. Areas being thinned for the first time shall be third row removal with selection to achieve a target density of 200 trees per acre. The target density for logger-select second thinnings is 50 square feet of basal area per acre. Removal trees shall be selected based on the following criteria: diseased, defective, and suppressed trees shall be harvested first, followed by a portion of the intermediate and co-dominant trees to reach the desired density. Dominant trees shall not be harvested. The District estimates the volume of timber conveyed in this Agreement to be 6030 tons of pulpwood, 3,600 tons of chip-n-saw, 2,350 tons of sawtimber, and an undetermined volume of hardwood, but there is no guarantee that the volume is present.


Documents as of 9/7/2022
IFB_38123_Barrs Landing Timber Sale.pdf