Okaloosa County Sealed Solicitation

Title: West 98 Collector Road PD&E

Deadline: 2/16/2024 3:00 PM   (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

Status: Deadline Expired

Solicitation Number: RFQ PW 24-24

Description: The CONSULTANT is to conduct a PD&E Study for a new collector road in Okaloosa County that will run parallel to SR 30 (US 98) to support and alleviate traffic off US 98. The purpose of the Project is to provide local residents an option of travel by bicycle or car that does not involve turning onto and off of US 98 while minimizing flooding between the corridors. The purpose is also to provide utilities with a potential corridor to relocate off of US 98. The proposed overall study consists of identifying the collector road corridor between Green Drive and Hurlburt Field. In addition, a utility corridor will be evaluated between the Santa Rosa County Line and Hurlburt Field. Project limits may be adjusted. The CONSULTANT will be responsible for all work needed to obtain an easement from the Air Force for any portion of the Project or Utility Corridor that is on US Government property.


Documents as of 1/12/2024
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