Whitfield County Schools Sealed Solicitation

Title: Facilities - Materials and Inspection Services for Whitfield County School 2024

Deadline: 4/11/2024 2:00 PM   (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Status: Awarded

Solicitation Number: WCS-ARC-2024-019

Description: Materials Testing and Inspection Services for New Athletic Facilities at Coahulla Creek High, Northwest High, and Southeast High.


Documents as of 3/21/2024
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Addition 1

Posted: 5/17/2024

Type of Addition: Award Information

Overview: Awarded to Geo-Hydro Engineers at the May 6th board meeting.

Amount: $137,473.32

Question 1

Posted: 4/2/2024

Question: Under General Information on page 1, the RFP says "The Testing Agent can submit on any combination of projects. Please submit one Proposal Form (Attachment No. 1) for each project." If we were to submit on all 3 projects, please clarify if the rest of the proposal is also to be submitted separately for each project, for a total of 3 proposals, or would we submit one proposal that would include all 3 Proposal Forms (Attachment No. 1) prepared for each project respectively.

Response: You can submit one proposal that includes qualifications, etc… and one Attachment No.1 for each project.

Question 2

Posted: 4/2/2024

Question: Under General Information on page 1, the RFP states that "Each firm is to prepare its proposal according to the RFP format, i.e., by section and paragraph of this RFP." Please clarify if this might be limited to the Scope of Services on RFP pages 2-5, and the Qualifications section on page 6. Or should we simply follow the format provided in Section III - Selection Criteria & Format, on RFP pages 6 and 7? If, however, you want the outline of our proposal to mirror the RFP format from pages 1 to 6, please clarify how you want the format on pages 6 and 7 integrated into the structure of the RFP for presentation in the proposal. And if the structure of the proposal is to mirror pages 1-6 of the RFP, what about sections that don't apply? For example, we would not have a response for section i on pages 4 and 5 since this refers to the contractor's responsibilities. Additionally, please note that under "Reporting" on RFP page 5, items e-h seem to apply more to scheduling than to Reporting. If we are to mirror the structure of the RFP, please clarify if a header delineating "Schedule" should be inserted above item e.

Response: You can structure your proposal following Section III.

Question 3

Posted: 4/2/2024

Question: Under General Information on page 2, the RFP says to "tab each section/form individually." Please clarify what this means since proposals are being uploaded electronically.

Response: Please provide a sheet labeled “Tab A, B, C…” prior to each section.

Question 4

Posted: 4/2/2024

Question: Under Evaluation of Proposals on page 7 of the RFP, the Experience/Performance section indicates that there will be an "evaluation of client references whether included in the proposal response or not." Please clarify if we should include client references in the proposal.

Response: Yes, please provide client contact information for each project referenced in your qualifications.

Posted: 5/17/2024

Type of Addition: Award Information

Overview: Awarded to Geo-Hydro Engineers at the May 6th board meeting.

Amount: $137,473.32

Posted: 4/2/2024

Question: Under General Information on page 1, the RFP says "The Testing Agent can submit on any combination of projects. Please submit one Proposal Form (Attachment No. 1) for each project." If we were to submit on all 3 projects, please clarify if the rest of the proposal is also to be submitted separately for each project, for a total of 3 proposals, or would we submit one proposal that would include all 3 Proposal Forms (Attachment No. 1) prepared for each project respectively.

Response: You can submit one proposal that includes qualifications, etc… and one Attachment No.1 for each project.

Posted: 4/2/2024

Question: Under General Information on page 1, the RFP states that "Each firm is to prepare its proposal according to the RFP format, i.e., by section and paragraph of this RFP." Please clarify if this might be limited to the Scope of Services on RFP pages 2-5, and the Qualifications section on page 6. Or should we simply follow the format provided in Section III - Selection Criteria & Format, on RFP pages 6 and 7? If, however, you want the outline of our proposal to mirror the RFP format from pages 1 to 6, please clarify how you want the format on pages 6 and 7 integrated into the structure of the RFP for presentation in the proposal. And if the structure of the proposal is to mirror pages 1-6 of the RFP, what about sections that don't apply? For example, we would not have a response for section i on pages 4 and 5 since this refers to the contractor's responsibilities. Additionally, please note that under "Reporting" on RFP page 5, items e-h seem to apply more to scheduling than to Reporting. If we are to mirror the structure of the RFP, please clarify if a header delineating "Schedule" should be inserted above item e.

Response: You can structure your proposal following Section III.

Posted: 4/2/2024

Question: Under General Information on page 2, the RFP says to "tab each section/form individually." Please clarify what this means since proposals are being uploaded electronically.

Response: Please provide a sheet labeled “Tab A, B, C…” prior to each section.

Posted: 4/2/2024

Question: Under Evaluation of Proposals on page 7 of the RFP, the Experience/Performance section indicates that there will be an "evaluation of client references whether included in the proposal response or not." Please clarify if we should include client references in the proposal.

Response: Yes, please provide client contact information for each project referenced in your qualifications.