Alabama A & M University Sealed Solicitation
Title: RFP #BOT2-2k21 AAMU RE-IMAGINE Initiative
Deadline: 5/21/2021 5:00 PM (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
Status: Deadline Expired
Solicitation Number: RFP BOT2-2k21
Description: Alabama Agricultural & Mechanical University (AAMU) seeks to retain a marketing consultant, firm, or organization to assist the University in launching and assisting to accomplish the goals and objectives of the AAMU “Reimagine” Initiative. This RFP outlines the expectation and timeline for scope of work. The selected marketing consultant, firm, or organization will possess the capacity and competencies on a full range of services, including conducting successful branding initiatives similarly sized educational, public, and non-profit organizations ultimately resulting in donations from individuals, organizations, companies, foundations, philanthropists, etc.
Documents as of 5/10/2021 |
RFP BOT2-2k21 AAMU Re-Imagine.pdf |