City of Alamogordo Sealed Solicitation
Title: Reroof Multiple Sites
Deadline: 3/9/2022 2:00 PM (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
Status: Awarded
Solicitation Number: PW Bid 2022-002
Description: The Work will consist of:
Overlay existing roofing system with new TPO membrane roofing system at Desert Lakes Golf Course Clubhouse.
Remove existing roofing system down to existing metal panels; provide and install new TPO membrane roofing system at Animal Control Kennel.
Remove existing roofing system down to existing gyp concrete decking; provide and install new TPO membrane roofing system at Alamogordo Police Department.
Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 2/15/2022 1:30 PM
Pre-Bid Meeting Details: A Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting will be held at 1:30 pm on February 15, 2022, in the Commission Chambers, 1376 E. Ninth Street, Alamogordo, New Mexico.
Documents as of 2/4/2022 |
Front-End Tech Specs - Final (002).pdf |
Project Drawings - Final.pdf |
Addition 1
Posted: 3/1/2022
Type of Addition: Addendum #1
Overview: Addendum Number 1 is issued to provide changes and/or clarifications to the referenced PWB. The date, time, and location of the BID OPENING remains unchanged
Deadline: 3/9/2022 2:00 PM
Solicitation #: PW Bid 2022-002
Addition 2
Posted: 6/3/2022
Type of Addition: PW bid 2022-002
Overview: Awarded to Public Works Bid No. 2022-002 to C.D. General Contractors, Inc. related to the Reroof Multiple Sites at April 22, 2022 Commission Meeting
Amount: $575,657.50
Posted: 3/1/2022
Type of Addition: Addendum #1
Overview: Addendum Number 1 is issued to provide changes and/or clarifications to the referenced PWB. The date, time, and location of the BID OPENING remains unchanged
Deadline: 3/9/2022 2:00 PM
Solicitation #: PW Bid 2022-002
Posted: 6/3/2022
Type of Addition: PW bid 2022-002
Overview: Awarded to Public Works Bid No. 2022-002 to C.D. General Contractors, Inc. related to the Reroof Multiple Sites at April 22, 2022 Commission Meeting
Amount: $575,657.50