Manchester Sealed Solicitation

Title: Workers' Compensation, Liability, and Property Insurance

Deadline: 6/18/2020 10:00 AM   (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

Status: Deadline Expired


The City of Manchester, Tennessee will accept sealed bids for Workers' Compensation, Liability, and Property Insurance. The specifications can be found at the links below, but please visit our website to access ALL files. Bid specifications can also be obtained from the Finance Office at 200 West Fort Street, Manchester, TN 37355. All bids must be returned with an original and a copy, sealed, to the Chief Financial Officer's office no later than 10:00 AM on June 18, 2020. The City of Manchester has the right to reject any and all bids.


Documents as of 6/4/2020
Loss Run Report.pdf
Workers Compensation Report.pdf
Vehicle Fixed Asset Report.pdf
Equipment Fixed Asset Report.pdf
Buildings Fixed Asset Report.pdf
New Information Not Included in Previous Bid.pdf