Rio Rancho Public Schools Sealed Solicitation
Title: Five-Year Facilities Master Plan
Deadline: 2/18/2021 2:00 PM (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
Status: Deadline Expired
Solicitation Number: RFP No. 2021-008-FAC
The Rio Rancho Public School District (District) is
requesting proposals from qualified firms to provide the services necessary for
the development of a Facilities Master Plan more particularly described at
Exhibit A.
Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 2/5/2021 1:00 PM
Pre-Bid Meeting Details: Non-Mandatory (Virtual Meeting) Pre-proposal Conference Meeting ID Phone Numbers (US)+1 662-450-4160 PIN: 283 023 221#
Documents as of 2/12/2021 |
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Question 1
Posted: 2/9/2021
Question: Per the RFP section 3.3 Proposal Format, Proposal Organization outlines the submission format. However, no details are requirements were outlined for some of those sections (such as a. Proposal Summary or how 6. Response to Mandatory Specifications could be the same as section 4.3 of the RFP but it would create a repeat since 5. Technical Approach would be the same was In Section 4.3 though, an entirely different format is outlined as,, etc. that is fairly comprehensive. But section 5. Evaluation outlines another layout that is also different from and 4.3. Please clarify which proposal format we are to follow - section 3.3., section 4.3, or section 5. Thank you. --Lani Colley
Response: Response to this question has been addressed in Addenda No. 2. Please ensure your acknowledgement of the addenda with your proposal.
Posted: 2/9/2021
Question: Per the RFP section 3.3 Proposal Format, Proposal Organization outlines the submission format. However, no details are requirements were outlined for some of those sections (such as a. Proposal Summary or how 6. Response to Mandatory Specifications could be the same as section 4.3 of the RFP but it would create a repeat since 5. Technical Approach would be the same was In Section 4.3 though, an entirely different format is outlined as,, etc. that is fairly comprehensive. But section 5. Evaluation outlines another layout that is also different from and 4.3. Please clarify which proposal format we are to follow - section 3.3., section 4.3, or section 5. Thank you. --Lani Colley
Response: Response to this question has been addressed in Addenda No. 2. Please ensure your acknowledgement of the addenda with your proposal.