Town of Medley Sealed Solicitation

Title: Medley Firearms Training Center Hurricane Irma Repairs

Deadline: 9/6/2018 3:00 PM   (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Status: Awarded

Solicitation Number: 2018-007


The Design-Build Firm must design and furnish all supervision, labor, materials, tools, equipment, and perform all operations required to construct the Medley Firearm Training Center Hurricane Irma Repairs in accordance with the Contract Documents and as described in the Construction Plans.


Work includes design and construction of two (2) observation towers and the replacement of a light pole and luminaire as indicated in the Design Criteria Package (DCP) and Conceptual Plans.


Design-Build Firm shall be responsible for complying with the requirements of all regulatory agencies and applicable laws; coordination with all impacted utility owners; and complying with the requirements of Florida Building Code, Miami-Dade County, and the Town of Medley.

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 8/23/2018 10:30 AM

Pre-Bid Meeting Details: On site Location address 9700 NW 97 Ave. Medley, Fl.


Documents as of 8/14/2018
GR-1808 Medley Firearm Training Center - Bid Form (Short Version) (2).pdf
GR-1808 Medley Firearm Training Facility Observation Towers - Design Criteria Package (2).pdf
Solicitation - RFP 2018-007 (GR-1808) Medley Firearms Training Center Repairs.pdf
Addition 1

Posted: 8/29/2018

Type of Addition: Addendum #1


Revisions to the Solicitation Documents as follows (additions underlined, deletions strikethrough):

1.       Design Criteria Package (DCP), Appendix A Conceptual Plans:

Replace Conceptual Plans with the attached Conceptual Plans Rev2018-08-27

2.       Schedule of Events, Bid Form Page 6:

Deadline: 9/6/2018 3:00 PM

Solicitation #: RFP 2018-007


Addition 2

Posted: 8/29/2018

Type of Addition: Addendum #2


Addendum #2 does the following:

Revisions to the Solicitation Documents as follows (additions underlined, deletions strikethrough):

1.       Responses to RFIs submitted by deadline 08/27/2018:


Addition 3

Posted: 9/4/2018

Type of Addition: Sign in Sheet- Pre-bid Conference


Addition 4

Posted: 9/6/2018

Type of Addition: In Review/ Bid Opening Report


Addition 5

Posted: 11/5/2018

Type of Addition: Award Information

Overview: Resolution C-1648 Awarding ATF Builders Inc. RFP 2018-007


Posted: 8/29/2018

Type of Addition: Addendum #1


Revisions to the Solicitation Documents as follows (additions underlined, deletions strikethrough):

1.       Design Criteria Package (DCP), Appendix A Conceptual Plans:

Replace Conceptual Plans with the attached Conceptual Plans Rev2018-08-27

2.       Schedule of Events, Bid Form Page 6:

Deadline: 9/6/2018 3:00 PM

Solicitation #: RFP 2018-007


Posted: 8/29/2018

Type of Addition: Addendum #2


Addendum #2 does the following:

Revisions to the Solicitation Documents as follows (additions underlined, deletions strikethrough):

1.       Responses to RFIs submitted by deadline 08/27/2018:


Posted: 9/4/2018

Type of Addition: Sign in Sheet- Pre-bid Conference


Posted: 9/6/2018

Type of Addition: In Review/ Bid Opening Report


Posted: 11/5/2018

Type of Addition: Award Information

Overview: Resolution C-1648 Awarding ATF Builders Inc. RFP 2018-007
