Town of Medley Sealed Solicitation
Title: Lakeside Community Center Renovations
Deadline: 6/16/2020 3:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Status: Awarded
Solicitation Number: ITB 2020-018
Lakeside Community Center Renovations
The Contractor must furnish all supervision, labor, materials, tools, equipment, and perform all operations required to construct the Lakeside Park Community Center Renovations in accordance with the Contract Documents and as described in the Construction Plans.
Sealed Bids must be received and time stamped by the Town Clerk, either by mail or hand delivery, no later than 3:00 p.m. local time on June 8, 2020. A public opening will take place at or before 3:05 p.m. at the Council Chambers at the Medley Municipal Services Facility, 7777 N.W. 72nd Avenue, Medley, Florida 33166 on the same date. Any Bids received after 3:00 p.m. local time on said date will not be accepted under any circumstances and will be returned to the Bidder unopened. The stated time and date is solely and strictly the responsibility of the Bidder. The Town is not responsible for delays caused by mail, courier service, including United States Mail, or any other occurrence. Any uncertainty regarding the time a Bid is received will be resolved against the Bidder.
Bidders may inspect the applicable Bid requirements, drawings, specifications, and other contract documents at the office of the Town Clerk at the Medley Municipal Services Facility, 7777 N.W. 72nd Avenue, Medley, Florida 33166.
Copies of the ITP, Registered Plan Holder Information form and all other solicitation related documents will only be made available on Town of Medley under “Open Bid Invitation” at from May 8, 2020. All related questions regarding the RFP should be addressed to not later than May 22, 2020 at 5 pm. All interested plan holders MUST be registered on Vendor Registry at prior to submittal of any RFIs.
The Successful Bidder will also be required to furnish Performance and Payment Bonds, each in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract amount.
The Town reserves the right to reject any or all Bids, to re-advertise for Bids or take such other actions as the Town Council may deem to be in the best interests of the Town.
The Town of Medley is an Equal Opportunity Employer and encourages the participation of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) and Minority Business Enterprises (MBE).
This project, in whole or in part, will be assisted through the Miami-Dade County Public Housing and Community Development with Federal funding from Community Development Block Grant and as such bidder must comply with Presidential Executive Order 11246, as amended; by Executive Order 11375; Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended; the Davis-Bacon Act of 1968, as amended; the Copeland Anti-Kickback Act; the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act and all other applicable federal, state and local ordinance.
The bidder is required to pay workers on this project the minimum wages as determined in the Wage Determination Decision included in the Bidder’s package; and that the contractor must ensure that employees are not discriminated because of race, color, religion, sex or national origin.
This project is also a Section 3 covered activity. Section 3 requires that job training, employment and contracting opportunities be directed to very-low and low income persons or business owners who live in the project’s area.
Pursuant to subsection (t) “Cone of Silence” of Section 2-11.1 “Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics Ordinance” of Miami Dade County, public notice is hereby given that a “Cone of Silence” is imposed concerning this solicitation. The “Cone of Silence” prohibits communications concerning RFP’s, RFQ’s or Bids, until such time as the Town Engineer on behalf of the selection committee makes a written recommendation to the Town Council concerning the solicitation.
Failure to comply with the “Cone of Silence” may result in the rejection of a Response. For additional information concerning the “Cone of Silence please refer to Section 2-11.1 of Miami Dade County Code.
Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 5/15/2020 3:00 PM
Documents as of 5/8/2020 |
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Addition 1
Posted: 5/11/2020
Type of Addition: Addendum
Overview: Pre-Bid Meeting will be held on 5/19/20 at 2:00PM at the Lakeside Community Center, 10601 NW 105 Way, Medley, FL 33178.
Pre-Bid Meeting Details: Meeting will be held at Lakeside Community Center, 10601 NW 105 Way, Medley, FL 33178.
Solicitation #: ITB 2020-018
Addition 2
Posted: 5/29/2020
Type of Addition: Addendum
To all interested proposers:
The Town of Medley defines a solicitation “Addendum” as an addition to or amendment of the original terms, conditions, specifications, or instructions of a procurement solicitation (e.g. Invitation for Bids, Request for Proposalsor Request for Qualifications), including but not limited to questions and answers, which are considered a material part of the solicitation.
Please note the following updates:
Addendum #2 does the following:
Revisions to the Solicitation Documents as follows (additions underlined, deletions strikethrough):
· Please provide pricing requirements for the Davis Bacon wages:
The current wage rates under the Davis Bacon Act can be searched at this web site* (formerly*)
Contractor shall use the wage rates for Miami-Dade County, Florida
· Non-Collusive Affidavit- Please provide Attachment 11: Non-Collusive Affidavit in bid documents
· Door Schedule Materials Finish- The door Hardware schedule of A-6.0 shows a number system for the material finish. Do these numbers have an identification chart? Please disregard identification number.
· Job Technical Specifications- Will there be a technical specifications report issued for this job? There will be no Technical Specs report, all specs are listed throughout the Construction Document Set.
· Asbestos Survey Sht. GN-0.1- General notes and requirements call for removal of asbestos by the owner. Please verify that the asbestos survey is the responsibility of the owner as well.
The asbestos survey has already been completed by the Town of Medley and it was determined that there are no asbestos in the existing building. Attached, please find Asbestos Report for your reference.
· Sht. GN-0.1 Polish Pavers- General notes calls for polish pavers to be repaired and raised as per owner construction manager direction. However, the plans do not specify which area to be worked on or the specification of the paver. Please advise. This is a General Note for where it applies only. The site in this project doesn’t have any pavers, the building is surrounded by asphalt and concrete pads at exits. There are tiles on the main entrance that must be protected at all times.
· Sht. A2.1 Countertop- there is a note calling for PL-1 and SS-1, However in the millwork schedule on A-5.0 shows a spec for only SS-1. Please specify. Contractor to ensure they are looking at the latest set of plans dated 04-16-20, there is no Plastic Laminated scheduled in the bathrooms.
· Work Hours- Is there any limitation on work hours?
Working hours are 8 am to 5 pm and contractor need to be aware of kitchen hours so work is not interrupted.
· Fire Alarm Relocation- On sht. E-1.0 it shows that the pull box for the fire alarm will be relocated so no to be behind the bathroom stall door. Please verify is a certified fire alarm contractor needs to relocate this. If so, can you please provide the company that maintains your fire alarm system?
All Fire Alarm work has to be completed by a certified contractor. Fire Alarm vendor to be provided.
· Staging Area GN-0.1- On sht. GN-0.1 is states that we will be using the closest loading dock for deliveries as required. Will this area also be allowed for temporary storage of material for example concrete block? Yes, the area can be used for storage of material. This must be coordinated on site to ensure materials do not block any access for the remaining operation of the building. Contractor to coordinate on site with Building Manager.
· Door/Glazing Manufacturer- On sheet GN-0.1 and door schedule on sht. A-1.0 it states that the manufactures of Metal Doors, Wood Doors, Glass, and Hardware. Is there a list of manufacturers the owner would like?
The Town of Medley does not have a list of prefere manufactures of door/glazing manufacturer. However, the Contractor shall provide the information on the proposed manufacturer(s) for Town’s approval prior to construction.
· Permit Fees- Please clarify if the permit fee will be responsibility of the General Contractor or the town of Medley.
All Permit fees will be responsibility of the Town of Medley,
· Extension time- Due to inability of inputting the correct labor rates for Davis Bacon we would like to ask for an extension of time.
Due to time constraints to meet grant requirements the TOM cannot extend the time and the timeline remains as noted in the RFQ.
· Sht. MD-1.0 Roof Warranty- Sht. MD-1.0 calls for a replacement of exhaust fan and curb and sht. M0.0 calls for roof flashing repair. Please advise if the roof is under warranty and who is the roofing contractor. Any repair caused by the proposed work must be performed in its entirety by the contractor ensuring final product matches existing system.
· Sht. P-0.0- Plumbing Specs. Note 5 calls for contractor to connect owner supplied equipment. Please supply list and specs of equipment provided by owner.
Plumbing note is a general note. Installation is limited to what is included on plans either owner provides equipment or contractor.
· The budget for the project is $200,000.00.
· There will be a second optional site visit on Monday, June 1, 2020 at 1:00PM at the Lakeside Community Center. COVID-19 safety precautions will be strictly enforced There will be no questions answered on site. The last day for questions via email to will be extended to Tuesday, June 2, 2020.
Deadline: 6/8/2020 3:00 PM
Solicitation #: ITB 2020-018
Addition 3
Posted: 6/1/2020
Type of Addition: Pre-Bid Meeting Attendee List
Addition 4
Posted: 6/2/2020
Type of Addition: Addendum
Overview: Please Initial the bottom of each page and submit with your bid.
Addition 5
Posted: 6/2/2020
Type of Addition: Addendum
Overview: Updated Plans
Addition 6
Posted: 6/2/2020
Type of Addition: Addendum
Overview: Asbestos Report
Addition 7
Posted: 6/2/2020
Type of Addition: Addendum
Overview: Please complete and submit with bid package.
Addition 9
Posted: 6/8/2020
Type of Addition: Addendum
Deadline: 6/16/2020 3:00 PM
Solicitation #: ITB 2020-018
Addition 10
Posted: 6/18/2020
Type of Addition: In Review
Addition 11
Posted: 6/18/2020
Type of Addition: In Review
Addition 12
Posted: 7/1/2020
Type of Addition: Bid Opening Report
Addition 13
Posted: 7/29/2020
Type of Addition: Award Information
Amount: $287,791.00
Posted: 5/11/2020
Type of Addition: Addendum
Overview: Pre-Bid Meeting will be held on 5/19/20 at 2:00PM at the Lakeside Community Center, 10601 NW 105 Way, Medley, FL 33178.
Pre-Bid Meeting Details: Meeting will be held at Lakeside Community Center, 10601 NW 105 Way, Medley, FL 33178.
Solicitation #: ITB 2020-018
Posted: 5/29/2020
Type of Addition: Addendum
To all interested proposers:
The Town of Medley defines a solicitation “Addendum” as an addition to or amendment of the original terms, conditions, specifications, or instructions of a procurement solicitation (e.g. Invitation for Bids, Request for Proposalsor Request for Qualifications), including but not limited to questions and answers, which are considered a material part of the solicitation.
Please note the following updates:
Addendum #2 does the following:
Revisions to the Solicitation Documents as follows (additions underlined, deletions strikethrough):
· Please provide pricing requirements for the Davis Bacon wages:
The current wage rates under the Davis Bacon Act can be searched at this web site* (formerly*)
Contractor shall use the wage rates for Miami-Dade County, Florida
· Non-Collusive Affidavit- Please provide Attachment 11: Non-Collusive Affidavit in bid documents
· Door Schedule Materials Finish- The door Hardware schedule of A-6.0 shows a number system for the material finish. Do these numbers have an identification chart? Please disregard identification number.
· Job Technical Specifications- Will there be a technical specifications report issued for this job? There will be no Technical Specs report, all specs are listed throughout the Construction Document Set.
· Asbestos Survey Sht. GN-0.1- General notes and requirements call for removal of asbestos by the owner. Please verify that the asbestos survey is the responsibility of the owner as well.
The asbestos survey has already been completed by the Town of Medley and it was determined that there are no asbestos in the existing building. Attached, please find Asbestos Report for your reference.
· Sht. GN-0.1 Polish Pavers- General notes calls for polish pavers to be repaired and raised as per owner construction manager direction. However, the plans do not specify which area to be worked on or the specification of the paver. Please advise. This is a General Note for where it applies only. The site in this project doesn’t have any pavers, the building is surrounded by asphalt and concrete pads at exits. There are tiles on the main entrance that must be protected at all times.
· Sht. A2.1 Countertop- there is a note calling for PL-1 and SS-1, However in the millwork schedule on A-5.0 shows a spec for only SS-1. Please specify. Contractor to ensure they are looking at the latest set of plans dated 04-16-20, there is no Plastic Laminated scheduled in the bathrooms.
· Work Hours- Is there any limitation on work hours?
Working hours are 8 am to 5 pm and contractor need to be aware of kitchen hours so work is not interrupted.
· Fire Alarm Relocation- On sht. E-1.0 it shows that the pull box for the fire alarm will be relocated so no to be behind the bathroom stall door. Please verify is a certified fire alarm contractor needs to relocate this. If so, can you please provide the company that maintains your fire alarm system?
All Fire Alarm work has to be completed by a certified contractor. Fire Alarm vendor to be provided.
· Staging Area GN-0.1- On sht. GN-0.1 is states that we will be using the closest loading dock for deliveries as required. Will this area also be allowed for temporary storage of material for example concrete block? Yes, the area can be used for storage of material. This must be coordinated on site to ensure materials do not block any access for the remaining operation of the building. Contractor to coordinate on site with Building Manager.
· Door/Glazing Manufacturer- On sheet GN-0.1 and door schedule on sht. A-1.0 it states that the manufactures of Metal Doors, Wood Doors, Glass, and Hardware. Is there a list of manufacturers the owner would like?
The Town of Medley does not have a list of prefere manufactures of door/glazing manufacturer. However, the Contractor shall provide the information on the proposed manufacturer(s) for Town’s approval prior to construction.
· Permit Fees- Please clarify if the permit fee will be responsibility of the General Contractor or the town of Medley.
All Permit fees will be responsibility of the Town of Medley,
· Extension time- Due to inability of inputting the correct labor rates for Davis Bacon we would like to ask for an extension of time.
Due to time constraints to meet grant requirements the TOM cannot extend the time and the timeline remains as noted in the RFQ.
· Sht. MD-1.0 Roof Warranty- Sht. MD-1.0 calls for a replacement of exhaust fan and curb and sht. M0.0 calls for roof flashing repair. Please advise if the roof is under warranty and who is the roofing contractor. Any repair caused by the proposed work must be performed in its entirety by the contractor ensuring final product matches existing system.
· Sht. P-0.0- Plumbing Specs. Note 5 calls for contractor to connect owner supplied equipment. Please supply list and specs of equipment provided by owner.
Plumbing note is a general note. Installation is limited to what is included on plans either owner provides equipment or contractor.
· The budget for the project is $200,000.00.
· There will be a second optional site visit on Monday, June 1, 2020 at 1:00PM at the Lakeside Community Center. COVID-19 safety precautions will be strictly enforced There will be no questions answered on site. The last day for questions via email to will be extended to Tuesday, June 2, 2020.
Deadline: 6/8/2020 3:00 PM
Solicitation #: ITB 2020-018
Posted: 6/2/2020
Type of Addition: Addendum
Overview: Please Initial the bottom of each page and submit with your bid.
Posted: 6/2/2020
Type of Addition: Addendum
Overview: Updated Plans
Posted: 6/2/2020
Type of Addition: Addendum
Overview: Asbestos Report
Posted: 6/2/2020
Type of Addition: Addendum
Overview: Please complete and submit with bid package.
Posted: 6/8/2020
Type of Addition: Addendum
Deadline: 6/16/2020 3:00 PM
Solicitation #: ITB 2020-018
Posted: 6/18/2020
Type of Addition: In Review
Posted: 6/18/2020
Type of Addition: In Review
Posted: 7/29/2020
Type of Addition: Award Information
Amount: $287,791.00