County of Escambia Quote
Title: Fire- Ground/Portable Ladder Testing
Deadline: 8/19/2022 9:00 AM (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
Status: Awarded
Quote Number: Fire_08092022L
Escambia County Fire Rescue is seeking a certified technician/dealer to complete annual NFPA testing on all of ground/portable ladders. Our current testable inventory consist of approximately 205 ladders ranging in the following sizes: folding/attic 8' & 10', straight 14', 16', & 20' and extension 10', 24', 28', 30', & 35'. ECFR's ladder inventory consists of DUO Safety and Alco Lite. See the attached table for an itemized list.
1. Please provide a quote for the following
A. Total cost for the annual test and inspection
B. Any mileage or travel cost associated
C. Replacement part cost
Which should includes hooks, springs, pulleys, and halyards
D. Any additional fees
2. The winning bidder must be willing to do the following:
A. Start within 30 days of notification
B. Finish no longer than 45 days after the first inspection
C. Be willing to travel to different sites for testing
D. A record of results for each ladder must be provided using the Ladder Id number or the serial for our records
Please contact Battalion Chief Campanella of Logistics at 850-475-5557 or at the email associated with this quote request
Documents as of 8/9/2022 |
Portable Ladder 2022.xlsx |
Addition 1
Posted: 8/30/2022
Type of Addition: Waterway of Central Florida
Amount: $6,000.00
Posted: 8/30/2022
Type of Addition: Waterway of Central Florida
Amount: $6,000.00