Peralta Community College District Sealed Solicitation

Title: RFP No. 20-21/06 Design Build Construction Services for the Berkeley City College 2118 Milvia Expansion Project

Deadline: 1/29/2021 2:00 PM   (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

Status: In Review

Solicitation Number: RFP 20-21/06

Description: This is the Request for Proposal phase of the project. Only the three Design Build Entities on the shortlist below are pre-qualified to submit proposals.

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 12/7/2020 10:00 AM

Pre-Bid Meeting Details: Scheduled Zoom meeting: Topic: RFP 20-21/06 BCC 2118 MILVIA STREET DBE MANDATORY PRE-PROPOSAL MEETING Time: Dec 7, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +16699006833,92960638441# or +13462487799,92960638441# Or Telephone: Dial: +1 669 900 6833 (US Toll) +1 346 248 7799 (US Toll) +1 253 215 8782 (US Toll) +1 646 876 9923 (US Toll) +1 301 715 8592 (US Toll) +1 312 626 6799 (US Toll) Meeting ID: 929 6063 8441 International numbers available: Or Skype for Business (Lync):


Documents as of 12/8/2020
RFP 20 21 06 BCC 2118 Milvia Street DBE Short List.pdf
1 - Request for Proposal (RFP # 20_21_06 ) 2118 Milvia Street Project.pdf
Exhibit A - Certification of RFP.pdf
Exhibit B - RFP Acknowledgement and Signature Form.pdf
Exhibit C - Proposal Form.pdf
Exhibit D-1 - Non-Collusion Declaration.pdf
Exhibit D-2 - Iran Contracting Act Certification.pdf
Exhibit E - PCCD Design-Build Stipend Agreement (Aug 2020).pdf
Exhibit F - Non Disclosure Agreement.pdf
Exhibit G - SLBE-Program and Affidavit-.pdf
Exhibit H - 00 43 00 Bond Accompanying Proposal FINAL.pdf
Exhibit I - 00 45 00 Proposer Certifications FINAL.pdf
Appendix A - Project Description and Scope of Services.pdf
Appendix B - Criteria Documents.pdf
Appendix C - Form of Agreement DBE 2118 Milvia Street Project.pdf
Appendix D - Project Labor Agreement (Final).pdf
Appendix E - Division 00 01 Specifications.pdf
App F - 2019 Door Hardware PCCD Specification Guideline Booklet.pdf
App F - Facilities Technology Master Plan_IT_2017.pdf
App F - PCCD - Sustainability and Resiliency Master Plan Webinar_9_4_17.pdf
App F - PCCD AV Specs 04-20-18.pdf
App F - PCCD DISTRICT STANDARDS Draft-2_20_06_10.pdf
App F - PCCD Network and Wi-Fi Std 20180103.pdf
App F - PCCD-Datacom-Infrastr-Std-v02-DRAFT May22 (2).pdf
Appendix G - Peralta Sustainability Efforts to date and Next Steps Memo.pdf
Appendix H - PCCD_Project Design Milestone Acceptance Form.pdf
App I - Attachment 1 - rpt DRAFT PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT 2118 Milvia St.pdf
App I - Attachment 2 - rpt Soil Gas Survey - 2118 Milva.pdf
App I - Attachment 3 - rpt Geotech Investigation & Design - 2118 Milvia St, Berkeley Ca 6-9-17.pdf
App I - Attachment 4 - BCC-Initial-Study.pdf
App I - Attachment 5 - BCC - Space Utilization - Fall 2019 Semester FINAL.pdf
App I - Attachment 6 - P1-POTHOLE-MAP_20180524.pdf
App I - Attachment 7 - 3176100- V1-TOPOGRAPHIC-MAP(22x34).pdf
App I - Attachment 8 - PCCD BCC Milvia REH DSA tag removed.pdf
App I - Attachment 9 - 190508 BCC_Town Hall Presentation.pdf
App I - Attachment 10 - BCC CEXP Compiled Meeting Notes.pdf
App I - Attachment 11 - 2020 1009 FACILITIES COMMITTEE.pdf
App I - Attachment 12 - 20200710-65% Mtg w DBA - complete.pdf
RFP 20 21 06 Pre-Proposal Meeting Sign-In Sheet.pdf
RFP_20_21_06_Pre-Proposal_Mtg_Zoom_Participant Report.pdf
RFP 20 21 06 Pre-Proposal Meeting_Presentation_201207 BCC.pdf
Addition 3

Posted: 3/19/2021

Type of Addition: In Review

Overview: Please see the attached Notice of Intent to Award.


Question 1

Posted: 1/4/2021

Question: Regarding required DBE design services, we assume the DBE is responsible for code and general wayfinding signage, however if there is a need for more extensive or specialty Environmental Graphics (branding, monument, placemaking/identity, exterior, etc), will the District or DBE be responsible? And if the DBE, please clarify expected scope.

Response: This question was answered in Addendum One posted here.

Question 2

Posted: 1/4/2021

Question: In general the RFP and Appendix A Scope of Services both state the DBE is required to obtain District approval after each design phase prior to advancing to the next design phase. Because we need to include this “approval process” in our schedule, can you please define the process (i.e. constructability review, shared governance cycle, etc) and the anticipated duration? 1. Please clarify if the “approval” can be obtained concurrent to proceeding with the next design phase or if the DBE should plan to pause during these duration(s). Note that the Appendix A DSA Review and Construction start dates are currently based on no “approval” durations between each design phase. 2. In addition, please identify if the “approval” process is different depending on the design phase. For example the RFP states that the DD approval includes the Board of Trustees. 3. Second, there are a few discrepancies (listed below) between the RFP and Appendix A required design milestone “approvals”. Please clarify: a. RFP (Section IV.C.1.a) listed phases: SD, DD BOT, 50% CD, 100% CD b. Appendix A (Scope of Services C.4.f) phases: Collaboration (B.11), SD BOT, DD, 50% CD, 100% CD

Response: This question was answered in Addendum One posted here.

Question 3

Posted: 1/4/2021

Question: RFP section IV.G states “Compensation for collaboration, design, DSA review, and open book buyout will be negotiated based on the Price Proposal”. Wouldn’t the compensation for the preconstruction/design phase be fixed as the price proposal states lump sum?

Response: This question was answered in Addendum One posted here.

Question 4

Posted: 1/4/2021

Question: The RFP’s Proposal Requirements in Tab 5 requests that the proposal schedule “include a minimum a maximum of 60 activities”. Should it include a minimum or maximum of 60 activities?

Response: This question was answered in Addendum One posted here.

Question 5

Posted: 1/4/2021

Question: The RFP limits both the submitted risk register & procurement plan to 1 page each. However both of these are typically multiple pages. In order to keep the font legible, is it acceptable to use discretion in choosing what items to include on the 1 page, or should additional pages be included in an appendix?

Response: This question was answered in Addendum One posted here.

Question 6

Posted: 1/4/2021

Question: With regard to the modular furniture systems and fixtures, furniture and equipment design/scope requirements, the following questions are geared towards understanding the required FF&E design and construction procurement requirements in a public design-build project. 1. Peralta CCD is tied to the current furniture contracts managed by the FCCC. Assuming these contracts have leveraged the State’s higher education system to obtain better pricing than we could obtain bidding the scope, would the DBE teams be expected to include an FF&E vendor during the RFP phase and then use the pre-negotiated contract pricing when it comes to GMP pricing? (similar to the MEP trade contractors that will develop GMP pricing in a negotiated open-book approach) 2. If yes, the FF&E design costs are typically inclusive with the purchase of the furniture materials, install & moving costs. In addition, the FF&E design is not required for DSA approval. Therefore, should the FF&E design/management costs be deferred until the GMP pricing? 3. If the DBE is expected to competitively bid the FF&E design/scope, are we limited to sole-source manufacturers in the FCCC contracts or expected to develop FF&E design criteria/standards that establish equal specifications for multiple broker/manufacturers to bid on? 4. Appendix A provides a brief description that the furniture will be a combination of existing and new. Is this also true for the fixtures and equipment? Can you please elaborate on the expected scope for fixtures and equipment? More detail will help us better estimate costs and provide feedback on the adequacy of the project budget.

Response: This question was answered in Addendum One posted here.

Question 7

Posted: 1/4/2021

Question: The RFP document ‘Appendix E – Division 00 01 Specifications’ includes a contract agreement section: 00 72 13 General & Special Conditions. These appear duplicative with the RFP document ‘Appendix C – Form of Agreement DBE’ however the section numbering is different. Can you please confirm is these are exactly the same and if not which one takes precedent?

Response: This question was answered in Addendum One posted here.

Question 8

Posted: 1/4/2021

Question: Specification 01 14 10 item 1.7.6 states that COVID-19 protocol costs should be included in the General Condition Price Proposal. There is a high probability these COVID protocols will not be required in two years from now and the District would end up paying for services not required. Rather we would recommend including an allowance in the GMP in the event these requirements come to fruition. Is it acceptable to exclude COVID-19 costs from the General Condition price proposal?

Response: This question was answered in Addendum One posted here.

Question 9

Posted: 1/4/2021

Question: Specification 01 14 10 item 1.7.5 states that the Final Cleanup should be included in the General Condition Price Proposal. We would recommend this scope be procured as a competitive bid package at the GMP when a more defined scope can be identified. Is this acceptable? Otherwise it is too early to bid 2 years out and the DBE teams will carry a more conservative amount in their proposal.

Response: This question was answered in Addendum One posted here.

Question 10

Posted: 1/4/2021

Question: Specification 01 14 10 item states to reference specification 01 52 00 for other details that need to be included in the General Condition Price Proposal. Is item intended to be a subset of item 1.7.2 and only asking to reference 01 52 00 with respect to temporary toilet specifics? Otherwise spec 01 52 00 is quite extensive and would require follow-up questions as the majority of those items are not quantifiable at this time and typically included in the General Requirements at the time of GMP.

Response: This question was answered in Addendum One posted here.

Question 11

Posted: 1/4/2021

Question: Does the District have any structural foundation information on the adjacent 1947 Center St. building that you can share?

Response: This question was answered in Addendum One posted here.

Question 12

Posted: 1/5/2021

Question: Under Section 0. Proposal Requirements, part 3. Contents, the deliverables are listed as Tabs 1-8, then change to numbers 4 – 10. See below. Please advise if items 4-10 should be a continuation of Tab numbering (i.e. item 4 would become Tab 9, item 5 would become Tab 10, etc.). Per the RFP, Section 3. Contents (starting on page 12): • Tab 1 – Executive Summary • Tab 2 – Table of Contents • Tab 3 – Cover Letter • Tab 4 – Method and Strategic plan • Tab 5 – Schedule and GMP Development Plan • Tab 6 – Design Proposal • Tab 7 – Life Cycle Cost Analysis • Tab 8 – SLBE/SELBE Compliance Then on page 17 the format changes to numbers: 4. Skilled Labor Force Availability 5. Safety Record 6. Price Proposal 7. Insurance 8. Comments to Form of Agreement 9. Stipend Agreement 10. Appendix (if used)

Response: This question was answered in Addendum One posted here.

Question 13

Posted: 1/7/2021

Question: Please clarify question due date. The RFP documents list the due date as January 19th 2020 at 2 PM. The online system lists the due date as January 15th 2021 at 2 PM. Please confirm deadline is January 15th 2021 at 2 PM.

Response: This question was answered in Addendum One posted here.

Question 14

Posted: 1/7/2021

Question: Reference the RFP - Page 14 of 23: The schedule requirement section (Tab 5) in the RFP includes a typo where it references a minimum a maximum 60 activities. Please confirm the intention is to provide a minimum of 60 activities in the schedule, no more than 3 pages in length.

Response: This question was answered in Addendum One posted here.

Question 15

Posted: 1/7/2021

Question: Are there CAD files that can be shared for the existing site plan or any other elements of the existing building?

Response: This question was answered in Addendum One posted here.

Question 16

Posted: 1/12/2021

Question: Discount Rate - What is your minimum acceptable interest rate of return on funds you invest, not including the general rate of inflation? (example investments for reference might include; an investment in a campus energy system upgrade, or could be a market investment of donated funds, etc.)

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Question 17

Posted: 1/12/2021

Question: Operations & Maintenance Budget - What is the projected yearly budget allowance for O&M materials & labor over the next 15 years? Is there a full time building engineer intended for this campus?

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Question 18

Posted: 1/12/2021

Question: Operations & Maintenance Staff Labor Rate Basis - For these services does your organization provide Prevailing Wage rates?

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Question 19

Posted: 1/12/2021

Question: Required cost markup for design & construction services, if any - When your organization contracts for design or construction services (e.g. for campus upgrade services etc.), does your organization require the contractual inclusion of a district markup for for oversight costs?

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Question 20

Posted: 1/12/2021


Response: There was no question asked here.

Question 21

Posted: 1/12/2021

Question: Utility Rate Schedule or special basis, if any - Does the district utilize special discounted rate structures for power or water services?

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Question 22

Posted: 1/12/2021

Question: Regarding fire hydrant water flow data: Please provide most recent (with last 6 months preferably) water flow data for adjacent fire hydrants if available.

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Question 23

Posted: 1/12/2021

Question: Reference Appendix G - Page 1 of 7: Under "Efforts to Date" section, the year 2007 is referenced for Board policies related to sustainability, and that New buildings should exceed Title 24 by no less than 35%. Please confirm that this goal is still current and whether exceeding Title 24 by 35% applies to the current code year or to 2007.

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Question 24

Posted: 1/12/2021

Question: Reference Appendix B - Crtieria Documents Page 4 of 7 - Please confirm the minimum ceiling height in classrooms. The criteria document currently reads "Classroom ceiling heights should be a minimum of __ feet to meet District Standards and maximize natural lighting." Also reference App F - PCCD District Standards Page 19 of 129 - (Section 09 50 00 - Ceiling Criteria) - The district standards specify that the "Ceiling height shall not be less than eight (10) feet - six (6) inches clear." Please clarify if this minimum ceiling height is 8' 6" clear, or 10' 6" clear.

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Question 25

Posted: 1/12/2021

Question: Reference Appendix A - Project Design, Review and Construction Schedule - Adding up the provided calendar day durations assuming a Q2 2021 start puts the end of the project at Q3 2024 rather than Q4 2024 as stated. Please clarify durations and overall project schedule.

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Question 26

Posted: 1/14/2021

Question: The RFP and Appendix C Agreement both require Builder’s Risk (BR) coverage by the DBE, which we assume should be wrapped into the Insurance line item on the Price Proposal. There are many variables in pricing Builder’s Risk and the industry standard includes reviewing final drawings and materials selections. In addition the full replacement value requirement for earthquake and flood coverage significantly increase this cost by more than +500%. With construction not starting for roughly 1.5-2 years, no insurance carrier will provide a locked rate. There have been significant swings in these rates over the last few years. Bidder’s may inflate this value to ensure they are not at risk, thus reducing value to the District. a) We would propose separating the Builder’s Risk premium from the other Insurance Line on the Proposal, and the District request the Builder’s Risk as a separate allowance. Therefore the District will only pay for the actual cost of BR insurance valued at the time of the start of construction. b) Regarding the earthquake and flood coverage, CA public code 7105 is more cost effective and allows projects to carry 5% replacement value. Should DBE teams price earthquake and flood as full replacement value or per CA public code 7105?

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Question 27

Posted: 1/18/2021

Question: The Owner Agreement Appendix C section 8.19 on Retention states that retention will be held on Design. Industry standard is not to hold design retention. As this may play into the proposed fee, please confirm if the Design can be excluded from retention? Alternatively, if Design retention is required is there an opportunity to release it at the end of that phase (including opportunities for early trade scopes such as demolition to also be released early)?

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Question 28

Posted: 1/18/2021

Question: The Owner Agreement Appendix C references two other sections in and that do not exist and is the incorrect reference, respectively. This section covers “Excluded Costs” and may be important to the price proposal. Can you please supply the correct references?

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Question 29

Posted: 1/19/2021

Question: Cost of Capital - Does the district have a minimum threshold for cost of capital? If so, please provide. Additional Detail: Cost of capital is the required return necessary to make a capital budgeting project, such as building a new campus, worthwhile. The cost of capital metric is used by companies internally to judge whether a capital project is worth the expenditure of resources, and by investors who use it to determine whether an investment is worth the risk compared to the return. The cost of capital depends on the mode of financing used. It refers to the cost of equity if the business is financed solely through equity, or to the cost of debt if it is financed solely through debt. Many companies use a combination of debt and equity to finance their businesses and, for such companies, the overall cost of capital is derived from the weighted average cost of all capital sources, widely known as the weighted average cost of capital (WACC).

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Question 30

Posted: 1/19/2021

Question: Reference Appendix E - Division 00 01 Specifications - Please provide Spec Section 01 91 00 - Commissioning Requirements. Additionally, please confirm that 3rd party commissioning will be by the Owner's commissioning agent.

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Question 31

Posted: 1/19/2021

Question: Does the District have a Building Envelope Commissioning (BECx) Program? If so, will there be a BECx for the BCC project?

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Question 32

Posted: 1/19/2021

Question: Please confirm if the 36”x48” Concept Board should be provided as a separate file upload.

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Question 33

Posted: 1/19/2021

Question: Has an ACM environmental report been completed? If so, please provide the ACM Phase 1 and Phase 2 report. The current report does not include asbestos.

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Question 34

Posted: 1/19/2021

Question: Can you confirm that the District will be pursuing a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) in terms of CEQA?

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Question 35

Posted: 1/19/2021

Question: Please clarify the expected scope from the DBE regarding the CEQA process.

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Question 36

Posted: 1/19/2021


Response: No question was asked here.

Question 37

Posted: 1/19/2021

Question: Does the District have a preferred security vendor for its campuses?

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Question 38

Posted: 1/19/2021

Question: For the access control and video surveillance systems, please clarify if the intent is for the system to utilize the existing head-end equipment at 2050 Center Street.

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Question 39

Posted: 1/19/2021

Question: Does the District anticipate or require a Neutral Host Distributed Antenna System?

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Posted: 1/4/2021

Question: Regarding required DBE design services, we assume the DBE is responsible for code and general wayfinding signage, however if there is a need for more extensive or specialty Environmental Graphics (branding, monument, placemaking/identity, exterior, etc), will the District or DBE be responsible? And if the DBE, please clarify expected scope.

Response: This question was answered in Addendum One posted here.

Posted: 1/4/2021

Question: In general the RFP and Appendix A Scope of Services both state the DBE is required to obtain District approval after each design phase prior to advancing to the next design phase. Because we need to include this “approval process” in our schedule, can you please define the process (i.e. constructability review, shared governance cycle, etc) and the anticipated duration? 1. Please clarify if the “approval” can be obtained concurrent to proceeding with the next design phase or if the DBE should plan to pause during these duration(s). Note that the Appendix A DSA Review and Construction start dates are currently based on no “approval” durations between each design phase. 2. In addition, please identify if the “approval” process is different depending on the design phase. For example the RFP states that the DD approval includes the Board of Trustees. 3. Second, there are a few discrepancies (listed below) between the RFP and Appendix A required design milestone “approvals”. Please clarify: a. RFP (Section IV.C.1.a) listed phases: SD, DD BOT, 50% CD, 100% CD b. Appendix A (Scope of Services C.4.f) phases: Collaboration (B.11), SD BOT, DD, 50% CD, 100% CD

Response: This question was answered in Addendum One posted here.

Posted: 1/4/2021

Question: RFP section IV.G states “Compensation for collaboration, design, DSA review, and open book buyout will be negotiated based on the Price Proposal”. Wouldn’t the compensation for the preconstruction/design phase be fixed as the price proposal states lump sum?

Response: This question was answered in Addendum One posted here.

Posted: 1/4/2021

Question: The RFP’s Proposal Requirements in Tab 5 requests that the proposal schedule “include a minimum a maximum of 60 activities”. Should it include a minimum or maximum of 60 activities?

Response: This question was answered in Addendum One posted here.

Posted: 1/4/2021

Question: The RFP limits both the submitted risk register & procurement plan to 1 page each. However both of these are typically multiple pages. In order to keep the font legible, is it acceptable to use discretion in choosing what items to include on the 1 page, or should additional pages be included in an appendix?

Response: This question was answered in Addendum One posted here.

Posted: 1/4/2021

Question: With regard to the modular furniture systems and fixtures, furniture and equipment design/scope requirements, the following questions are geared towards understanding the required FF&E design and construction procurement requirements in a public design-build project. 1. Peralta CCD is tied to the current furniture contracts managed by the FCCC. Assuming these contracts have leveraged the State’s higher education system to obtain better pricing than we could obtain bidding the scope, would the DBE teams be expected to include an FF&E vendor during the RFP phase and then use the pre-negotiated contract pricing when it comes to GMP pricing? (similar to the MEP trade contractors that will develop GMP pricing in a negotiated open-book approach) 2. If yes, the FF&E design costs are typically inclusive with the purchase of the furniture materials, install & moving costs. In addition, the FF&E design is not required for DSA approval. Therefore, should the FF&E design/management costs be deferred until the GMP pricing? 3. If the DBE is expected to competitively bid the FF&E design/scope, are we limited to sole-source manufacturers in the FCCC contracts or expected to develop FF&E design criteria/standards that establish equal specifications for multiple broker/manufacturers to bid on? 4. Appendix A provides a brief description that the furniture will be a combination of existing and new. Is this also true for the fixtures and equipment? Can you please elaborate on the expected scope for fixtures and equipment? More detail will help us better estimate costs and provide feedback on the adequacy of the project budget.

Response: This question was answered in Addendum One posted here.

Posted: 1/4/2021

Question: The RFP document ‘Appendix E – Division 00 01 Specifications’ includes a contract agreement section: 00 72 13 General & Special Conditions. These appear duplicative with the RFP document ‘Appendix C – Form of Agreement DBE’ however the section numbering is different. Can you please confirm is these are exactly the same and if not which one takes precedent?

Response: This question was answered in Addendum One posted here.

Posted: 1/4/2021

Question: Specification 01 14 10 item 1.7.6 states that COVID-19 protocol costs should be included in the General Condition Price Proposal. There is a high probability these COVID protocols will not be required in two years from now and the District would end up paying for services not required. Rather we would recommend including an allowance in the GMP in the event these requirements come to fruition. Is it acceptable to exclude COVID-19 costs from the General Condition price proposal?

Response: This question was answered in Addendum One posted here.

Posted: 1/4/2021

Question: Specification 01 14 10 item 1.7.5 states that the Final Cleanup should be included in the General Condition Price Proposal. We would recommend this scope be procured as a competitive bid package at the GMP when a more defined scope can be identified. Is this acceptable? Otherwise it is too early to bid 2 years out and the DBE teams will carry a more conservative amount in their proposal.

Response: This question was answered in Addendum One posted here.

Posted: 1/4/2021

Question: Specification 01 14 10 item states to reference specification 01 52 00 for other details that need to be included in the General Condition Price Proposal. Is item intended to be a subset of item 1.7.2 and only asking to reference 01 52 00 with respect to temporary toilet specifics? Otherwise spec 01 52 00 is quite extensive and would require follow-up questions as the majority of those items are not quantifiable at this time and typically included in the General Requirements at the time of GMP.

Response: This question was answered in Addendum One posted here.

Posted: 1/4/2021

Question: Does the District have any structural foundation information on the adjacent 1947 Center St. building that you can share?

Response: This question was answered in Addendum One posted here.

Posted: 1/5/2021

Question: Under Section 0. Proposal Requirements, part 3. Contents, the deliverables are listed as Tabs 1-8, then change to numbers 4 – 10. See below. Please advise if items 4-10 should be a continuation of Tab numbering (i.e. item 4 would become Tab 9, item 5 would become Tab 10, etc.). Per the RFP, Section 3. Contents (starting on page 12): • Tab 1 – Executive Summary • Tab 2 – Table of Contents • Tab 3 – Cover Letter • Tab 4 – Method and Strategic plan • Tab 5 – Schedule and GMP Development Plan • Tab 6 – Design Proposal • Tab 7 – Life Cycle Cost Analysis • Tab 8 – SLBE/SELBE Compliance Then on page 17 the format changes to numbers: 4. Skilled Labor Force Availability 5. Safety Record 6. Price Proposal 7. Insurance 8. Comments to Form of Agreement 9. Stipend Agreement 10. Appendix (if used)

Response: This question was answered in Addendum One posted here.

Posted: 1/7/2021

Question: Please clarify question due date. The RFP documents list the due date as January 19th 2020 at 2 PM. The online system lists the due date as January 15th 2021 at 2 PM. Please confirm deadline is January 15th 2021 at 2 PM.

Response: This question was answered in Addendum One posted here.

Posted: 1/7/2021

Question: Reference the RFP - Page 14 of 23: The schedule requirement section (Tab 5) in the RFP includes a typo where it references a minimum a maximum 60 activities. Please confirm the intention is to provide a minimum of 60 activities in the schedule, no more than 3 pages in length.

Response: This question was answered in Addendum One posted here.

Posted: 1/7/2021

Question: Are there CAD files that can be shared for the existing site plan or any other elements of the existing building?

Response: This question was answered in Addendum One posted here.

Posted: 1/12/2021

Question: Discount Rate - What is your minimum acceptable interest rate of return on funds you invest, not including the general rate of inflation? (example investments for reference might include; an investment in a campus energy system upgrade, or could be a market investment of donated funds, etc.)

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Posted: 1/12/2021

Question: Operations & Maintenance Budget - What is the projected yearly budget allowance for O&M materials & labor over the next 15 years? Is there a full time building engineer intended for this campus?

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Posted: 1/12/2021

Question: Operations & Maintenance Staff Labor Rate Basis - For these services does your organization provide Prevailing Wage rates?

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Posted: 1/12/2021

Question: Required cost markup for design & construction services, if any - When your organization contracts for design or construction services (e.g. for campus upgrade services etc.), does your organization require the contractual inclusion of a district markup for for oversight costs?

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Posted: 1/12/2021


Response: There was no question asked here.

Posted: 1/12/2021

Question: Utility Rate Schedule or special basis, if any - Does the district utilize special discounted rate structures for power or water services?

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Posted: 1/12/2021

Question: Regarding fire hydrant water flow data: Please provide most recent (with last 6 months preferably) water flow data for adjacent fire hydrants if available.

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Posted: 1/12/2021

Question: Reference Appendix G - Page 1 of 7: Under "Efforts to Date" section, the year 2007 is referenced for Board policies related to sustainability, and that New buildings should exceed Title 24 by no less than 35%. Please confirm that this goal is still current and whether exceeding Title 24 by 35% applies to the current code year or to 2007.

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Posted: 1/12/2021

Question: Reference Appendix B - Crtieria Documents Page 4 of 7 - Please confirm the minimum ceiling height in classrooms. The criteria document currently reads "Classroom ceiling heights should be a minimum of __ feet to meet District Standards and maximize natural lighting." Also reference App F - PCCD District Standards Page 19 of 129 - (Section 09 50 00 - Ceiling Criteria) - The district standards specify that the "Ceiling height shall not be less than eight (10) feet - six (6) inches clear." Please clarify if this minimum ceiling height is 8' 6" clear, or 10' 6" clear.

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Posted: 1/12/2021

Question: Reference Appendix A - Project Design, Review and Construction Schedule - Adding up the provided calendar day durations assuming a Q2 2021 start puts the end of the project at Q3 2024 rather than Q4 2024 as stated. Please clarify durations and overall project schedule.

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Posted: 1/14/2021

Question: The RFP and Appendix C Agreement both require Builder’s Risk (BR) coverage by the DBE, which we assume should be wrapped into the Insurance line item on the Price Proposal. There are many variables in pricing Builder’s Risk and the industry standard includes reviewing final drawings and materials selections. In addition the full replacement value requirement for earthquake and flood coverage significantly increase this cost by more than +500%. With construction not starting for roughly 1.5-2 years, no insurance carrier will provide a locked rate. There have been significant swings in these rates over the last few years. Bidder’s may inflate this value to ensure they are not at risk, thus reducing value to the District. a) We would propose separating the Builder’s Risk premium from the other Insurance Line on the Proposal, and the District request the Builder’s Risk as a separate allowance. Therefore the District will only pay for the actual cost of BR insurance valued at the time of the start of construction. b) Regarding the earthquake and flood coverage, CA public code 7105 is more cost effective and allows projects to carry 5% replacement value. Should DBE teams price earthquake and flood as full replacement value or per CA public code 7105?

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Posted: 1/18/2021

Question: The Owner Agreement Appendix C section 8.19 on Retention states that retention will be held on Design. Industry standard is not to hold design retention. As this may play into the proposed fee, please confirm if the Design can be excluded from retention? Alternatively, if Design retention is required is there an opportunity to release it at the end of that phase (including opportunities for early trade scopes such as demolition to also be released early)?

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Posted: 1/18/2021

Question: The Owner Agreement Appendix C references two other sections in and that do not exist and is the incorrect reference, respectively. This section covers “Excluded Costs” and may be important to the price proposal. Can you please supply the correct references?

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Posted: 1/19/2021

Question: Cost of Capital - Does the district have a minimum threshold for cost of capital? If so, please provide. Additional Detail: Cost of capital is the required return necessary to make a capital budgeting project, such as building a new campus, worthwhile. The cost of capital metric is used by companies internally to judge whether a capital project is worth the expenditure of resources, and by investors who use it to determine whether an investment is worth the risk compared to the return. The cost of capital depends on the mode of financing used. It refers to the cost of equity if the business is financed solely through equity, or to the cost of debt if it is financed solely through debt. Many companies use a combination of debt and equity to finance their businesses and, for such companies, the overall cost of capital is derived from the weighted average cost of all capital sources, widely known as the weighted average cost of capital (WACC).

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Posted: 1/19/2021

Question: Reference Appendix E - Division 00 01 Specifications - Please provide Spec Section 01 91 00 - Commissioning Requirements. Additionally, please confirm that 3rd party commissioning will be by the Owner's commissioning agent.

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Posted: 1/19/2021

Question: Does the District have a Building Envelope Commissioning (BECx) Program? If so, will there be a BECx for the BCC project?

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Posted: 1/19/2021

Question: Please confirm if the 36”x48” Concept Board should be provided as a separate file upload.

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Posted: 1/19/2021

Question: Has an ACM environmental report been completed? If so, please provide the ACM Phase 1 and Phase 2 report. The current report does not include asbestos.

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Posted: 1/19/2021

Question: Can you confirm that the District will be pursuing a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) in terms of CEQA?

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Posted: 1/19/2021

Question: Please clarify the expected scope from the DBE regarding the CEQA process.

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Posted: 1/19/2021


Response: No question was asked here.

Posted: 1/19/2021

Question: Does the District have a preferred security vendor for its campuses?

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Posted: 1/19/2021

Question: For the access control and video surveillance systems, please clarify if the intent is for the system to utilize the existing head-end equipment at 2050 Center Street.

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.

Posted: 1/19/2021

Question: Does the District anticipate or require a Neutral Host Distributed Antenna System?

Response: This question was responded to in Addendum Two posted here.