Fayette County Public Schools Sealed Solicitation

Title: Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Deadline: 12/14/2021 2:00 PM   (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Status: Awarded

Solicitation Number: 41-21


Fayette County Public Schools is soliciting proposals for the following types of fringe benefit insurance coverages as provided by the Board for employees: Employee Assistance Program (EAP).


Documents as of 11/15/2021
RFP 41-21 Employee Assistance Program.pdf
Addition 1

Posted: 11/29/2021

Type of Addition: Utilization Report

Overview: A request was submitted for a current utilization report for our current EAP.


Addition 2

Posted: 1/26/2022

Type of Addition: In Review

Addition 3

Posted: 3/1/2022

Type of Addition: Award Information

Overview: Awarded to Humana EAP and Work Life Services


Question 1

Posted: 11/18/2021

Question: We would like to understand how your current EAP is being administered by your current Employee Assistance Program. Could you provide us with a recent utilization report from the current EAP for Fayette County Public Schools so we can understand their current EAP experience and needs and customize our program and services to meet those needs? This would include desired counseling session models (3, 6, or 8) , numbers of annual onsite trainings or annual onsite seminars desired, numbers of annual onsite Critical Incident interventions anticipated and number of onsite health or benefit fairs hat would be requested annually.

Response: Our most recent utilization report will be added as a document . We would like to get a quote for 3 and 6 sessions our current model is 4 sessions. Let’s do one onsite training and one benefits fair.

Question 2

Posted: 11/22/2021

Question: 1. Pertaining to Scope of Work page 15 item 2, please elaborate on the following “The employee must have an opportunity to express themselves prior to a psychosocial or secondary information being gathered.” Our intake and assessment process allows the member to provide information as to the reason for the call in order to determine if a referral to counseling, other services, or behavioral health referral is necessary. Does this explanation meet the need of the aforementioned sentence? Erika, what about, “ Our assessment process allows the member to discuss the presenting concerns so that we can best connect the member to the most appropriate Provider, or level of care. In addition, we are able to connect the member with multiple resources, and to utilize additional benefits available. Does this explanation meet the need of the aforementioned sentence? 2. How many EAP sessions per person per issue would you like quoted? 3. Who is your current EAP provider and how long have you been with this provider? 4. What services are currently included in your EAP program and fees (# of sessions, work/life, onsite hours for training or critical incidents, etc.)? 5. What is your current EAP PEPM or annual EAP spend? 6. Topical seminar hours are always available on a fee for service basis, or we can embed a certain number of hours into the PEPM rate. How many training/topical seminar hours per year, if any, would you like embedded in the quote? 7. CIR hours are always available on a fee for service basis, or we can embed a certain number of hours into the PEPM rate. How many CIR hours per year, if any, would you like embedded in the quote? 8. Please provide utilization reports for 2020, 2019, and 2018. If utilization reports are not available: • How many EAP cases were there in each plan year? • How many counseling sessions were completed by plan year • How many work/life cases were there by plan year • How many training/topical seminar hours were used each year? • How many critical incident response/CIR/CISD hours were used each year? • How many on-site orientation hours were used each year? • How many health fair hours were used? Please provide the length, frequency and location of the health fairs. • Were any other onsite hours were used? If so please provide # of hours and breakdown of services.

Response: 1. Yes, that explanation works for now. We are trying to understanding what the intake experience is like for the user. What types of questions are they asking before connecting to a counselor. 2. 4 3. INOVA, over 6 years 4. Unable to answer. We are asking for what your company offers. 5. Approximately $80,000 6. Unable to answer 7. Please provide in your proposal what you offer and how much 8. The most recent utilization report has been added as a document

Posted: 11/29/2021

Type of Addition: Utilization Report

Overview: A request was submitted for a current utilization report for our current EAP.


Posted: 1/26/2022

Type of Addition: In Review

Posted: 3/1/2022

Type of Addition: Award Information

Overview: Awarded to Humana EAP and Work Life Services


Posted: 11/18/2021

Question: We would like to understand how your current EAP is being administered by your current Employee Assistance Program. Could you provide us with a recent utilization report from the current EAP for Fayette County Public Schools so we can understand their current EAP experience and needs and customize our program and services to meet those needs? This would include desired counseling session models (3, 6, or 8) , numbers of annual onsite trainings or annual onsite seminars desired, numbers of annual onsite Critical Incident interventions anticipated and number of onsite health or benefit fairs hat would be requested annually.

Response: Our most recent utilization report will be added as a document . We would like to get a quote for 3 and 6 sessions our current model is 4 sessions. Let’s do one onsite training and one benefits fair.

Posted: 11/22/2021

Question: 1. Pertaining to Scope of Work page 15 item 2, please elaborate on the following “The employee must have an opportunity to express themselves prior to a psychosocial or secondary information being gathered.” Our intake and assessment process allows the member to provide information as to the reason for the call in order to determine if a referral to counseling, other services, or behavioral health referral is necessary. Does this explanation meet the need of the aforementioned sentence? Erika, what about, “ Our assessment process allows the member to discuss the presenting concerns so that we can best connect the member to the most appropriate Provider, or level of care. In addition, we are able to connect the member with multiple resources, and to utilize additional benefits available. Does this explanation meet the need of the aforementioned sentence? 2. How many EAP sessions per person per issue would you like quoted? 3. Who is your current EAP provider and how long have you been with this provider? 4. What services are currently included in your EAP program and fees (# of sessions, work/life, onsite hours for training or critical incidents, etc.)? 5. What is your current EAP PEPM or annual EAP spend? 6. Topical seminar hours are always available on a fee for service basis, or we can embed a certain number of hours into the PEPM rate. How many training/topical seminar hours per year, if any, would you like embedded in the quote? 7. CIR hours are always available on a fee for service basis, or we can embed a certain number of hours into the PEPM rate. How many CIR hours per year, if any, would you like embedded in the quote? 8. Please provide utilization reports for 2020, 2019, and 2018. If utilization reports are not available: • How many EAP cases were there in each plan year? • How many counseling sessions were completed by plan year • How many work/life cases were there by plan year • How many training/topical seminar hours were used each year? • How many critical incident response/CIR/CISD hours were used each year? • How many on-site orientation hours were used each year? • How many health fair hours were used? Please provide the length, frequency and location of the health fairs. • Were any other onsite hours were used? If so please provide # of hours and breakdown of services.

Response: 1. Yes, that explanation works for now. We are trying to understanding what the intake experience is like for the user. What types of questions are they asking before connecting to a counselor. 2. 4 3. INOVA, over 6 years 4. Unable to answer. We are asking for what your company offers. 5. Approximately $80,000 6. Unable to answer 7. Please provide in your proposal what you offer and how much 8. The most recent utilization report has been added as a document