City of Carlsbad Sealed Solicitation
Title: Ready Mix Concrete Annual Bid
Deadline: 6/29/2022 2:00 PM (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
Solicitation Number: 2022-06
Description: The City of Carlsbad is soliciting sealed bids for companies interested in providing ready mix concrete, delivered to job sites, for various City of Carlsbad projects. This bid is awarded on an annual basis and bid prices will be in effect from July 1, 2022 until June 30, 2023.
Documents as of 6/3/2022 |
Bid2022-06 Ready Mix Concrete Annual.docx.pdf |
Addition 1
Posted: 6/16/2022
Type of Addition: Addendum 1
Overview: No bids were received for the 6/15/22 bid deadline. This bid will be extended until 6/29/22 at 2:00 PM.
Deadline: 6/29/2022 2:00 PM
Solicitation #: 2022-06
Addition 2
Posted: 7/13/2022
Type of Addition: No Action
Overview: No bids received.
Posted: 6/16/2022
Type of Addition: Addendum 1
Overview: No bids were received for the 6/15/22 bid deadline. This bid will be extended until 6/29/22 at 2:00 PM.
Deadline: 6/29/2022 2:00 PM
Solicitation #: 2022-06
Posted: 7/13/2022
Type of Addition: No Action
Overview: No bids received.