St. Johns River Water Management District Sealed Solicitation

Title: Lindsey Lane Timber Sale - J.P. Hall Bayard Point Conservation Area

Deadline: 12/19/2023 2:00 PM   (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Status: Awarded

Solicitation Number: 39352

Description: The Governing Board of the St. Johns River Water Management District is requesting sealed bids for a per ton timber sale comprised of approximately 191.1 acres within the J.P. Hall Bayard Point Conservation Area, located south of Green Cove Springs, Florida along the St. Johns River. The Sale Area is located in Section 38; Township 6 South; Range 26 East. Sale boundaries include roads, trails, firelines, marked property boundary, and timbered wetlands. (Maps are included in the attached agreement.)

This timber sale is a combination of marked and logger-select thinning located within mature slash pine stands. Marked stands are comprised of 113.6 total acres. “Keep Trees” are marked with blue paint and shall not be cut, whereas un-marked pines shall be harvest. Logger-select stands area comprised of 77.5 acres of natural pine and shall be a thinning from below to free up growing space for the healthiest and best formed trees. Timber to be removed shall be diseased, defective, and suppressed trees, followed by a portion of the intermediate trees to reach a leave density of 45-50 sq. ft. of basal area per acre. The District estimates the volume of timber conveyed in this Agreement to be 4,500 tons of pulpwood, 1,000 tons of chip-n-saw, 2,300 tons of sawtimber, but there is no guarantee that the volume is present.

• Advance Payment of 20% is required (Section 6)
• Security Deposit requirement of $5,000 is required (Section 7)


Documents as of 12/1/2023
39352_IFB_Lindsey Lane Timber Sale.pdf
Addition 1

Posted: 12/21/2023

Type of Addition: Award Information


Posted: 12/21/2023

Type of Addition: Award Information
