Fox Valley Park District - Cole Center Administration Office Sealed Solicitation
Title: Eola Community Center - Parking Lot Improvements - West
Deadline: 2/2/2017 3:30 PM (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
Status: Awarded
Solicitation Number: 01/19/2017-NJT
Description: Sealed proposals for the parking lot rehabilitation at Eola Community Center, located at 555 S. Eola Road in Aurora, IL, shall be received at the Cole Center - Oak Room, 101 West Illinois Avenue., Aurora, IL 60506 until Thursday, February 2, 2017, 3:30 p.m. (local time) when all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bids must be received in a sealed envelope addressed with the name of the Bidder, Owner, Project name, and date and time of the Bid. There will be no pre-bid meeting. The project consists of milling, preparation of existing base, aggregate base repair as needed, resurfacing, parking lot striping and all other appurtenant work required to complete the project in accordance with the plans, specifications and all other applicable standards. All prospective bidders must be registered with Vendor Registry in order to view Bid Documents. To register, go to the Fox Valley Park District’s website at the following link. Bid documents will be available beginning Thursday, January 19, 2017, beginning at 11:00 (local time) on Vendor Registry. All addendum and associated Bid Document revisions shall be issued using Vendor Registry. The Fox Valley Park District shall not be responsible for information received or not received through any other source. Specifications require the submittal of a 10% Bid Surety with the proposal. Following the award of the contract, the successful contractor(s) must be able to provide a satisfactory Performance Bond, Labor and Material Payment Bond, and required proof of insurance. All contracts for work herein are subject to all District rules and regulations, and are subject to the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act (812 ILCS 130/1-12). All bids will remain firm for ninety (90) days after the bid opening. Fox Valley Park District reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive bid formalities, and to accept the lowest responsible bid that serves the best interests of the District. Minority and women-owned businesses are encouraged to submit bids for this project. The successful contract bidder(s) are encouraged to utilize minority and women-owned businesses as sub-contractors for supplies, equipment, services and construction. Any Questions, Contact: Nate Troia 630-897-0516
Documents as of 1/18/2017 |
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Addition 1
Posted: 1/25/2017
Type of Addition: Plan Holders List - 01/25/2017 10:15am
Addition 2
Posted: 1/30/2017
Type of Addition: Addendum 01
Addition 4
Posted: 2/3/2017
Type of Addition: Bid Results
Addition 5
Posted: 3/7/2017
Type of Addition: Award Information
Overview: Advantage Paving Solutions, Inc.
Amount: $39,939.10
Posted: 1/25/2017
Type of Addition: Plan Holders List - 01/25/2017 10:15am
Posted: 1/30/2017
Type of Addition: Addendum 01
Posted: 3/7/2017
Type of Addition: Award Information
Overview: Advantage Paving Solutions, Inc.
Amount: $39,939.10