Alabama A & M University Sealed Solicitation
Title: RFP P0025 - Laundry Equipment Lease for Residences Hall
Deadline: 5/30/2023 2:00 PM (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
Status: Deadline Expired
Solicitation Number: RFP P0025 - Laundry Equipment Lease
Description: With this request for proposal (this “RFP”), the Alabama A&M University (AAMU) hereby solicits submissions of written proposals (“Proposals”), on a competitive basis, from qualified companies (“Respondents”) to provide for AAMU a lease program option for the services described herein, all in accordance with the terms and conditions detailed herein. In particular, the services sought by AAMU will require the Respondent to:
Provide leased equipment to identified residential life locations. Equipment to include washers and dryers with the capabilities described therein. Awarded respondent will also provide installation of equipment, routine program maintenance and replacement of malfunctioning or damaged equipment. Removal of current equipment in the residence hall is not the responsibility of the awardee of the new contract, but the previous owner of the leased equipment.
The effective completion date for the replacement project will be no later than July 18th. Start date of the project may begin after signing of the contract, approximately June 16th, 2023 at all Campus and building locations as per the attached Exhibit “A”.
Documents as of 4/25/2023 |
RFP P0025 Lease of Laundry Equipment.pdf |
_Bid PacketB.pdf |
_Bid PacketC.pdf |