Town of Medley Sealed Solicitation

Title: Tobie Wilson Park Bulkhead Wall

Deadline: 1/30/2019 3:00 PM   (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Status: Awarded

Solicitation Number: 2019-008


The construction of the sheetpile wall which is approximately 850 ft. in length along the South Florida Water Management District’s C-6 canal.  

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 12/20/2018 11:00 AM

Pre-Bid Meeting Details: Please sign up if you plan to attend the pre-solicitation meeting.A Pre-Bid Conference will be held on December 20, 2018 at 11:00 AM in the Council Chambers at the Medley Municipal Services Facility, 7777 N.W. 72nd Avenue, Medley, Florida 33166. The purpose of the Pre-Bid Conference is to discuss the contents of this Invitation to Bid and Bidder’s inquires.


Documents as of 11/20/2018
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Addition 1

Posted: 12/20/2018

Type of Addition: Pre Bid Meeting Sign In Sheet

Addition 2

Posted: 12/20/2018

Type of Addition: Pre Bid Meeting Sign In Sheet


Addition 3

Posted: 1/3/2019

Type of Addition: Addendum #1


Addendum #1 does the following:

Revisions to the Solicitation Documents as follows (additions underlined, deletions strikethrough):

1.       Part 1 – General Bid Information – 14 Contract Time

The number of days, which the Work is to be completed or goods are to be provided, is 180 365 consecutive calendar days for Substantial Completion and 210 395 consecutive calendar days for Final Completion from the date of issuance of the Notice To Proceed.

2.       Part 1 – General Bid Information – Schedule of Events

3.      FINAL DAY FOR BIDDER QUESTIONS                      January 3, 2019 January 8, 2019

4.       OPENING OF BIDS                                                          January 9, 2019 January 15, 2019

10.    SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION (180 365 DAYS)      August 19, 2019 February 20, 2020

11.    FINAL COMPLETION (30 DAYS)                                 September 18, 2019 March 22, 2020

12.    PROJECT CLOSEOUT (45 DAYS)                                 November 2, 2019 May 7, 2020

13.    WARRANTY INSPECTION                                            October 2, 2020 April 7, 2021

Deadline: 1/15/2019 3:00 PM

Solicitation #: ITB 2019-008


Addition 4

Posted: 1/10/2019

Type of Addition: Addendum #2


Addendum #2 does the following:

Revisions to the Solicitation Documents as follows (additions underlined, deletions strikethrough):

1.       Part 1 – General Bid Information – Schedule of Events

3.      FINAL DAY FOR BIDDER QUESTIONS                      January 8, 2019 January 21, 2019

4.       OPENING OF BIDS                                                          January 15, 2019 January 30, 2019

5.      RECOMMENDATION OF AWARD                             January 16, 2019 February 7, 2019

6.      AWARD OF PROJECT BY THE TOWN COUNCIL    February 4, 2019 March 4, 2019

7.      NOTICE OF AWARD GIVEN TO CONTRACTOR      February 5, 2019 March 5, 2019

8.      CONTRACT DOCUMENTS EXECUTION                    February 19, 2019 March 19, 2019

9.      NOTICE TO PROCEED ISSUED TO CONTRACTOR February 20, 2019 March 20, 2019

10.    SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION (180 365 DAYS)      February 20, 2020 March 20, 2020

11.    FINAL COMPLETION (30 DAYS)                                 March 22, 2020 April 20, 2020

12.    PROJECT CLOSEOUT (45 DAYS)                                 May 7, 2020 June 7, 2020

13.    WARRANTY INSPECTION                                            April 7, 2021 May 7, 2021

Deadline: 1/30/2019 3:00 PM


Addition 5

Posted: 1/23/2019

Type of Addition: Addendum 3


Addendum #3 does the following:

Revisions to the Solicitation Documents as follows (additions underlined, deletions strikethrough):

Responses to RFIs

1.       Reference  Project Manual, Part1 – General Bid Information, Section I Instruction to Bidders 11.2 (Page Part 1-9).  Is the intent of this section for the contractor to provide a written proposal addressing each criteria 11.2.A – 11.2.L, or are the documents to be submitted with Contractor’s Bid in Section I.43.1 (Page Part 1-24) intended to cover all the required criteria and are the only required documents to be submitted with the Bid.  Please confirm that Bidder needs to only submit documents required in Section I.43.1 with their Bid.  If a written proposal is however required to address Section I.11.2 criteria, please provide the evaluation scoring point value for said criteria or other quantitative means by which firms will be evaluated and ranked as described in Section I.11.3.

Response: A written proposal is not part of the bid package. If any additional documents are required during the selection process, the Town will request them in a timely manner.  

2.       Reference  Project Manual, Part 2 – Bid Documents, Forms & Contract, Page Part 2-17, Bidder’s Certification – When Bidder is a Corporation, Partnership or Firm.  It is unclear on what specific information is required on this form, exactly how the information is to be filled out, and who is to sign where on the form.  The form has a place requiring signature of the Town and witness.  Then it has 2 locations for Notary Public signatures.  Please review and confirm the form is correct.  Please provide direction on how this form is to be filled out or provide an example of a completed form to be used as a guide by the Bidder to fill out this form

Response: Please use the attached revised Bidder’s Certification form (Attachment A).

3.       Reference  Project Manual, Part 1 – General Bid Information, Section I Instruction to Bidders 43.1 (Page Part 1-24).  Is I.43.1.J the same document/information as I.43.1.S?

Response: They are not the same document. They are both available on Part 2 Bid Documents, page Part 2-19 and Part 2-42 respectively.

4.       Reference  Project Manual, Part1 – General Bid Information, Section I Instruction to Bidders 3.5 (Page Part 1-6).  Section I.3.5 states that “Bidder shall submit wit Bid, a complete history of all citations and/or violations, notices and dispositions” with regard environmental regulations.  This requirement is not among the documents listed in Section I.43.1 (Page Part 1-24).  Please confirm if this is required to be submitted with Bid.  If so, is there a specific form to be filled out?  What is the extend of detail required to be disclosed?  Is there a time limitation (i.e. within last five years or last ten years)?

Response: The Town’s preference is the complete history; however, a minimum of 5 year is acceptable.

5.       Have all the agency permits for the project been obtained for the project by the Town of Medley?  If not, what outstanding permits are to be procured by the awarded contractor, and more specifically what fees are to be included in bid for required permits?

Response: All permits have been obtained except for the Town of Medley permit and if the contractor chooses to dewater, the contractor shall obtain the dewatering permit.

6.       Sheet S007 shows overhead electric lines at a height of 45 feet with a 10 foot clearance for a 35 foot work zone.  A 10 foot clearance is only valid for lines less than 50 KVA.  Are these lines under 50 KVA?  Power over 50 KVA will require a 15 foot (or more) clearance.  

Response: Per FPL 10-foot clearance is required, voltage was not provided.

7.       In the ITB page 1 of 3, Work No. 6 states” Work in the canal can only be done during the dry season, defined by SFWMD Operations as December 1 thru April 30 (5 months).”  Is driving the sheetpile considered to be work in the canal?  If so this leaves an extremely prohibited time in the schedule to do this work.

Response: No schedule restrictions requiring construction in the dry season were noted in the SFWMD permit. See attached email confirming that there are no schedule restrictions.

8.       In drawing C003 to C006 the top of the wall elevation is shown to be elevation 8.00.  On the typical section on S004 the top of cap elevation is shown to be 7.58. Which is correct?

Response: Top of wall elevation is 8.00’. The top elevation of 7.58’ on S004 is a typo.

9.       In the ITB Section 42 SCHEDULE EVENTS, there is an Award Date of February 4, 2019 and a Notice to Proceed Date of February 20, 2019. This leaves only 16 days to procure sheetpile for the work.  Please consider extending the NTP to March 13, 2019 or later.

Response: Please refer to page 1 of this addendum. The Town may elect to issue a Partial Notice to Proceed to allow time for long lead items.

10.   The Jet Fuel Pipe line jacking plan on Plan Sheet S006 shows support of excavation then an excavation to at least 5 feet below the bottom of the jet fuel line that is at elevation (-6).  This excavation would be to elevation (-11).  Is the work of jacking/welding/splicing to be done underwater or is the intention to have cofferdam with a tremie seal to do this work in the dry?

Response: The intention is to have a cofferdam with a dewatering process during the work period if the contractor uses the method show on plan sheet S006. It is up to the contractor’s means and method to use a cofferdam with a tremie seal. Per note 1 on plan sheet S006 an alternative method may be used, provided that it receives approval from the engineer in writing prior to construction. Per note 5 the contractor is responsible for all construction activities regarding excavation for and driving of the sheet pile and placing the utility through the sheet pile wall. No underwater work is intended.

11.   What are the requirements for Quality Control for welding work to done for splicing of sheet piling installed under the overhead power lines? What are the requirements for Quality Control for welding work to done underwater (if required) for splicing of sheet piling installed under the jet fuel line?  

Response: Contractor to follow technical Specifications for welding and quality control in conjunction with FPL clearances requirements. No underwater work is required.

12.   The library appears to have 3 electrical lines that service the building.  Can these lines be temporarily disconnected to allow for driving of sheetpile in the area?

Response: Electrical service lines to the building cannot be disconnected, unless safety and field conditions dictate otherwise.

13.   Does this contract have any DBE or SBE goal requirements?

Response: The Town is an Equal Opportunity Employer and encourages the participation of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises and (DBE) and Minority Business Enterprises (MBE). However, there are no goal requirements in this bidding.

14.   Does this contract have any “Buy America” or “Buy American” provisions?

Response: No. Please refer to the draft of the Contract for Construction included in Part 2, page Part 2-54.

15.   In the pre-bid meeting it was mentioned that the schedule from NTP to Substantial Completion is 12 months or 365 days, not the 180 days as referenced in the ITB Section 42 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS.  Please clarify.

Response: Please refer to Addendums 1 and 2.

16.   Due to impending questions and responses and subcontractor and material supplier pricing requests in close proximity to the holiday season, we request a postponement of the bid date to January 16, 2019 or later.

Response: Please refer to Addendums 1 and 2.

17.   Meever USA would like to submit the attached steel sheet pile section to bid (Attachment B). Does this section meet or exceed all required properties?

Response: Per sheet S004 note 4, minimum plastic section modulus for a cold rolled section is 86.3 in^3/ft. The section presented in the attached file has a plastic modulus section of 72.99 in^3/ft as a cold rolled section. Therefore, the substitution submitted is disapproved.

18.   Please clarify if we will be able to work from the water after April 30th(sheet pile, cap, ect.)?

Response: The permits don’t mention any restrictions to work on the water after April 30 (begin of the wet season), the SFWMD R/W permit states that the proposed work must be completed on or before November 30, 2019.

19.   The bid form has broken out pricing for the bonding. We have never seen this before. The payment and performance bonds are 1 total price based on contract amount and there is no cost for the bid bond. It also asks for the items to be in % of a quantity and unit price. The bonding fees are a percent of the overall contract. Could we please get some clarification based on the above?

Response: Unit for the bonding items were revised to LS. Please use the attached revised Bid Proposal Form (Attachment C).

20.   The sheet piling as noted on drawing S004 calls for PZ40 sheets or approved equal.  Will foreign steel be acceptable? 

Response: There are no grant restrictions with respect to Buy America. Foreign steel may be permitted.


Solicitation #: 2019-008


Addition 6

Posted: 1/30/2019

Type of Addition: In Review


Addition 7

Posted: 2/7/2019

Type of Addition: Bid Tabulation Report



Addition 8

Posted: 4/25/2019

Type of Addition: Award Information

Amount: $1,400,000.00


Posted: 12/20/2018

Type of Addition: Pre Bid Meeting Sign In Sheet

Posted: 12/20/2018

Type of Addition: Pre Bid Meeting Sign In Sheet


Posted: 1/3/2019

Type of Addition: Addendum #1


Addendum #1 does the following:

Revisions to the Solicitation Documents as follows (additions underlined, deletions strikethrough):

1.       Part 1 – General Bid Information – 14 Contract Time

The number of days, which the Work is to be completed or goods are to be provided, is 180 365 consecutive calendar days for Substantial Completion and 210 395 consecutive calendar days for Final Completion from the date of issuance of the Notice To Proceed.

2.       Part 1 – General Bid Information – Schedule of Events

3.      FINAL DAY FOR BIDDER QUESTIONS                      January 3, 2019 January 8, 2019

4.       OPENING OF BIDS                                                          January 9, 2019 January 15, 2019

10.    SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION (180 365 DAYS)      August 19, 2019 February 20, 2020

11.    FINAL COMPLETION (30 DAYS)                                 September 18, 2019 March 22, 2020

12.    PROJECT CLOSEOUT (45 DAYS)                                 November 2, 2019 May 7, 2020

13.    WARRANTY INSPECTION                                            October 2, 2020 April 7, 2021

Deadline: 1/15/2019 3:00 PM

Solicitation #: ITB 2019-008


Posted: 1/10/2019

Type of Addition: Addendum #2


Addendum #2 does the following:

Revisions to the Solicitation Documents as follows (additions underlined, deletions strikethrough):

1.       Part 1 – General Bid Information – Schedule of Events

3.      FINAL DAY FOR BIDDER QUESTIONS                      January 8, 2019 January 21, 2019

4.       OPENING OF BIDS                                                          January 15, 2019 January 30, 2019

5.      RECOMMENDATION OF AWARD                             January 16, 2019 February 7, 2019

6.      AWARD OF PROJECT BY THE TOWN COUNCIL    February 4, 2019 March 4, 2019

7.      NOTICE OF AWARD GIVEN TO CONTRACTOR      February 5, 2019 March 5, 2019

8.      CONTRACT DOCUMENTS EXECUTION                    February 19, 2019 March 19, 2019

9.      NOTICE TO PROCEED ISSUED TO CONTRACTOR February 20, 2019 March 20, 2019

10.    SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION (180 365 DAYS)      February 20, 2020 March 20, 2020

11.    FINAL COMPLETION (30 DAYS)                                 March 22, 2020 April 20, 2020

12.    PROJECT CLOSEOUT (45 DAYS)                                 May 7, 2020 June 7, 2020

13.    WARRANTY INSPECTION                                            April 7, 2021 May 7, 2021

Deadline: 1/30/2019 3:00 PM


Posted: 1/23/2019

Type of Addition: Addendum 3


Addendum #3 does the following:

Revisions to the Solicitation Documents as follows (additions underlined, deletions strikethrough):

Responses to RFIs

1.       Reference  Project Manual, Part1 – General Bid Information, Section I Instruction to Bidders 11.2 (Page Part 1-9).  Is the intent of this section for the contractor to provide a written proposal addressing each criteria 11.2.A – 11.2.L, or are the documents to be submitted with Contractor’s Bid in Section I.43.1 (Page Part 1-24) intended to cover all the required criteria and are the only required documents to be submitted with the Bid.  Please confirm that Bidder needs to only submit documents required in Section I.43.1 with their Bid.  If a written proposal is however required to address Section I.11.2 criteria, please provide the evaluation scoring point value for said criteria or other quantitative means by which firms will be evaluated and ranked as described in Section I.11.3.

Response: A written proposal is not part of the bid package. If any additional documents are required during the selection process, the Town will request them in a timely manner.  

2.       Reference  Project Manual, Part 2 – Bid Documents, Forms & Contract, Page Part 2-17, Bidder’s Certification – When Bidder is a Corporation, Partnership or Firm.  It is unclear on what specific information is required on this form, exactly how the information is to be filled out, and who is to sign where on the form.  The form has a place requiring signature of the Town and witness.  Then it has 2 locations for Notary Public signatures.  Please review and confirm the form is correct.  Please provide direction on how this form is to be filled out or provide an example of a completed form to be used as a guide by the Bidder to fill out this form

Response: Please use the attached revised Bidder’s Certification form (Attachment A).

3.       Reference  Project Manual, Part 1 – General Bid Information, Section I Instruction to Bidders 43.1 (Page Part 1-24).  Is I.43.1.J the same document/information as I.43.1.S?

Response: They are not the same document. They are both available on Part 2 Bid Documents, page Part 2-19 and Part 2-42 respectively.

4.       Reference  Project Manual, Part1 – General Bid Information, Section I Instruction to Bidders 3.5 (Page Part 1-6).  Section I.3.5 states that “Bidder shall submit wit Bid, a complete history of all citations and/or violations, notices and dispositions” with regard environmental regulations.  This requirement is not among the documents listed in Section I.43.1 (Page Part 1-24).  Please confirm if this is required to be submitted with Bid.  If so, is there a specific form to be filled out?  What is the extend of detail required to be disclosed?  Is there a time limitation (i.e. within last five years or last ten years)?

Response: The Town’s preference is the complete history; however, a minimum of 5 year is acceptable.

5.       Have all the agency permits for the project been obtained for the project by the Town of Medley?  If not, what outstanding permits are to be procured by the awarded contractor, and more specifically what fees are to be included in bid for required permits?

Response: All permits have been obtained except for the Town of Medley permit and if the contractor chooses to dewater, the contractor shall obtain the dewatering permit.

6.       Sheet S007 shows overhead electric lines at a height of 45 feet with a 10 foot clearance for a 35 foot work zone.  A 10 foot clearance is only valid for lines less than 50 KVA.  Are these lines under 50 KVA?  Power over 50 KVA will require a 15 foot (or more) clearance.  

Response: Per FPL 10-foot clearance is required, voltage was not provided.

7.       In the ITB page 1 of 3, Work No. 6 states” Work in the canal can only be done during the dry season, defined by SFWMD Operations as December 1 thru April 30 (5 months).”  Is driving the sheetpile considered to be work in the canal?  If so this leaves an extremely prohibited time in the schedule to do this work.

Response: No schedule restrictions requiring construction in the dry season were noted in the SFWMD permit. See attached email confirming that there are no schedule restrictions.

8.       In drawing C003 to C006 the top of the wall elevation is shown to be elevation 8.00.  On the typical section on S004 the top of cap elevation is shown to be 7.58. Which is correct?

Response: Top of wall elevation is 8.00’. The top elevation of 7.58’ on S004 is a typo.

9.       In the ITB Section 42 SCHEDULE EVENTS, there is an Award Date of February 4, 2019 and a Notice to Proceed Date of February 20, 2019. This leaves only 16 days to procure sheetpile for the work.  Please consider extending the NTP to March 13, 2019 or later.

Response: Please refer to page 1 of this addendum. The Town may elect to issue a Partial Notice to Proceed to allow time for long lead items.

10.   The Jet Fuel Pipe line jacking plan on Plan Sheet S006 shows support of excavation then an excavation to at least 5 feet below the bottom of the jet fuel line that is at elevation (-6).  This excavation would be to elevation (-11).  Is the work of jacking/welding/splicing to be done underwater or is the intention to have cofferdam with a tremie seal to do this work in the dry?

Response: The intention is to have a cofferdam with a dewatering process during the work period if the contractor uses the method show on plan sheet S006. It is up to the contractor’s means and method to use a cofferdam with a tremie seal. Per note 1 on plan sheet S006 an alternative method may be used, provided that it receives approval from the engineer in writing prior to construction. Per note 5 the contractor is responsible for all construction activities regarding excavation for and driving of the sheet pile and placing the utility through the sheet pile wall. No underwater work is intended.

11.   What are the requirements for Quality Control for welding work to done for splicing of sheet piling installed under the overhead power lines? What are the requirements for Quality Control for welding work to done underwater (if required) for splicing of sheet piling installed under the jet fuel line?  

Response: Contractor to follow technical Specifications for welding and quality control in conjunction with FPL clearances requirements. No underwater work is required.

12.   The library appears to have 3 electrical lines that service the building.  Can these lines be temporarily disconnected to allow for driving of sheetpile in the area?

Response: Electrical service lines to the building cannot be disconnected, unless safety and field conditions dictate otherwise.

13.   Does this contract have any DBE or SBE goal requirements?

Response: The Town is an Equal Opportunity Employer and encourages the participation of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises and (DBE) and Minority Business Enterprises (MBE). However, there are no goal requirements in this bidding.

14.   Does this contract have any “Buy America” or “Buy American” provisions?

Response: No. Please refer to the draft of the Contract for Construction included in Part 2, page Part 2-54.

15.   In the pre-bid meeting it was mentioned that the schedule from NTP to Substantial Completion is 12 months or 365 days, not the 180 days as referenced in the ITB Section 42 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS.  Please clarify.

Response: Please refer to Addendums 1 and 2.

16.   Due to impending questions and responses and subcontractor and material supplier pricing requests in close proximity to the holiday season, we request a postponement of the bid date to January 16, 2019 or later.

Response: Please refer to Addendums 1 and 2.

17.   Meever USA would like to submit the attached steel sheet pile section to bid (Attachment B). Does this section meet or exceed all required properties?

Response: Per sheet S004 note 4, minimum plastic section modulus for a cold rolled section is 86.3 in^3/ft. The section presented in the attached file has a plastic modulus section of 72.99 in^3/ft as a cold rolled section. Therefore, the substitution submitted is disapproved.

18.   Please clarify if we will be able to work from the water after April 30th(sheet pile, cap, ect.)?

Response: The permits don’t mention any restrictions to work on the water after April 30 (begin of the wet season), the SFWMD R/W permit states that the proposed work must be completed on or before November 30, 2019.

19.   The bid form has broken out pricing for the bonding. We have never seen this before. The payment and performance bonds are 1 total price based on contract amount and there is no cost for the bid bond. It also asks for the items to be in % of a quantity and unit price. The bonding fees are a percent of the overall contract. Could we please get some clarification based on the above?

Response: Unit for the bonding items were revised to LS. Please use the attached revised Bid Proposal Form (Attachment C).

20.   The sheet piling as noted on drawing S004 calls for PZ40 sheets or approved equal.  Will foreign steel be acceptable? 

Response: There are no grant restrictions with respect to Buy America. Foreign steel may be permitted.


Solicitation #: 2019-008


Posted: 1/30/2019

Type of Addition: In Review


Posted: 2/7/2019

Type of Addition: Bid Tabulation Report



Posted: 4/25/2019

Type of Addition: Award Information

Amount: $1,400,000.00
