St. Johns River Water Management District Sealed Solicitation


Deadline: 11/19/2018 2:00 PM   (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Status: Awarded

Solicitation Number: IFB #33711

Description: The objective of this project is to demolish the existing water control structure and replace it with a new structure with the equivalent hydraulic capacity located on a berm bordering the eastern boundary of Paynes Prairie Preserve, off CR 234 approximately one mile south of the intersection of CR 234 and SR 20. The berm separates Paynes Prairie Preserve from Prairie Creek/Camps Canal. The replacement structure consists of three 54-inch diameter corrugated aluminum pipes (CAP), concrete headwalls, three stainless steel slide gates with manual operators, riprap erosion protection, timber guardrail, and aluminum handrail behind the gates.

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 10/30/2018 10:00 AM

Pre-Bid Meeting Details: Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference October 30, 2018 10:00 AM FDEP Maintenance Yard 9300 CR 234 in Micanopy, Florida Located less than a mile from the project site. The purpose of the pre-bid conference is to clarify requirements of this solicitation. Following initial discussion, a tour of the project site will be provided.


Documents as of 11/19/2018
IFB_33711_Prairie Creek Diversion Structure Replacement 10-17-18.pdf
Addendum No 1 IFB 33711.pdf
Addendum No 2 IFB 33711.pdf
Addendum No 3 IFB 33711.pdf
Addendum No 4 IFB 33711.pdf
BidTab IFB 33711 Prarie Creek 11-19-18.pdf
Addition 1

Posted: 11/5/2018

Type of Addition: Addendum #1

Overview: Modifications to Cost Schedule and Statement of Work, Geotechnical report provided, Pre-bid Meeting sign in sheet and audio recording

Deadline: 11/19/2018 2:00 PM

Solicitation #: 33711


Addition 2

Posted: 11/8/2018

Type of Addition: Addendum 2

Deadline: 11/19/2018 2:00 PM

Solicitation #: 33711


Addition 3

Posted: 11/14/2018

Type of Addition: Addendum 4


Addition 4

Posted: 11/19/2018

Type of Addition: In Review

Addition 5

Posted: 1/16/2019

Type of Addition: Award Information

Overview: Westwind Contracting, Inc.

Amount: $779,383.53

Posted: 11/5/2018

Type of Addition: Addendum #1

Overview: Modifications to Cost Schedule and Statement of Work, Geotechnical report provided, Pre-bid Meeting sign in sheet and audio recording

Deadline: 11/19/2018 2:00 PM

Solicitation #: 33711


Posted: 11/8/2018

Type of Addition: Addendum 2

Deadline: 11/19/2018 2:00 PM

Solicitation #: 33711


Posted: 11/14/2018

Type of Addition: Addendum 4


Posted: 11/19/2018

Type of Addition: In Review

Posted: 1/16/2019

Type of Addition: Award Information

Overview: Westwind Contracting, Inc.

Amount: $779,383.53