City of Carlsbad Sealed Solicitation
Title: Security Services for City of Carlsbad
Deadline: 11/2/2018 2:00 PM (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
Status: Awarded
Solicitation Number: 2018-20
The City desires to have a Security presence, 7 days a week,
at the River walk Recreation Center primarily during evening hours and on an as
needed basis for special events.
- Routine security presence
will be 7 days a week with a maximum of 20 hours per week and
a minimum of 14 hours per week.
Specific hours for security presence will be determined with
Recreation Center management.
- Additional hours for
security at special events will be determined and arranged for in advance
at the established hourly rate.
These hours will be in addition to the previously stated routine
Documents as of 10/15/2018 |
Bid2018-20 Security Services.pdf |
Addition 1
Posted: 11/2/2018
Type of Addition: In Review
Overview: Bids have been received and opened and award is pending.
Addition 2
Posted: 12/17/2018
Type of Addition: Award Information
Overview: This bid has been awarded to Elite Security Services in the amount of $25 per hour.
Amount: $25.00
Posted: 11/2/2018
Type of Addition: In Review
Overview: Bids have been received and opened and award is pending.
Posted: 12/17/2018
Type of Addition: Award Information
Overview: This bid has been awarded to Elite Security Services in the amount of $25 per hour.
Amount: $25.00