Springfield Sealed Solicitation

Title: City of Springfield - RFQ Comprehensive Planning Study

Deadline: 2/24/2023 12:00 PM   (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

Status: Deadline Expired

Solicitation Number: 1229


The City of Springfield, TN (“City”) is requesting qualifications from consultants or firms to conduct a comprehensive planning study. This work shall include zoning master planning for the city and urban growth areas, land use for the same, and a thorough review of the zoning ordinance, and subdivision regulations of the City, as well as an updated major throughfare plan.

Requirements may be downloaded at www.springfieldtn.gov. Requests for clarification may be sent to Candice Tillman, Assistant City Manager, via email at administration@springfieldtn.gov. Please reference “Comprehensive Planning Study RFQ #1229” on the outside of the sealed envelope; please provide three (3) hard copies and one (1) digital copy. Sealed proposals must be received in the Office of the City Recorder, 405 North Main Street, Springfield, TN 37172 by noon central time, Friday, February 24, 2023. Late submissions will not be accepted.
City staff will evaluate each submission and may select a consultant or firm to interview. Following the staff evaluation, including interviews, and fee schedule negotiation, the City Manager will recommend the consultant or firm most qualified to the Board of Mayor and Alderman for official contract award.
The City of Springfield reserves the right to modify or cancel the selection process or reschedule at any time. Additionally, the city may seek clarification or additional information from respondents. This RFQ shall not be construed as a contract or a commitment of any kind. The City shall not be held responsible for the costs incurred by anyone in the preparation or submittal of the response to this RFQ. 


Documents as of 1/11/2023
Comprehensive Planning Study Packet.pdf