City of Conroe Quote

Title: DJ Services for Parks Department

Deadline: 2/13/2023 2:00 PM   (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

Status: Deadline Expired

Quote Number: Quote #2-13-2023

Description: DJ Services for Parks Department


Documents as of 1/24/2023
Quote #2-13-2023 DJ Services for Parks Department.pdf
Question 1

Posted: 2/2/2023

Question: what are the hours need for services and fill this out so i can get all details needed for quote .

Response: The hours for each event is listed on the sheet with event dates.

Posted: 2/2/2023

Question: what are the hours need for services and fill this out so i can get all details needed for quote .

Response: The hours for each event is listed on the sheet with event dates.