Peralta Community College District Sealed Solicitation

Title: RFP 23-24/09 Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment

Deadline: 12/13/2023 3:00 PM   (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

Status: Deadline Expired

Solicitation Number: RFP # 23-24/09

Description: The Peralta Community College District (PCCD) is seeking proposals from qualified consultants to conduct a Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment (CLNA), As a community college grant recipient, Perkins V, Section 134(c) (2), requires the District to use a data-driven decision-making process on local planning and spending on career and technical education. The CLNA is a review of a number of elements, including student performance data, especially gaps among sub-groups of special populations; labor market needs; educator development; equity and access, for special populations, and program size, scope and quality. 


Documents as of 11/10/2023
Advertisement - RFP 23 24 09 Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment.pdf
RFP 23 24 09 Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment.pdf
Question 1

Posted: 12/3/2023

Question: RFP section VIII. Proposal Format and Content, subarea titled "Organization" states to organize the "Proposal into sections described below." The requirements for sections 1-4 are not listed. Can PCCD please provide the requirements for each section?

Response: Please OMIT "Organization" part of Proposal Format and Content (VIII) on page 13 of the RFP.

Posted: 12/3/2023

Question: RFP section VIII. Proposal Format and Content, subarea titled "Organization" states to organize the "Proposal into sections described below." The requirements for sections 1-4 are not listed. Can PCCD please provide the requirements for each section?

Response: Please OMIT "Organization" part of Proposal Format and Content (VIII) on page 13 of the RFP.